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Posted: 07 Jul 2012 19:07
by railzTS
Hey peepz,

Been trying to get this scenario to work again on my pc. Thing crashed a while ago and finally got to it to download TTD again :).

Can't load the scenario because it has the grf gertramsw.grf activated. I am not able to find the actual grf and the new version german road vehicles doesn't help either. Is there someone who can help me get the actual map without that GRF? Would be ever so happy :p.

Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 20:19
by Jacko
railzTS wrote:Hey peepz,

Been trying to get this scenario to work again on my pc. Thing crashed a while ago and finally got to it to download TTD again :).

Can't load the scenario because it has the grf gertramsw.grf activated. I am not able to find the actual grf and the new version german road vehicles doesn't help either. Is there someone who can help me get the actual map without that GRF? Would be ever so happy :p.
did you search Bananas (the in-game downloader) or have you searched the forums for it?
chances are its here somewhere

Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 08 Jul 2012 03:25
by kamnet
Doesn't look like Uwe ever uploaded a version here. You might want to try to contact him via his website.

Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 08 Jul 2012 06:37
by railzTS
I've looked bananas, forums, googled the web, tried finding different versions of the map.

Gonna contact him, good plan. Haha, why didn't i think of that.

Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 08 Jul 2012 19:51
by Uwe

just to clarify: German Trams was not done by me, but by RK. His work was later integrated into the GermanRV set, and at that point it looks like RK removed German Trams from grfcrawler altogether. I only found the original thread to the scenario and it looks like there's a link to the GRFs buried in there. I haven't checked it, though.


Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 11 Jul 2012 05:40
by kamnet
Thank you for clearing that up, Uwe!

I just checked out the download link, and it does indeed contain gertramw.grf. Perhaps not nice that the OP decided to violate forum rules and distribute other people's work without permission, but in this case it actually appears to have saved a lost work.

Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 15 Jul 2012 18:06
Just to clarify, you should be able to play all my scenarios, even if the activated GRFs are not installed on your computer. You just need the larger maps addon for some scenarios like the worldmap etc. It will give you a error message about the missing GRFs, but should still load the scenario. At least that was my experience on the earlier versions.

Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 09 Sep 2014 12:32
by jamsandwich
Hi Carst, on OpenTTD 1.4.2 it won't let me load the scenario with the GRF missing, as can be seen from the pictures. I can't find gertramsw.grf anywhere online - everywhere points to the new germanrvw version, which I have downloaded, but with no success. Is there a way around this? Do you have an old version of gertramsw.grf perhaps? Or is there a way to make it use the new version or force it to load anyway?


Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 09 Sep 2014 12:56
by kamnet
See my message two posts up from yours - I posted a direct link to all of the files on Carst's server.

Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 09 Sep 2014 20:39
Hi, everything can be found here:


Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 12 Sep 2014 01:26
by jamsandwich

And sorry kamnet, but your link doesn't work any more.

Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 12 Sep 2014 14:27
by kamnet
That's because Carst changed his domain name!

Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 25 Sep 2019 18:08
by kamnet
For those who may be looking in the future, Carst's website links have changed again. As of the time of this post, you can find them at

Re: CarstsEuropeScenario_v3.scn

Posted: 25 Sep 2019 18:22
I would have thought that the old domain forwards to the new one. Strange.

But thx for pointing that out.