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Very odd crash, just started within the last few days.

Posted: 04 Feb 2010 00:04
by furdude6
Can't start TTDP, it was ok a few days ago, I was trying to get full screen back (nothing worked that and even the new height an length worked but looks like crap). I got Both Configurators, they don't bork but the patch does, it was having registry errors, they got fixed now its just shutting down and crashing :(

attached are
and Crash log!

Edit... really not sure what's going on,(I have a different coupla crash logs now, and it really is odd, Lakie was tryin to help we ran the gamot of testing, still not working :( it seems to almost want to but then it hangs, and crashes... :( I even redownloaded the nightlie got rid of ttdpc and ttdxc admin privileges on all things needed.. no grfs new patch that has only a few things changed. I will pm the latest to those that want it.

Re: Very odd crash, just started within the last few days.

Posted: 07 Feb 2010 02:48
by DaleStan
Looks to me like it's crashing while trying to play music. Changed dxmci.dll, mpssnd_c.dll or any of your *.gm files lately?

I have

Code: Select all

$ sha1sum *.dll gm/*
770595ab7d2977e330c2469e9d115eb47d87d62d *dxmci.dll
563306efbee39c1f05999f3474592e3cc973b3d4 *mpssnd_c.dll
fdeb72286e5e1069c7a7453212dfcaeb196d484f *ttdpatch.dll
79d21ad066867e9d737fb7b2fb1fbec9a7e3ff67 *gm/
d906d160b06f8dbaa4bdfa6f2190c4a0a0093d7e *gm/
b4f728a8fc9ac49e824b085f78d20b39f852bc98 *gm/
a6bec83d018087a07e0c567b56bc568588650505 *gm/
e664d19d90de99ea7b67c0a83ca523f49186662f *gm/
0502e045126e78ce3a811ef932b5de32e796105d *gm/
45c37a9bda218c19bf46c2143846d7331d17d83c *gm/
5c2484faa0ac4f8c87ef20100f1732c212cbfe3a *gm/
e6ad03a452c521a7f685def4aa6b7facf9c6787e *gm/
1373c0bcf049706c1a2ff4d3ab0e0957fda06ac5 *gm/
c003252c57d3e114aeeac3bb85a34476b2536146 *gm/
25c6bc295aa691e832c6916b092254ac22f8964f *gm/
b7a2308258b6b7f8cbe00f08ac0656c9fa986a40 *gm/
ea8e7428111f3aba480234a529d85c9523404f88 *gm/
3e60a6e6fdb92839e9e6f277b17fd79fa59dd258 *gm/
0139d6735d311e6ddf4719c1869712d1dfb9a797 *gm/
75b434d09035251395b7003b0a6ffbfc7be057a9 *gm/
f49f08efe80e318fb512f70d5b1843a0cc6448dd *gm/
826256ccbdb2cac17b03ae22610837096ec71713 *gm/
02adfff8276798eb24b20802d939c29d80d8fff5 *gm/
3130a5818ff751474a40443195bad7b47ad1f232 *gm/
fc3fdf5ab16a961647966b7701b0e559f45d9095 *gm/

Re: Very odd crash, just started within the last few days.

Posted: 07 Feb 2010 03:20
by furdude6
odd thing to screw up ttd with? I hadn't thought of that being the cause (It worked when i took out the dxmci thing... soooo TY DALESTAN :) ) Now to put all the stuff back to how it was, and use iTunes instead :D w00t .. :bow: :bow: :bow: