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Cheats, Trainers etc

Posted: 21 Nov 2008 19:28
by Levster
Hello all!

Basically, I hadn't played this is aaaages so decided to get it installed and I'm now running Open TTD 0.6.0 however I'd like to just play casually and chill out a bit by having a load of cash. Problem is I had a look around the forums and search engines and I can't seem to find:

- Any working trainer.
- What these signcodes are and how I access them etc (I'm a complete Noob at these things :roll: )
- Any other working cheats (including the Ctrl + Alt + C)

I'm wondering if I need a more up to date patch for the Ctrl Alt C to work, if so then where can I find this or if anyone else has any suggestions then they'd be very much appreciated.

Thanks :bow:

Re: Cheats, Trainers etc

Posted: 21 Nov 2008 19:32
by XeryusTC
1) There are no trainers for OpenTTD
2) The sign cheat codes only work in TTDPatch
3) Maybe you need to press ctrl+alt+winkey+c, sometimes that does work.

Re: Cheats, Trainers etc

Posted: 21 Nov 2008 20:04
by Levster
XeryusTC wrote:1) There are no trainers for OpenTTD
2) The sign cheat codes only work in TTDPatch
3) Maybe you need to press ctrl+alt+winkey+c, sometimes that does work.
Problem solved, thank you! :bow:

Re: Cheats, Trainers etc

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 19:15
by SkeedR
XeryusTC wrote:1) There are no trainers for OpenTTD
2) The sign cheat codes only work in TTDPatch
3) Maybe you need to press ctrl+alt+winkey+c, sometimes that does work.
xD I read "win-key" as "wink-ey" and was like WTF. Goodness i must be tired...

>_> Off topicness