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Cannot resize window

Posted: 16 Sep 2011 05:33
by Circeus
So I recently had to reinstall TTDPatch on a new computer with Windows 7. I've managed to get it working fine except for one persistent issue: I can't get the game window to show another size, which is predictably quite annoying on a 900x1600 resolution... I've tried inputting everything for "StrechWindow", all to no avail.

(on the side, I can't get rid of an "Error loading new graphics: Wrong grf version" error on ttdbasew.grf of all things, but the game runs fine nonetheless, so I ignore it.)

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 16 Sep 2011 08:26
by michael blunck
Circeus wrote: I've managed to get it working fine except for one persistent issue: I can't get the game window to show another size, which is predictably quite annoying on a 900x1600 resolution... I've tried inputting everything for "StrechWindow", all to no avail.
Are you aware that this works only in windowed mode, but not in fullscreen?.
Circeus wrote: (on the side, I can't get rid of an "Error loading new graphics: Wrong grf version" error on ttdbasew.grf of all things, but the game runs fine nonetheless, so I ignore it.)


Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 16 Sep 2011 15:17
by Circeus
michael blunck wrote:
Circeus wrote: I've managed to get it working fine except for one persistent issue: I can't get the game window to show another size, which is predictably quite annoying on a 900x1600 resolution... I've tried inputting everything for "StrechWindow", all to no avail.
Are you aware that this works only in windowed mode, but not in fullscreen?.
It took me a while to get the game to stop running in 600x800 fullscreen to begin with, and now it is in Windowed mode (I had to run TTconfig.exe in compatibility mode and select windowed mode). In any case, that is not the problem.
Circeus wrote: (on the side, I can't get rid of an "Error loading new graphics: Wrong grf version" error on ttdbasew.grf of all things, but the game runs fine nonetheless, so I ignore it.)

MAYBE the downloads on the TTDPatch site need to be updated? They're still set to the 2004 files... Now I get a different error about dbsetw.grf having invalid sprite #2012.

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 16 Sep 2011 18:47
by michael blunck
Circeus wrote: [...] Now I get a different error about dbsetw.grf having invalid sprite #2012.
Apparently, you´re using quite old newGRFs. You might download a newer version from


Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 16 Sep 2011 19:42
by DaleStan
Circeus wrote:
michael blunck wrote:
Circeus wrote:I've managed to get it working fine except for one persistent issue: I can't get the game window to show another size, which is predictably quite annoying on a 900x1600 resolution... I've tried inputting everything for "StrechWindow", all to no avail.
Are you aware that this works only in windowed mode, but not in fullscreen?.
It took me a while to get the game to stop running in 600x800 fullscreen to begin with, and now it is in Windowed mode (I had to run TTconfig.exe in compatibility mode and select windowed mode). In any case, that is not the problem.
I'm a little confused how you managed to find "stretchwindow", but you didn't find "resolutionwidth" or "resolutionheight". Anyway, you want the latter.

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 16 Sep 2011 23:26
by Circeus
I was under the impression that resolutionX had to do with the fullscreen. They didn't do jackpot either.

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 18 Sep 2011 06:44
by wallyweb
Circeus wrote:They didn't do jackpot either.
Can you post your ttdpatch.cfg file?

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 00:04
by Circeus
wallyweb wrote:Can you post your ttdpatch.cfg file?
With pleasure! I haven't been editing it directly (using ttdpc.exe), maybe I missed something along the line...

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 04:43
by wallyweb
(Oh Boy! /me is going to have some fun at orudge's and the moderators' expense! :twisted: ) )
Circeus wrote:
wallyweb wrote:Can you post your ttdpatch.cfg file?
With pleasure! I haven't been editing it directly (using ttdpc.exe), maybe I missed something along the line...
Voyons! C'est tout en français! Vous êtes chanceux que je suis Canadiens. Est ce que vous parlez le québécois? :lol:


Code: Select all

// `resolutionheight' (-Zh) active et spécifie la hauteur du patch de résolution.
resolutionheight 900

// `resolutionwidth' (-Zw) active et spécifie la largeur du patch de résolution.
resolutionwidth 1600

// `stretchwindow' (-XW) étire la fenêtre de TTD à la largeur spécifiée en pixels (uniquement pour la version windows en mode fenêtré).  Valeur de 40 à 20480.  Défaut 1280.
stretchwindow off

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 21:48
by Circeus
Voyons! C'est tout en français! Vous êtes chanceux que je suis Canadiens. Est ce que vous parlez le québécois? :lol:
C'est la faute de l'installation Windows en français. s'il y a un moyen de forcer TTDPatch à fonctionner en anglais, je ne le connais pas. Et oui, je suis Québécois XD

Your suggestion doesn't work, either in fullscreen (I get the same 600x500 resolution deformed to 1600x900) or windowed (I get the uselessly tiny window).

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 23:23
by wallyweb
Circeus wrote: Et oui, je suis Québécois XD
Moi, je suis de Montréal, mais ça fait un bon 40 ans que je suis un gas des Maritimes ... pas tout a fait un Acadien. Apparament il faut qu'on parle le Chiac avant qu'ils nous donnes les pièces d'identité. :wink:
Your suggestion doesn't work, either in fullscreen (I get the same 600x500 resolution deformed to 1600x900) or windowed (I get the uselessly tiny window).
OK ... here is my set up:
I have a Dell PC running XP Pro SP3. My display is set to 1024x768. My ttpatchw.cfg has resolutionheight=600 and resolutionwidth=800. Setting TTConfig.EXE to Mode 1 gives me a nice 800x600 window while Mode 3 overrides ttdpatch and gives me a nice full screen.
I also have a HP laptop that runs Windows 7. When I saw your problem, I updated my TTDX instalation with the ttdpatchw.cfg from my XP box. The laptop's display is set to 1280x800. ttdpatchw is still 800x600. TTConfig.EXE Mode 1 gives me a uselessly small 800x600 (?) game window but Mode 3 gives me a nice full screen display.

So, here is my suggestion (if you haven't already tried it), set your ttdpatchw to resolutionheight=600 and resolutionwidth=800 and your TTConfig.EXE to Mode 3 or 4. Let us know what happens.

EDIT: Also set forcerebuildovl=on

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 02:13
by Circeus
wallyweb wrote:
Circeus wrote: Et oui, je suis Québécois XD
Moi, je suis de Montréal, mais ça fait un bon 40 ans que je suis un gas des Maritimes ... pas tout a fait un Acadien. Apparament il faut qu'on parle le Chiac avant qu'ils nous donnes les pièces d'identité. :wink:
Je suis de Québec, mais j'habite à Montréal depuis cinq ans.
OK ... here is my set up:
I have a Dell PC running XP Pro SP3. My display is set to 1024x768. My ttpatchw.cfg has resolutionheight=600 and resolutionwidth=800. Setting TTConfig.EXE to Mode 1 gives me a nice 800x600 window while Mode 3 overrides ttdpatch and gives me a nice full screen.
I also have a HP laptop that runs Windows 7. When I saw your problem, I updated my TTDX instalation with the ttdpatchw.cfg from my XP box. The laptop's display is set to 1280x800. ttdpatchw is still 800x600. TTConfig.EXE Mode 1 gives me a uselessly small 800x600 (?) game window but Mode 3 gives me a nice full screen display.

So, here is my suggestion (if you haven't already tried it), set your ttdpatchw to resolutionheight=600 and resolutionwidth=800 and your TTConfig.EXE to Mode 3 or 4. Let us know what happens.
Right now I got a Windows 7 with 1600*900.

Okay, I think I got this sh*t figured out: ttdpc.exe did not actually edit the frickin' configuration file. It pretends it does, but all it actually edits is the switches.xml file. I think I'll just copy my old file now <<

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 02:56
by wallyweb
Circeus wrote:Je suis de Québec, mais j'habite à Montréal depuis cinq ans.
Ça suffi de 5 minutes dans une taverne à Montréal afin de se déclarer Montréalais.
Okay, I think I got this sh*t figured out: ttdpc.exe did not actually edit the frickin' configuration file. It pretends it does, but all it actually edits is the switches.xml file.
That happened to me too when I tried to update my laptop TTDX installation today. Come to think of it, that was the first time that I fired up TTDX on the laptop. TTDPC works on Windows XP so I think the issue lies between Windows 7 and switches.xml. I wonder if running under XP mode is the cause.
I think I'll just copy my old file now <<
That worked for me. 8)

EDIT! : AHA! The ttdpc version that comes with orudge's download is 1.2.0 ... The current version is ... Installed and tested ... seems to work.

EDIT 2 : Fixed the broken link. :oops:

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 13:56
by Circeus
Yeah, that did the trick. Thanks for the link

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 16:33
by wallyweb
Circeus wrote:Yeah, that did the trick. Thanks for the link
You're welcome. :D
Now stay out of the tunnels and avoid Boulevard Décarie in a rain storm. :wink:

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 23:18
by Circeus
wallyweb wrote:
Circeus wrote:Yeah, that did the trick. Thanks for the link
You're welcome. :D
Now stay out of the tunnels and avoid Boulevard Décarie in a rain storm. :wink:
C'est pas comme si je conduisait XD

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 10:20
by wallyweb
Circeus wrote:C'est pas comme si je conduisait XD
Je croix que c'est aussi bien applicable aux piétons, non? :wink:

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 15:08
by Circeus
wallyweb wrote:
Circeus wrote:C'est pas comme si je conduisait XD
Je croix que c'est aussi bien applicable aux piétons, non? :wink:
Qu'est-ce qu'un piéton irait faire dans les tranchées de Décarrie? XD

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 15:32
by wallyweb
Circeus wrote:Qu'est-ce qu'un piéton irait faire dans les tranchées de Décarrie? XD
Courir! ... À toute vitesse! :lol:

Re: Cannot resize window

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 16:41
by FooBar
Get a room you two :wink: