Request: Recoloring for more feature types (namely, track types)

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Request: Recoloring for more feature types (namely, track types)

Post by oberhümer »

So I've been doing a little work on NuTracks lately (release coming soon) and looked into the possibility of autogenerating some of the track sprites via palette color replacement - but to my knowledge track types are one of the few features with neither sprite layouts that can apply recoloring nor a recoloring callback. Now I could write a script that calls Gimp, ImageMagick or whatever - and if anyone has a way to specifically swap by palette index, let me know - but it would be nice to just use OpenTTD's built-in recoloring capabilities. The other use case besides generating several styles of track from a single image would be applying/leaving terrain-specific sprite modifications.
--- Licenses: GNU LGPL, version 2 or newer, code and graphics. CC-By-SA, graphics, alternatively. If you're using any, I'd like to hear about it --- Call them "track types" ---
--- Mostly inactive developer for: NuTracks - Central European Train Set --- Running/compiling for: Linux (x86) - Android - Windows (32/64 bit) ---

--- Need a file packer? 7-Zip --- BOINC - use your computing power to benefit science --- Block trackers, not ads --- Unix in dispersible pellets, the formula for the future. ---
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