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Train ferries / ferry stations

Posted: 16 Jul 2008 17:32
by AP
First of all a big hallo to all of you! i am really a big admirer of all the community here and the creative minds who have made the patch such a unique and wonderful tool. :bow:

One thing I have been asking myself for years observing the forums is the possibility of train ferries. ?(
I guess all answers will be : Impossible, hard to code, no wy, man! - But nevertheless as we can observe a quite promising new industrila stations crew and very skilled graphic artists and coders (which I am unfortunately not), I would like this idea to be discussed in the community. Maybe even only an eye candy solution (ferry sation?) is possible?

Just imagine a train driving into a ferry (depot/station?) ferry going to another port, train leaving the ferry... :D

Please see my photos added for all who do not know what I mean.

Best regards,


Re: Train ferries / ferry stations

Posted: 16 Jul 2008 17:37
by Gremnon
It would certaininly add a new dimension to trains, and I think would probably need specialised code... that would probably only word in OpenTTD.

Should be in suggestions forum, btw.

Re: Train ferries / ferry stations

Posted: 17 Jul 2008 00:31
by audigex
I quite like the idea. Useful for linking islands (although probably more cost effective to make long bridges, this is more realistic)

Yes, it will need specialist code, but so do all patches :)

It's essentially a depot which has the sprite of a ship, and the ability to move.

Actually, It's probably more like two depot sprites, which move the train between them when a third sprite (a boat) moves between them.

I don't quite know how this would work, but I'd guess that for each train to enter the terminal, a "ship" is produced. That makes it a bit awkward, since the shops would need to be auto-generated, and I can't see that happening.

Re: Train ferries / ferry stations

Posted: 17 Jul 2008 10:12
by AP
Thansk for first comments, I think I know how we could approach it in an easy way. If we build a long station (on water!?) between two coasts, we could create tiles that look like water otherwise. As in the new indsutrial stations set, on on end the train could enter a train shed in form of a ferry get invisible, than like the overhead cranes the ferry moves from one side to the other side of the station the train moves out of the shed in form of train station.

Function: Passing thorough station?

Best reagrds,


Re: Train ferries / ferry stations

Posted: 03 Aug 2008 10:00
by leaderfrontier
I think the ferry in Malaysia also nice......

And Here

And more you can find at google by type Ferry Pulau Pinang

Re: Train ferries / ferry stations

Posted: 03 Aug 2008 11:40
by Hyronymus
leaderfrontier wrote:I think the ferry in Malaysia also nice......

And Here

And more you can find at google by type Ferry Pulau Pinang
Please edit your first link, it's non-existent.

Re: Train ferries / ferry stations

Posted: 04 Aug 2008 11:25
by leaderfrontier