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App Benefits and Browser Optimisation

Posted: 05 Nov 2021 18:50
by RhapsodyTTD
I find it much easier to navigate and manage dedicated applications. I'm using a very old version of Chrome on an outdated device, so it would be a good idea to make one. Not just for myself, of course.
Since, no offense to the admins and moderators, this site has been doing the same thing since before I was born, not many people seem that interested anymore. Everyone is using apps these days. (I probably sound like a tosser, and I apologize)
An app would be a faster way to use the forum, and might attract new users who use mobile versions of Transport Tycoon/OpenTTD.
I have no power in the management of the forums, so all I can do is pitch this idea.

Another suggestion is to optimize the website for mobile browsers.
The buttons are sometimes covered by ads, and even if they aren't, they're quite small. Makes it hard to navigate the pages with smaller screens and larger fingers. My fingers are like sausages. Big, fat and clumsy. Changing font sizes in the browser settings isn't exactly helpful, not on any site really. Not everyone has a computer or tablet, and it can be quite frustrating when I'm practically performing surgery with my tragic motor skills. My keyboard is half the screen, just so I can type easily. (OpenTTD would be a nightmare without screen zoom!)
Anyway, a larger interface would be perfect for mobile phone users.
The suggestions are exactly that. I'm making no demands or requests. It's just what I think would bring the site more up to date. Thanks for reading!

Re: App Benefits and Browser Optimisation

Posted: 05 Nov 2021 20:36
by kamnet
We did a revamp of the website a few years ago to make it more mobile friendly. Sadly, the software that we use, phpBB, is quite limited these days and has not re-designed their front end package (the visual aspects) to be more mobile friendly, and none of us here are expert designers who can just re-write the entire front end. It took me and Owen months to transition the themes from phpBB 2 to phpBB 3 format, and there's still a couple of little bugs that crept in on the backside as well that aren't quite sorted but we've not bothered with because it doesn't affect users or day-to-day operations.

Most mobile users who are not accessing straight from a browser are using the Tapatalk app ( and seems to be good for most of them. Forum Talker (no website) also seems to work pretty well. The only downside is that you lose the charm of the custom TTD theme that we've worked hard to maintain for over the last decade.

Re: App Benefits and Browser Optimisation

Posted: 05 Nov 2021 20:57
by RhapsodyTTD
I guess that means that we won't be seeing any TTF apps or revamps for a while. It's a good site, much better than a lot I've seen. Just the buttons really.
The fact that it's been run and maintained for over two decades is really quite spectacular. Many sites don't even last a few years. As long as people have the interest and dedication, this site and the games should be around for years to come.

Re: App Benefits and Browser Optimisation

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 14:14
by orudge
We do have Tapatalk support (though I may need to update the app), but I don’t expect we would be releasing a separate app any time soon I’m afraid. It would be a lot of work!

Re: App Benefits and Browser Optimisation

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 15:21
by RhapsodyTTD
Could hire a small team? Or maybe recruit any of the forum members who have experience? I guess funding or other incentives are an issue.

Re: App Benefits and Browser Optimisation

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 16:31
by orudge
The theme is reasonably mobile friendly, and you can switch to proSilver if you like which may work better (though in theory shouldn’t be hugely different to the TT theme). I can’t see that writing a custom app to interface with this forum is going to be practical. You could try Tapatalk?

Re: App Benefits and Browser Optimisation

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 17:01
by RhapsodyTTD
I'll give it a go when I can. Mobile has virtually no memory, and my 2gb SD is dedicated to OpenTTD.

Re: App Benefits and Browser Optimisation

Posted: 08 Nov 2021 15:30
by pelya
The forum looks reasonably fine on Firefox for Android, and there are no ads ever 8)

Re: App Benefits and Browser Optimisation

Posted: 15 Nov 2021 09:52
by Chrill
pelya wrote: 08 Nov 2021 15:30 The forum looks reasonably fine on Firefox for Android, and there are no ads ever 8)
Of course ads keep the forums free. :mrgreen: