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TTDXWIN95 has gone mardy!

Posted: 01 Jun 2002 13:28
by keith
I am having trouble getting the windows 98 version going.

I played it several times, but now it has decided that it cannot initiate a screen mode. I have tried all the setting, with safe mode on and off, but I still get the same stupid dialogue box "could not initiate screen mode", then the program ends.

I have just downloaded the latest patch, but that´s not much good if I can´t get TT running, is it?

Posted: 01 Jun 2002 13:56
by Wezz6400
What version of Windows do you have?

Posted: 01 Jun 2002 14:52
by Omnislash
This is a new problem!

Try uninstalling TTD and then reinstalling it. That should work.

Matt Gillard

Posted: 08 Jun 2002 13:42
by keith
Thanks, that worked a treat.

I am using Win98 on an Intel Celeron with a Hercules AGP card. They are all brand new, as is my mother board, and I installed them myself, so the computer is a total hotchpotch.

By the way, has anybody ever thought of doing a patch so that you can customise the manager´s face, perhaps with a picture of you own? That may be hard because it is a composite, isn´t it? I´d do it myself if I knew how.

Posted: 09 Jun 2002 00:20
by CombatGold1
It depends in some cases - when people say Windows 98 that doesn´t say which edition it is because there is Windows 98 First Edition and Windows 98 Second Edition. The 1st one had many problems in it with stability and the 2nd one is fine when you use windows update. If you have the first one I strongly recommend you remove it and get the 2nd edition.