French Town Names 2.0+ (2010-08-28)

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French Town Names 2.0+ (2010-08-28)

Post by Ammler »

New Version out, completely rewritten with NML, download from BaNaNaS or DevZone.

Design by Alexboy and ElDwane

Readme - Changelog

Downloads: ... ies/LATEST

(based on ottd dev thread:

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Last edited by Ammler on 28 Aug 2010 13:22, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: French Town Names 0.1 (PREVIEW)

Post by Alexboy »

Yeeha! Thanks Ammler! I gave it a try and it works like a charm. Town generation may be a bit slow with this GRF, but never mind, it's already an excellent improvement over the ~70 french town names available in the original game! :D
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Re: French Town Names 0.2 (PREVIEW)

Post by dbkblk »

Hi !
I'm french so i tested it ^^

There is a bug with "Evry" and "Estampes": The town is called "evry évry" instead of "Evry" ^^

That's a nice addition, thanks is the progress ?
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Re: French Town Names 0.2 (PREVIEW)

Post by Ammler »

dbkblk wrote: I'm french so i tested it ^^
I am Swiss, so I coded it... ;-)
dbkblk wrote: There is a bug with "Evry" and "Estampes": The town is called "evry évry" instead of "Evry" ^^
Are you sure? I used that:
01 "Evry Évry" 00

The list is done by somebody else, you can check it here: ... cities.txt
dbkblk wrote: That's a nice addition, thanks is the progress ?
Actually none, I just wait for comments and will sometimes release v1.0 with bugfixes...

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Re: French Town Names 2.0+ (r0) - 2010-08-28

Post by Ammler »

Ok, after some time, I liked to get rid of "preview" and decided to change the complicated nfo to easy NML. Here it is. :-)

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Re: French Town Names 2.0+ (2010-08-28)

Post by Alexboy »


I updated the NML file (corrected a few bugs in some town names and added a few cities). Anyone feel free to convert it into GRF format and post the update on Bananas, I am too noob for all this technology :)) :bow:

Edit: I used the NML listed in Ammler's above post, but I saw what looks like a more recent version in the nightlies. I'm a bit at lost here :oops:
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Re: French Town Names 2.0+ (2010-08-28)

Post by Alberth »

The project site is at
It contains all data of the project.

In the 'repository' tab are the sources. Under "Latest revisions" are the different internal versions, and their time stamps. It seems the last change was in 2012.
('Revision' is used to indicate an internal version. Using a different name for internal versions avoids confusion with public versions, such as version 2.0+ as you know it.)

A nightly is automatically created from the sources when someone adds a new revision. That way you always have the newest revision available for testing or playing.

It may be useful to download the current source (there is a 'french-cities.txt' file in the 'data' directory at the 'repository' tab), and compare / merge your changes into it.
Proposed changes to a project go under 'issues'. This project currently has no open issues. If you log in, you get a new tab 'new issues', where you can make a new issue where you can add your changes.

Normally, a project owner then looks at the issue, and decides what to do with it. However, I haven't seen Ammler for a long time, so your changes may linger for a long time.
If it takes too long for you, you may want to try contacting him.

As for uploading to bananas, only the original author of the newgrf can upload new versions.
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Re: French Town Names 2.0+ (2010-08-28)

Post by Alexboy »

Thanks for your kind and thorough answer. I'm not completely familiar with the repository platform and the differences between dev.openttdcoop and bundles.openttdcoop (where the latest version is from December 2013). I may investigate whenever I have more available brain time :D
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Re: French Town Names 2.0+ (2010-08-28)

Post by Alberth »

Alexboy wrote:I'm not completely familiar with the repository platform
Repositories are commonly used to store data that gets changed often, by different people.

Suppose you have to write some text with several other persons. Different people make changes at different times, so you quite soon get a problem of "what is the latest" version, or you made changes, and then you get new changes from someone else by email, and you have to merge your changes with the newly received text somehow. Doing that manually gets very messy very soon.

A repository handles all that stuff automagically, everybody copies a revision from the repository, makes changes, and submits the changes (thus creating a new revision). The repository handles merging of changes (and complains when it cannot do it automatically). You can also ask it for updates, and you get the changes submitted since you asked for a copy into your text.
In other words, it acts as a central point in managing changes in data. Changes from different people get merged by the system, and it never misses a subtle text change at some unexpected place.

It also tracks who changed what at which time. Since you can add a short description when you submit changes, you get a quick overview of what happened in the last revisions, and why.
These properties make repositories pretty much defacto-standard in collaborative projects.

What "data" it stores doesn't really matter. It can be as small as a report you write, the source code of a towns newgrf, or something more big like the source code of openttd. I am sure there exist much larger repositories in the world though :)
Alexboy wrote:the differences between dev.openttdcoop and bundles.openttdcoop
dev.openttdcoop is the development site, where the project 'lives'. The project owners, and the users get an overview of what happened in the project, the issues are a list of things that need looking into. bundles.openttdcoop is a computer that takes the data from projects, assembles it into a program or a newgrf, or a game script, or so, and publishes the result. It's a quite separate thing, and it may eg rebuild the same revision more than once due to internal changes or upgrades, for example.
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Re: French Town Names 2.0+ (2010-08-28)

Post by Sylf »

I took a quick look at the project. The project doesn't work with nml directly.
Take a look at ... cities.txt
This is the source file you want to edit, and submit a patch for. Or maybe the project owner might be happy with a simply updated txt file.
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