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BATracer-Free Online Race Team Management Game

Posted: 06 Nov 2011 00:18
by SprungGeoduck21
Yeah, I know, it doesn't sound all that interesting, but once you're in to it, BATracer is really fun. Start up in a public game, but once you've gotten used to all the parameters and stuff, you could join my private game. It follows a Le Mans Series-style guideline, with long endurance races and four car classes. All the names are puns on real names. To join, go to Games and select Join Private Game. Type 64142 in to the game ID box and press Submit. On the setup page, you will see a place where you need to type in the game password. The password for my private game is hippo1. Alternatively, you could just follow this link
Hope you like it!

Re: BATracer-Free Online Race Team Management Game

Posted: 26 Nov 2011 08:02
by SprungGeoduck21
Here's my new private game, Formula 3 cars, password 123