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Missing sprites when compiling from source

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 21:49
by beef623
I'm trying to compile the game from the github repo, but when I do, I'm missing several sprites:


I checked out the master branch and didn't have any compile errors. It downloaded newgfx on first launch, which didn't fix it, I've also tried downloading and installing newgfx and building that from source (also no errors).

Am I just missing something?

<edit>Replaced attachment with inline image</edit>

Re: Missing sprites when compiling from source

Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:43
by Michpi
If you are worry about this error message, you just need to add to openttd.cfg [misc] something like this

Code: Select all

small_font = arial
medium_font = arial
large_font = arial
Sorry, didn't see question marks on picture at first.
No idea.

Re: Missing sprites when compiling from source

Posted: 29 Apr 2021 13:19
by beef623
Yeah, the font thing doesn't bother me, but the question marks are a problem. I can't check any boxes on the NewGRF download screen. I'll try to run through some of a game today to see if anything critical is missing.

Re: Missing sprites when compiling from source

Posted: 29 Apr 2021 15:11
by beef623
I tried starting a new game and it seems like only the graphics that would be in the original graphics are working. I didn't install the original graphics, I lost my disks years ago. I have the compiled newgfx in my ~/.openttd/baseset folder and have tried linking it in the build/baseset folder. I'm running the game directly from the build folder. I'm going to do some reading to see if there are other paths it could be installed in, check filenames, etc.

Some things I've noticed so far that are missing in-game:

-Autorail tool
-Checkpoint tool
-Image for placing/removing tracks (tracks show up after being placed)
-All signals except for the bottom-left one
-When placed, normal signals show up, but presignals don't

Re: Missing sprites when compiling from source

Posted: 29 Apr 2021 17:30
by peter1138
I would guess that you have some kind of path issue so the game cannot find the included files, only the basesets you have from a regular install.

Re: Missing sprites when compiling from source

Posted: 29 Apr 2021 20:24
by beef623
That's my guess too, but I can't find where it's looking. If I remove the content from ~/.local/share/openttd/content_download/baseset and from ~/.openttd/baseset it prompts to download the graphics on launch and places the 4f474658-OpenGFX-0.6.1.tar file in the ~/.local... path, but the issue remains. I've also removed the OpenGFX files from the build/baseset and /usr/local/share/games/openttd/baseset (where OpenTTD's make install put it) paths.

If I clear these folders and run make install from the OpenGFX git folder again, it places the generated files in the ~/.openttd/baseset folder and doesn't prompt for a download, but still doesn't work. I'm going to try checking out the 1.11 release branch instead of master, recompile and reinstall.

Re: Missing sprites when compiling from source

Posted: 29 Apr 2021 21:16
by beef623
The 1.11 release branch works.

I don't have much C experience, but I'll try to poke at it and see if I can track down what might be causing my issue in master. Should I post this as a bug on github?