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Post by Zuu »

As asked for in another topic here follows summaries of all reseach topics. Well, at least all topics that was on my summary of reasearch topics.


Summaries of all research topics

[WebR] How serious should we go with the website?

People new to the project will most likely first have a look at the website. Therfor it should be at least as serious as the information we present to them.

[WebR] Who are the target users?

The website will be for:
* players
* new players[1]
* new developers[2]

[1] All players are new players until we released the first version.

[2] Make people with developing skills (programmers, artists,..) interested in the project.

[WebR] Which functions/pages should it provide

The Website should have:
  • Link to the dictionary where minute logs and minutes are stored.
  • Link to the wiki
  • Link to tt-forums
  • Link to prototypes
  • Info about the project
  • News about the project
  • A progress bar (example: 89% of the FRD is done)
  • Link to SF download page
  • Link to SF screenshots page OR a screenshots gallery.
  • logo (all hosted websites MUST include the logo (which should be linked to See the docs on )
  • A link to the devlopers list on
Other requirements:
  • Meeting's logs and minutes will be stored as files in a dictionary. They will be upladed via scp.
  • The index page should have a short text about the project, and then the news.
  • Administration via website for
    • News
    • Screenshots
  • Other administration will be done via SSH / phpmyadmin.

PJayTycy remearked that there are to mutch links to external pages. He suggested that we should for instance have our own download page with hotlinks to the different packages.

[WebR] Level of compatibility (with browsers/standards)

The website should be compatible with the selected W3C standard(s).
The website should work good both in terms of look and usability on the last stabe version of the major browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari)
The website should not be designed for a specific screen and/or browser size.

[WebR] How shall the site be hosted?

VOTE: Okay, can we agree that we will start on First when/if we need something better we'll look for an alternative?

[WebR] What techniques exist? html,xml,css,php,javascript..

Meetinglogs and minutes should be uploaded to a folder on our webspace on using scp(secure copy). To keep things consistent all minutes should be named meeting-yyyy-mm-dd_minutes.txt and all meeting logs should be named meeting-yyyy-mm-dd_log.txt. The date should be the day that the meeting begins in UTC.

Most people seam to prefere xhtml + css. But we cant use the xhtml 1.1 becuse a bug in the latest verson of MSIE (6, i think).

Some spoke for using as few tables as possible.

[WebR] Which existing web software can we use?

No real decission was made. CMS, Content Managemen Systems where suggested as a possible solution. Either an existing, or one that we make.

[WebR] What do we want to say with our design?

No replys to the topic.

Topic locked, website is up and running. SVN server is being setup (12112006).
My OpenTTD contributions (AIs, Game Scripts, patches, OpenTTD Auto Updater, and some sprites)
Junctioneer (a traffic intersection simulator)

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