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DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 21 Nov 2009 12:05
I just downloaded DOS r2264 and it fails to run under DOSBox with the error: TTDPatch: Failed to find string #0000 at 0024E454, found 02/01 at 00173E80 for oldfinishclosewindow in patchwindow2
Result: [Error!]

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 24 Nov 2009 17:58
by DaleStan
Does it say "Result: [OK]" (I think) if you start it as "ttdpatch -!T+v+"? (without the quotes, of course)
It won't actually start this way, though.

Also, please post your ttdpatch.cfg and, if possible, figure out the most recent version that did work.

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 25 Nov 2009 05:35
No it does not say Result: [OK]. It gives me Result: [Error!] plus the same message plus FAILED to collect version information.

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 16 Feb 2010 22:47
by SmatZ
I have the same problem-
last working revision r2154
first broken r2160
"ttdpatch -!T+v+" doesn't help

I deleted ttdpatch.cfg and ttdload.ovl before starting ttdpatch, with no effect.

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 12:10
by DaleStan
OK, now I'm just more confused.
If 2154 works and 2160 does not, that means that either 2159 or 2160 broke it, but neither looks even vaguely suspicious.
Furthermore, that memory address makes no sense whatsoever; it's not in a location that I would consider patching, and the code there (in the IDA DB) does not match the codefragment that Patch says it finds.

One more thing to check while I'm trying to wrap my brain around this: Does it still happen with no newgrfs?

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 13:02
I got DOS TTDP r2160 to fail in DOSBox with no GRFs except for ttdpbase.grf

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 18:56
by JGR
Might that have something to do with it?

@Robotboy, SmatZ
For testing purposes, perhaps try running it with enhancegui turned off...

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 20 Feb 2010 03:19
I tried turning it off and it still didn't work. I had to manually add the line at the bottom.

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 20 Feb 2010 22:39
by Lakie
Remember that various patches can enable other patches (internally), such is the case of enhance gui.
I imagine quite a few other patches enable it as a dependency...

[Edit] Only newstations will turn on enhancegui in this way.

~ Lakie

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 21 Feb 2010 04:49
Turning newstations off fixed the issue.

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 14:31
by SmatZ
I managed to run TTDP r2305 with "allnoconfig", eg. "ttdpatch -W ttdpatch.cfg", that created config with all settings "off". It crashed with page fault "randomly" (not every time, sometimes I managed to start new game, sometimes it even crashed dosbox).

Attached config causes the game to crash as shown in the attached screenshot, enabling cargodest causes the original problem - TTDP doesn't even start. I will try to run TTDP on a real hardware, as this can be caused by imperfect DOSBox emulation.

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 05:36
I tried starting TTDPatch using r2306 using my old CFG that worked with the first broken version but now it doesnt, it is TTDPATCH.cfg attatched below. I then ran TTDPATCH using "TTDPATCH -W test.cfg -C test.cfg" this worked and I did not get a page fault for multiple minutes.

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 02 Mar 2010 08:14
DOS TTDP r2306 fails to run on MS-DOS5 on real hardware. I get the same nessage before TTD loads.

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 01:30
Is there any more information I can provide to help get this fixed?

Re: DOS r2264 fails to run under DOSBox

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 13:13
by ConiKost
Any news on this? I've the same problem with "pure dos" on my k6.