I am glad to present my AI - Terron.
The goal was to make this AI as a strong, stable and earning player as I could.
The AI can use buses, trucks, planes, ships and has more or less flexible settings to adjust it to your needs.
I hope you will enjoy playing with it.
OpenTTD version requirement: 1.3.0 or higher. Actual AI version: 209.
Terron works with NewGRFs. At least with FIRS and those which add new vehicles: Aviators, eGRVTS, FISH, e.t.c.
Save/Load is supported, but because AI uses preprocessing a lot(to make things much faster later) it can require up to several game months for reinitialization and complete recovering. Be aware about it and do not abuse save/load, please.
Please let me know about bugs you find, preferably with AI Debug window screenshots or AI log, or ideally with saved game *before* AI crash, though the last one can be hard to obtain. General suggestions and feedback are welcomed too, of course.
That's pretty much all, but just in case if some people would like to see "features list" I scratched one:
- Terron can use buses, trucks(mail included), planes and actually working ships.
You already know that, but this is the very main "feature" by the way! - Roads reusing.
Why to build own road if there is already one nearby?
AI is regularly seeking and more than able to find and use roads built by other players. Wonderful! - Traffic control based on available infrastructure.
AI will not build more vehicles for a station than it can handle.
No longer planes in dozens will be flying around an airport desperately waiting for a chance to land, or endless trucks be staying in line near a lone truck stop. Instead increased rate of vehicles arrival achieved by accurate stations expansion. And stylish as well! - Cargo transferring.
By combining airport/dock and bus stations, Terron can build versatile transfer system which provides stream of passengers, maintaining both smooth and profitable planes/ships work. Now with freight too. Splendid! - Advanced pathfinding.
The custom road version of the popular A* comes in bidirectional implementation.
This improved method allows not only extremely fast roads search and construction, but also requires significantly lesser time for understanding situations when road can't be built. With several work modes for different tasks and improved Fibonacci heap for increased speed, the custom A* is a must for today's AI! - Even more advanced pathfinding.
Hierarchical A* for ships' paths search can connect two docks on the opposite sides of the map literally within seconds. Unbelievable! - Fast decision making.
That's, you know, mighty Artificial Intilligence after all.
When initial preprocessing - which isn't too long too - is done, Terron may choose what to do next with speed you'll never be able to. Tremendous! - Smart decision making.
Terron weighs own actions as investment projects and chooses what to do next depending on the own company's current income and bank balance, as well as actions' cost and estimated profit. Brilliant!
"Smart" mode now always on by default. - General kindness.
When AI has no money or it has nothing to do, Terron generously falls sleep in humble attempt to save several precious microseconds of your processor's lifetime, or maybe make a game a bit more smooth. Remarkable!