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Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 26 May 2013 21:40
by LittleBear
I don't know how I didn't find this grf before! There aren't enough ships in the game and I get a serious gap between sailing ships and everything else (I don't use FISH because of the lack of new ship spread: everything is available in 1870). I am happy to see this set, thank you for making it!!!


Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 27 May 2013 17:27
by Dave
Superb stuff Andrew!

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 07:44
by Andrew350
Hurrah! Over a year later, I've finally got some notable progress on the Kalakala. Holy hell is this ship hard to draw, I can't even count the hours I've put into this thing so far, and I'm only done with 2 views! :shock:

All that hard work has paid off though, the front diagonal view turned out even better than I thought it would. It may not be 100% proportionally accurate, and a few details may need to be ironed out, but it's good enough to show off :)

The original, rear-facing view has been re-shaded according to andythenorth's suggestion last year, and I've just drawn the front facing view today after literally dozens of failed attempts over the last few months. With the front view completed, the remaining views should be a little easier to draw, and the next release of the grf should finally contain the Kalakala! Please let me know what you think, good or bad! :)

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 08:35
by Pingaware
Andrew, it looks phenomenal. All your hard work has definitely paid off. Well done! :D

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 10:09
by andythenorth
Andrew350 wrote:Please let me know what you think, good or bad! :)
It's awesome. :wink:

Get it done quick, I want your help with FISH 2. :twisted:

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 10:11
by Quast65
Absolutely stunning!!! :bow:

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 10:46
by YNM
Woo, nicely polished ! Great work ! :o

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 03 Jul 2013 16:05
by Andrew350
Thanks all :)
andythenorth wrote: It's awesome. :wink:

Get it done quick, I want your help with FISH 2. :twisted:
I'm cooking right along, I just finished up the side view last night, just need the two vertical views and I can copy-paste-flip the remaining views (with adjustments of course). If you've actually got something you need painted, drop me a line, I might be able to help out soon. :)

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 09 Jul 2013 06:45
by red0011
LOVE THIS! I use it in my save game of the Fiji map :D It's so perfect for what I needed! Thank you for making this.

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 21:15
by Andrew350
Time for another severely delayed release :lol:
fairy-kalakala.png (15.85 KiB) Viewed 9193 times
This time I've included two new ships to try to make up for it. The first one is the aforementioned Kalakala, finally polished up and ready to play, available in 1935. The second boat is a small ship called the Fairy (yes, the ferry Fairy ;)). Like the Beaver it is also refittable to all cargoes, and is introduced in about 1853. Since there is literally no information about this ship available (at least online), I just made up all of the stats. Because no photographs of the ship exist, the graphics also had to be drawn based on a single grainy photograph of a painting of the ship someone drew from their research (and I was lucky to find that!). So, historical accuracy isn't to be expected with this ship ;)

I also fixed the moving graphics on all of the ships since they were not working properly (the wakes stayed visible while loading).

I'm releasing the set in .tar format this time so I can include the license, readme, and changelog with the grf. The readme contains a list of all the ships currently included and when they become available. This .tar can be placed in the newgrf directory just like before. Note that version 0.4.0 is incompatible with previous releases.

Enjoy! :)

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 04:19
by SilverSurferZzZ
I found a possible bug.
0.4.0 No updates from a saved game with 0.3.0.
Is it compatible? Is it upgradeable?

At least on my computer does not update.


He encontrado un posible error.
No actualiza la 0.4.0 desde una partida salvada con la 0.3.0.
¿Es compatible? ¿Actualiza la versión?

Al menos en mi ordenador no actualiza.

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 23:40
by Andrew350
That isn't a bug. It is intentionally incompatible with older releases, I simply forgot to mention that. I'll add it to the post above. :)

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 27 Feb 2014 10:57
by zar_igor
Thank you very much for your great work! Love your ships already and will post some screen shots later on, just starting a new game.

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:36
by Andrew350
The Kalakala may be the most famous vessel to ever sail the Puget Sound, but the Steel Electrics were arguably the most prominent. Originally built in 1927 for the Southern Pacific Railroad for use on San Francisco Bay, the Steel Electric ferries were some of the largest and most advanced ferries of the time. After only 13 years the ferries became obsolete due to the construction of bridges crossing the bay, and they were put up for sale. In 1940 the 4 vessels were bought by the Puget Sound Navigation Company and moved north to their new home.

For over 65 years the Steel Electrics faithfully plied the waters of Puget Sound, transporting generations of people across the water. In 2007, inspections found cracks in the hull of the M/V Klickitat. Subsequent inspections of the other three boats revealed the hulls of all the Steel Electrics were severely corroded, and the Coast Guard ordered them off the water. After 80 years of service, passengers boarded the Steel Electrics for the final time, ending the reign of one of the most reliable vessels to ever sail the Puget Sound.


Below is my first attempt at the Steel Electric ferry, completed almost 2 years ago.
steelelectricdraft2.png (2.22 KiB) Viewed 7983 times

Check out for detailed information regarding WSF history and boats. It's been an invaluable resource when researching these boats. :)

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 07:08
by andythenorth
Looks great. Updating the set? ;)

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 18:08
by Andrew350
Once that boat is finished, yes. :)

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 21:43
by Kalen
I love this so much. Lord knows we need more shipsets. I was so upset when I discovered this only days ago and realised it'd been here all this time, just sitting there waiting for the clickin'. It goes great alongside NewShips and the Squid. Not sure how balanced the costs are with them, though, but money isn't really a problem in this game anyway.

Looking forward to that update!

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 09 Feb 2019 22:12
by Andrew350
Update time!

Yet again a severely delayed release, but better late than never I guess :lol: It has been over 5 years since any additions to the set, so I've gone ahead and finished up the sprites for the Steel Electric ferry I started working on all the way back in 2014:
steel_electric.png (15.01 KiB) Viewed 6352 times
This ferry becomes available in 1927, and has a capacity of 300 passengers.

Other than adding this boat, I haven't made any other changes, so this version is compatible with the previous release, just in case you have an old, old savegame you want to update :P I'm planning on the next version not being compatible however, because I want to clean up/add some things to make the set even better in the future. But until then, enjoy!

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 09 Apr 2023 15:41
by Limyx826
Hey Andrew, will you upload this to bananas?

Re: WSF Ferry Set [WIP]

Posted: 15 Apr 2023 04:05
by Andrew350
Limyx826 wrote: 09 Apr 2023 15:41 Hey Andrew, will you upload this to bananas?
Hmmm, well I was planning on waiting for that until I had a mostly playable set from ~1850 up to modern times. I can't really say I've achieved that yet, but then again it has been almost 11 years since I started, and several years since I added anything new, so maybe I should just because.

Let me add that to my to-do list and take it into consideration :). There are a few unreleased changes which I need to look into whether I want to release in the current state or modify it a bit before adding to BaNaNaS :) I've been away for a while so I have to catch back up again!