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Train Yards

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 04:07
by i8thefat1
I looked and I did not see any other person post anything on this subject. if someone has in another part of the website forgive me.
I want to make the game more realistic and I saw on youtube that some people had figured out how to have large train yards and the trains did not become confused by all the signals, and tracks. I would like to be able to do this with my Union Pacific lines i have in my games. it would be great if someone could redirect me to something that could help me make a good sized train yard. actually more of a place where i could have trains come in carrying lumber, iron ore, or coal and dropp of their load and have another train come and pick it up and whisk it off to the steel mill or paper mill. then have a place where my pasanger lines could come throgh and deliver thier passangers to a town on the same line as the yard(without having to stop for any of the freight trains.(since i cant figure out how to get a hyperlink in here im just going to give you the adress of the yard. Please someone have a usefull answer, and dont just yell at me.(thats what happend last time I posted)

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 08:33
by Illegal_Alien
There are plenty of topics about this. But i am too lazy to post them here.

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 12:41
by i8thefat1
WOW again my bad, now I have to go to school

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 15:30
by Kevo00
I think he has used the invisible station mod, and perhaps some careful waypointing to make sure the trains go into the desired roads, and turn round again.

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 21:37
by i8thefat1
well what i really want to know is how to be able to do what that guy laid the track out, im going to go look for the thread the elmo kid mentioned

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 22:38
by Badger
i8thefat1 wrote:...... im going to go look for the thread the elmo kid mentioned
Took me a while to work out you meant IA! He's 25 y'know.

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 22:48
by mmarvelstrain
plaskiman has some buildings in the Union pacific mega pack and there is a water tower and more stations and signal boxes in the german station pack at locofanpage but i don't know where some of that came from.

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 00:30
by i8thefat1
lol oops, I call everyone kid if i cant remember their name

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 03:31
by theatre_sniper
everyone does yards a little different. just start a game and try to build an yard on your own through trail and error. much easier then begging people to teach you. her are a few screens to show the working yard i am currently building. the yard unload and loads trains.


Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 05:15
by Plastikman
heh... stollen right out off my handbook there Mr sniper.. you learn quickly :P

that video is nuts! i want to see the rest of that layout... lol...

one bit of advice i can offer... I think it was afteer the 6th track in a yard, pathing goes out the window.. so for a 16 track yard, keep that in mind.

things you cant see in that video and sniper has picked up on; you can use 1 way dwarf signals and or "parked" trains/freight cars to block routes to help with pathing and add eye candy, invible stations. both for drop off/pick up points or for route though points.

it is a lot of trail and error and can get to be pretty complicated to run really long trains of mixedcargo on one train.

also.. you really need a map set up just for that sort of activity... large industrial areas with a long run beween them for the mainlines... as you see in that vid. the mainline and many shunting trains/locals are all picking up several types of goods.. it is fun to see a 30 car train with goods, lumber, grain, oil in one direction and see food, plastic, and chemicals coming back the other way.

start out small and build from there. it adds a seriously challanging level to the game. also, dont be scared to save the game.. run it for a while and watch what happens. then reload it and fix any problems.

when you start putting everything into a few long distance trains, one lost or stuck train can cause epic fail really fast... i went from millions to bankrupt in a mattter of one train causeing a jam up.

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 14:21
by i8thefat1
Ok thanks im going to try and start making my train yard. oh! um sniper my friend who is wt me right now wants to know where you got the gas turbines so yea. im going to go look for the water towers and other props now because i get bored looking at tracks and stuck trains so.

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 14:38
by rdrdrdrd
he got them from a magic elf, wearing a blue hat :wink:

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 18:33
by kalvingp30fan
The gas turbines were part of a UP-power pack that is never going to be released.

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 21:09
by i8thefat1
WOW why not, they looked really cool, oh by the way we made a yard and it works but im going to have to work on the side i did its kind of small, but ive been playing a diff game so yea

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 21:10
by i8thefat1
also i selected all 3 depots but i cant build them when im playing

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 21:42
by rdrdrdrd
you must custom edit your trackst.dat
also, please use the edit button instead of double posting

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 22:13
by i8thefat1
how do you edit the tracks dat?

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 22:28
by Illegal_Alien
There is a sticky about that use the best tool ever...

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 11 Apr 2009 03:15
by i8thefat1
well i got it to work=) but the auto mod failed=( i couldent get the auto parts factory to prodce enough parts and get it to the auto factory and then even when the steel got there no cars appeared i failed badley=/
i also cant find the sticky where to edit the tracks i want to be able to include the depots i have but i cant see how to do it, makes me kind of angrythe search doesent find what i want, just words i searched

Re: Train Yards

Posted: 28 Jun 2009 21:48
by Redimus
I have found this game to cause searious hair tearing problems with often the simplest of junctions, I couldnt imagien even *thinking* about atempting huge yards like that. As fun as it'd be to watch the trains go by in a huge yard like that, I cant really see anybenifit. Is a decent income even possible with the game's mechanics they way they are using yuards like that?