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Display train size in train details window

Posted: 06 Feb 2023 09:15
by Jubilee
When in a depot, train sizes are visible (i.e 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, etc). It would be useful if the same train size appeared when clicking on a train, in the Train Details window. Everything else exists there, except that.

Re: Display train size in train details window

Posted: 06 Feb 2023 09:37
by Auge

I would like to support this suggestion. This is a feature, that is available in JGRPP (JGR-patchpack) since a long time and I miss it every time I play vanilla OpenTTD.

But I want to go a bit further. At the moment one can see the train length only in the depot train list (list of trains located in the depot, vanilla OpenTTD) and additionally in the trains own properties window (in JGRPP). What I miss is the ability to see the train length in every vehicle list as it is shown in the vehicle list of the depot. This would affect the train lists of stations, waypoints, the depots own lists of trains with orders of a depot and so on (if there are any further places). This would need additional vertical space for every entry but I think this would be worth the effort.

Tschö, Auge