I've realised that I wasn't thinking properly when I said about the warehouses - they'll have to stay separate or they won't look right. The cranes are now random, though.
Also, second company colour doesn't work for stations (at least at the moment) - the wiki says "second company colour for vehicles and town houses". That means that the green bits will stay green for now.
I've moved everything into just one class ("Harbour/container freight") to reduce clutter - is that OK with you?
Finally, the (large) cranes do seem to have a slight graphical glitch if you run a train past them in certain directions. It should be acceptable, though.
I probably won't have enough time, unfortunately - I go back to university on Saturday and I really should get a bit more work done before then. If there aren't many sprites, though, I might be able to have a go at them.Sanchimaru wrote:By the way, now that you are at it, if it's not too much work for you; would you mind to code the JR passenger stations too? they are not so big, and the hardest feature is the overpass, which works exactly the same as Michael Blunk's do.