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Language translations for T&TT

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 09:51
by J_J_J
Is there any language translations for this game? Thx for reply.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 13:55
by John
ermmm, the game has been realeased in english and german (TTT, SuS) and i think 3DTT has language packs, so u can change the language on ii/in it. but 3DTT hasnt been released yet

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 15:09
by J_J_J
And Trains And Truck Tycoon dont have language packs?

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 15:23
by John
dont know about that one (u cant buy it legally anywhere now)
with all the other things they left out i wouldnt be suprised if they are not included. ill ask Peter for u.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 16:46
by J_J_J
Thanks.... But it isnt necessary :wink:


Posted: 11 Jun 2004 19:40
by pepecito
For those interested to make translations, you need to translate the English.lgd file which is found in the TTT packed data file data.wdb (to extract it use the WDB-Entpacker available at

It is a text file so you can edit with any text editor (notepad is ok ;) ).

BTW... I created a small application to help this task.
It is still beta version and can be found in my 3dtt workshop:

unpacking packing

Posted: 28 Jun 2004 19:13
by mr_kevin_man
Hi, i have had to replace my lng file to change the language but now i want to put it back into the wdb file. I have found a packer but it will only pack a few files and not the folders containing the textures. i cant figure it out?

can't help

Posted: 29 Jun 2004 16:37
by pepecito
... I can't help you on it, sorry! :?

Sorry, hope im not annoying you's

Posted: 29 Jun 2004 16:44
by mr_kevin_man
Ok found out wht not all my files would not go in, cuz i was missing the last file "germanmes.txt". It would not pack it without that. so now i have swapped most all the language files i can find with the demo version.

If some of you dont know, i am changing my spanish game to english.

I have gotten all but one thing in the game into english. I cant seem to change the goods names. the "ADDONUK.LGD" file seems to have the names there but i have changed that already and they are still in spanish.

so far all the files i have had to exchange are

And i think i had to replace all the tutorials to make the tips english.

so dose anyone know what i should add to this??

Posted: 29 Jun 2004 19:35
by pepecito
If one want to add a new language he/she should edit some files, but it may be not enough.
TTT (or SuS) must know which language to use. For example, if one wants to add Italian support, than the TTT.ini file should be edited:

Code: Select all

In the languages.inf the following 3 rows should be added:

Code: Select all

and of course the following files should be created:

For the two files KI.INI and NEWS.INI I have no idea, but I don't think it is necessary to edit them, because there is no language specification in their names. :roll:

Not that way

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 09:22
by mr_kevin_man
No, sorry :lol: I failed to mention that they were cheap in making the Spanish version. To change the Language, all they have done is to translate all the files in there current location so the in the english.lng there was spanish.

All i wanna know is if anyone can tell me were the goods names are, I have made almost everything else english except for the train and goods names.

If this fails ill need to get my hands on a copy of 3DTT Beta.

I wonder have the goods names been integrated into their individual files??

Re: Not that way

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 12:56
by pepecito
mr_kevin_man wrote:All i wanna know is if anyone can tell me were the goods names are, I have made almost everything else english except for the train and goods names.
I'm actually at work, so I can't check the game files now, but if I remember well, goods names are in the ADDONUK.LGD (or_DE) :?: ... BTW I will check later, because I am sure I saw them somewhere! :P

Finished the fix

Posted: 02 Jul 2004 15:09
by mr_kevin_man
Ok Guys, sorry for being such a lame ass asking for help and then fixing it myself. But these forums were a great help in understanding how the game works.

When i got my game it was spanish, everything in it was spanish.

There is a list of files you need to change to completly change the language. and here they are.....

KI.ini : Handles game caracters and there descriptions.

ADDONUK.LGD/ADDONDE.LGD : Handles Goods, Industies, Veichle and Building names.

ENGLISH.LGD/GERMAN.LDG : Handles all the Menu's, Buttons, Senario text, Credits and the HUD display.

NAMES_UK.TXT/NAMES_DE.TXT : List of names that are randomly put onto people.

CITIESUK.TXT/CITIESDE.TXT : List of random city names.

In the Newspaper folder there is a NEWS.INI : This contains all the Headlines for the newspaper.

In the Music Folder there is a MUSICLIST.INI : You can change the music names in here. you can also replace the music as long as they are WMA format.

And thats it, I had to rip all those files from the TTT Demo and put them in mine.

Hope this helps others.

LGDeditor 0.1.9 with internet updates is now available!

Posted: 17 Jul 2004 10:28
by pepecito
pepecito wrote:I created a small application to help this task.
It is still beta version and can be found in my 3dtt workshop:
:arrow: LGDeditor 0.1.9 with internet updates is now available! :P

Posted: 26 Dec 2005 18:01
by Venca
J_J_J wrote:And Trains And Truck Tycoon dont have language packs?
Take a look here:, that's the website".

[Edit by GoneWacko: Translated the post to English (translation provided by Jan) and fixed the link. Please write English posts; Even when 'talking' to fellow Czech people-thingies.]

Posted: 11 Jan 2006 17:41
by Marco
I have an official (ehm...) copy of TTT in Italian, and I have found one in French, if I remember...

Posted: 11 Apr 2006 14:01
by Caelan
Well is there anywhere we can download the game or buy it for that matter?

Posted: 18 Jan 2007 16:02
by NinoRivera
I have the Spanish version, original in spanish lenguage