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Manual for 2.5 beta 9 = ????

Posted: 06 Nov 2011 18:18
by romarin
Hello Lakie,

Unfortunately , the manual for the 2.5 beta 9 is not where you said :

On that page , there's just a table and short informations about "what does that command" , but the information are way to short.

It is proposed to d/l the manual :

TODO: A downloadable version of this manual, in the form of a zip file containing all individual pages as HTML files, is available at (updated daily).

....but the "" file is just unusable.

Re: Manual for 2.5 beta 9 = ????

Posted: 06 Nov 2011 18:52
by lawton27
Unusable in what way, it won't unzip / corrupted? or the HTML files don't work properly? Can't you just use the online manual here: ?

Re: Manual for 2.5 beta 9 = ????

Posted: 06 Nov 2011 19:48
by romarin
Hello , LAWTON 27 ,

Thank you for your help , but your link sent me to what I called " there's just a table and short informations about "what does that command" , but the information are way to short. "

Regarding to the d/l of the manual , it's not even a problem of corrupt Zip or so on : there's simply NOTHING to d/l ! ! !

It's too long to explain , but , in short , it's a round circle.

Try yourself , you'll see....

Tks for your help anyway....

Re: Manual for 2.5 beta 9 = ????

Posted: 06 Nov 2011 20:29
by michael blunck

The TTDPatch Manual can be found here as well.


Re: Manual for 2.5 beta 9 = ????

Posted: 07 Nov 2011 19:40
by AndersI
romarin wrote:Unfortunately , the manual for the 2.5 beta 9 is not where you said :
Yes, it's there - those pages *are* the manual. The manual for TTDPatch. The download version seems to be broken (since orudge's move of the wiki?), but that doesn't really matter as it's the same pages, just packed together in a zip file.