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PBS and tunnels problem in TTDPatch r2293

Posted: 30 Jan 2010 12:47
by Major
Here's the setting: this train's destination is the station San Francisco (far left, only part of the name visible). Unfortunately it can't pass this signal, even if the signal is green. The problem is the combination of PBS and tunnel: if I remove the tunnels or I place a non-PBS signal the train can get to the station. In the second picture I placed a signal after the tunnel, so I can be sure that the length of the PBS block isn't a problem, but with no success.

I'm using TTDPatch 2.6 Alpha r2293.



Re: PBS and tunnels problem in TTDPatch r2293

Posted: 30 Jan 2010 17:05
by Major
UPDATE: After some testing on different maps and track/route configurations I found that this happens whenever there is a tunnel longer than the minimal tunnel length (2 tiles). Is this a known PBS limitation or this happens only to me?

Re: PBS and tunnels problem in TTDPatch r2293

Posted: 30 Jan 2010 18:34
by michael blunck
Major wrote:[...] Is this a known PBS limitation or this happens only to me?
I think I´ve seen it reported here before. Please try the search function.


Re: PBS and tunnels problem in TTDPatch r2293

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 06:06
by ISA
Lakie wrote:Based off this person's issue which seems similar, I suggest you try turning on enhanced tunnels as that fixed their issue.

~ Lakie

Re: PBS and tunnels problem in TTDPatch r2293

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:05
by michael blunck
Lakie, ISA wrote: Based off this person's issue which seems similar, I suggest you try turning on enhanced tunnels as that fixed their issue.
Err what? "This person" being "Major" himself? He had that same problem one year before, but forgot his own solution/workaraound? :P
Major on Fri Jan 23, 2009 wrote: I solved the problem by enabling 'enhancetunnels'. Please add this condition in 'Manual->Patches->Infrastructure->Railroads->Signalling->PathBasedSignalling' at the requirements for PBS to work correctly. ... 14#p759519
Or is that a different problem?


Re: PBS and tunnels problem in TTDPatch r2293

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:58
by Major
Yeah, that was me who posted one year ago. :D I didn' forget that I had this issue before, but I thought that it was solved with the new releases (a lot changed in one year). Seeing that it wasn't solved, I wanted to report the problem again, thinking it was forgotten.