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macOS: Cursor delayed and clumsy

Posted: 12 May 2021 13:19
by alex3r4
Hi Guys,

for a few years I have had the problem that in OpenTTD for macOS, the cursor is delayed and quite clumsy, making it feel very inaccurate so the game can't be properly played. This is the case across many devices and versions of both macOS and OpenTTD.

Does anyone know of any fix for that? Am I the only one?


Re: macOS: Cursor delayed and clumsy

Posted: 13 May 2021 20:55
by kamnet
Is this happening on the current 1.11.2 version? If so, please file a bug report for it on GitHub.

Re: macOS: Cursor delayed and clumsy

Posted: 14 May 2021 07:28
by jfs
There was a ticket about what sounds like the same thing here:

It was closed 12 hours ago with this message:
This was caused by a third party app - BetterTouchTool. I'm not familiar enough with cocoa/c++ to understand how the code change from sleeping 1ms to sleeping until the next tick can interact with a third party app in this way. I added some logging of mousedrag events and it seemed like it was getting fewer events right after the mousedown event fired - could be BetterTouchTool somehow captured the events instead, maybe to detect a gesture or similar?
So see if you're using that tool or a similar thing, maybe it can be related.

Re: macOS: Cursor delayed and clumsy

Posted: 14 May 2021 08:19
by alex3r4
No I'm not. And it appears across different versions and devices.

Is the mouse working fine for you guys, does it move in OpenTTD the same way as it does outside the game?