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FREE COOL STUFF! [not anymore...]

Posted: 19 Jul 2003 13:02
by BobXP
Now that I got your attention...

Remember the thread on my simulation game? I'm not gonna call it a tt-clone so don't. Anyway I think I've figured out how to get the isometrics working, but I need some isometric graphics before I can continue. These are:

Flat land; grass
Bridge pieces; I say pieces because they're not needed for bridges but for something else, just the up, middle and down :wink: They should have grass on them, not road/rail or anything
Houses; the more the better
Rail pieces; same types as in TTD (with no background)
Rail stations (NO DEPOTS!!!)

All these should be the same size/shape as the TTD ones, but I don't just want to get them all out of the grf file because I want unique ones, also the rails have backrounds and I'm a bit out of practice with using GRFCodec. :roll:

Oh, and if anyone actually wanted free cool stuff, HAH! :lol: 8)

Posted: 20 Jul 2003 22:44
by lynsey
aaah! i was meant to be doing some stuff for you on that was i not? crickey, totally went straight out my head, this time around i will make myself do something and remember to do it!

Posted: 21 Jul 2003 21:10
by BobXP
Ok, forget everything I've said on the subject so far. :D

I'm going to release a 3d-vector-drawing-program in a few weeks/months/years (delete as appropriate :D ) to create buildings and stuff for WC. What's the point of this? Well, while rethinking about how WC's going to work, I discovered that the water and land would look pretty crappy and unrealistic. So, I've decided to make WC a vector driven program rather than sprite driven.

So why vector driven?
:idea: Smooth rivers and any gradient land.
:idea: Better coloring.
:idea: Easier to make your own buildings and the like.

There are a few disadvantages though:
:!: More time needed to make the engine.
:!: Requires the vector graphics to be saved in a compatible format, rather than just ordinary sprites.

Posted: 22 Jul 2003 10:44
by lynsey
Sounds like it will look good though, and when something looks good it earns respect!

Posted: 22 Jul 2003 11:20
by BobXP

Posted: 22 Jul 2003 19:32
by Lilman424
When will a site be made for it?

Posted: 23 Jul 2003 21:48
by BobXP
Did you not read (see attachment)?

World Control is on holiday, while I get to fixing my damn annoying site.

[edit]BTW, LilMan, look in the blue circle...[/edit]

Posted: 23 Jul 2003 22:04
by Lilman424
lol 1234...1236 now

Posted: 25 Jul 2003 21:35
by BobXP
Hmmmm, I just realized: Since ATM I can't put any fills other than boxes, and filling the areas HomeWorker style would be disasterous! So, get spriting! As I'm gonna have to resort to sprites, I'll need sloped land and flat & sloped water too.