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Road vehicle and tram speed limits

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 13:20
by Uwe

I just did a search on speed limits for road vehicles, which has been suggested before (make road vehicles slower when they are in a town). Is there any chance of seeing something like this implemented some day, 100 kph trucks flying through a city just ain't realistic...

Concerning trams, I have another idea: Many modern trams are in fact used as kind of light rail service and may run up to 100 kph. I think this is quite a bit too fast travel on inner city roads. So I was thinking whether it might be possible to limit the top speed of a tram when the rails are laid upon a road. This would mean that on such lines, speed is capped at say 70 kph, but on routes where the tracks are built somewhere on the green field, perhaps connecting two nearby cities, the full speed can be used. Would that be possible to implement?


Re: Road vehicle and tram speed limits

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 18:31
by Dave
It's certainly realistic. Midland Metro can do up to 50mph on the dedicated sections but has to adhere to road speeds when travelling on road.

Re: Road vehicle and tram speed limits

Posted: 03 Dec 2007 13:13
by Axlrose
While it would be realistic to have slower speed limits within a city's radius, realism steps aside when the game has days pass as a bus makes its way across town. It must be Chicago's CTA line... :P

Re: Road vehicle and tram speed limits

Posted: 03 Dec 2007 13:43
by Dave
True, but then, does one full bus earn the company $4,000 per journey?

Re: Road vehicle and tram speed limits

Posted: 03 Dec 2007 15:46
by Axlrose
Dave Worley wrote:True, but then, does one full bus earn the company $4,000 per journey?
Based upon Chicago's notorious past, the answer to your question could be "Yes!!!" :twisted: