Stay tuned here, there will be a proper new introduction and description soon.
Original post:
Hello everyone,
I would like to proudly present Vacuum Tube trains for OpenTTD! These futuristic trains have been asked for and suggested so many times, it's time somebody made them. So here they are
What inspired me werethese graphics, drawn by Zephyris some time ago. They were rather useless when they just replaced the default catenary, and over the regular train tracks. I thought they would look great over the monorail tracks and matching trains, so I used the wonderful and easy NML language to code a new railtype, and also a few really, really fast trains.
The railtype itself is, of course, VERY expensive, but any reasonable so-much-money-I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-it company should be able to afford it. Level crossings are of course disabled, and even though the tracks look great on bridges, even the fastest bridge will severly hinder the speed, so tunnels will probably mainly be built to cross with other tracks, roads, or bodies of water (with Chill's Patchpack).
I would like to thank Zephyris for the track graphics and the OpenTTD developers for enabling us to use railtypes, NML and for making a wonderful game.