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Can't place airport

Posted: 30 Jun 2021 14:04
by Dangphi
I don't know if I messed up something, but I can't place an airport because of not being allowed by authorities despite the fact that I put it somewhere not in its coverage. But the airport miles away to the bottom is still under its authority. Help me with this please, I really need an airport for my plan. The authority is Larbourne Cross in this save

Re: Can't place airport

Posted: 30 Jun 2021 14:54
by odisseus
Under the default settings, towns allow only a certain number of airports to be built. The size doesn't matter at all — both a heliport and an intercontinental airport count as one airport. Try deleting one of your existing airports, and you'll be able to place a new one.

Curiously, I have always thought that towns allow to build up to three airports, yet in your case this limit seems to be just two. Something must have changed in the latest version of the game... Regardless, deleting one of the airports will allow you to place a new one.

You might want to switch to the noise system instead. With this setting, each town has a noise limit that depends on its population, and each type of airport has a noise level that generally increases with size. You can build any number of airports, as long as the total noise they generate is below the town's limit.

Re: Can't place airport

Posted: 30 Jun 2021 15:57
by Dangphi
I'm using a 1024x1024 size map, the city is at the top end, but its authority reaches the bottom end. The airports I placed are too far from that city but still named after it. What is happening, please?

Re: Can't place airport

Posted: 30 Jun 2021 17:38
by jfs
Every tile on the map is under the jurisdiction of a town, and stations always need to "belong to" a town. Even though a tile does not have a town's "local authority" shown in the Query tool the town still cares about it in some ways.

Re: Can't place airport

Posted: 01 Jul 2021 11:40
by Dangphi

Re: Can't place airport

Posted: 02 Jul 2021 03:05
by kamnet
You've created a rather interesting scenario. You only have two towns on this map, and you've already built one airport which is attached to the town of Larbourne Cross, even though it is WAY far away from the town. Because of the limitation on airports, you're now locked out of building another. Your game is cursed.

I'd suggest starting over, and making the following changes:
1. In the advanced settings, enable "Allow town controlled noise level for airports"
2. Download OpenGFX+ Airports, enable the parameter "Disable airport noise limits"

This should allow you to build as many airports as you see fit. :)