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trackst.dat not adding bridges

Posted: 31 Jul 2014 14:37
by doxlulzem
So a long time ago, I downloaded the Arch, Steel and Tube and Earth bridge
And in my trackst.dat (and the others for that matter), I have added them in

Code: Select all

	<useobject desc="bridge[0]" class="14">BRDGBRCK</useobject>
	<useobject desc="bridge[1]" class="14">BRDGSTAR</useobject>
	<useobject desc="bridge[2]" class="14">BRDGGIRD</useobject>
	<useobject desc="bridge[3]" class="14">BRDGSUSP</useobject>
	<useobject desc="bridge[4]" class="14">BRDGEART</useobject>
	<useobject desc="bridge[5]" class="14">BRDGSTEL</useobject>
	<useobject desc="bridge[6]" class="14">BRDGTUBE</useobject>
But when I play a scenario (and by that I mean when I make a new scenario) they don't show up
Sometimes only the steel bridge
Sometimes only the earth bridge
Sometimes none. I don't understand

P.S. I've been seeing this concrete bridge around, but it isn't this bridge
I can't find it
(It's the grey bridge the one way road is on)

Re: trackst.dat not adding bridges

Posted: 31 Jul 2014 19:49
by Zainy521
The concrete bridge is FLYOVER.DAT and it's included in the Provo Utah Scenario by Plastikman. As for the getting the bridges to show up in the scenario editor, did you update this line:

Code: Select all

<variable name="numbridges" size="1">5</variable>

Code: Select all

<variable name="numbridges" size="1">7</variable>

Re: trackst.dat not adding bridges

Posted: 31 Jul 2014 22:12
by doxlulzem

No I didn't because it's been a while since I have edited .dats that I forgot :/
Thanks btw :bow: