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Auto-select text when changing a time in timetable

Posted: 20 May 2022 17:02
by nachocheesus
I like to make heavy use of timetables, and over the course of a typical game I find myself pressing backspace hundreds of times when manually changing times/adding some slack in the table.

Considering wanting to add a number to the autofilled value is infinitesimally rare compared to wanting to change the number altogether, it would make the process so much faster if pressing "change time" would auto-select the current value, and thus entering a new number would automatically overwrite the old one.

Thank you :D

Re: Auto-select text when changing a time in timetable

Posted: 21 May 2022 13:45
by Eddi
this is one of the many instances where the interface which was designed in the mid-90s didn't consider things that we now assume are a standard.

Re: Auto-select text when changing a time in timetable

Posted: 21 May 2022 14:25
by nachocheesus
Ah the UI doesn't support selecting text at all, I see. That never really registered with me before.

Maybe a workaround could be that hitting "Change Time" brings up an empty field, while adding a "Confirm Time" button to the timetable screen for confirming autogenerated values without waiting for Autofill to finish an entire cycle. "Change Time" now fulfills both of those uses. That would still drastically cut down the required clicks and presses.