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Full loaded Planes in TTDwin95 + patch ?!?!

Posted: 07 May 2002 12:05
Damn I love this game... I bought it 2 months after it was released from Microprose, so that means I gave about 499 danish crowns for it (approx: US$68) But after Win98, Win2K and especially when WinXP came, I couldn´t play this game anymore - luckyli there´s more fans than I, and I love You all ;]

Anyhoo... my problem: I play the TTD win95 (FISHuk) version, with the patch installed. I bulid an airport, sets 2 planes to pick up passengers + mail with a full load!! But even though it says in the route, that they do load full load, they just load whatever´s in the airport, and fly away... what´s wrong??

Hope You get what I´m saying... ;]

Peace out all...

Posted: 07 May 2002 13:04
by noizz
You´ve said you use the patch... (how else would you be able to play TTD under win2k/XP :) )

There is an option ´fullloadany´ in configuration files for the TTDPatch (ttdpatch.cfg). Edit the file with anything like notepad and change the ´fullloadany on´ to anything like ´fullloadany no´ (or off, etc)

But fullloadany IMHO is a pretty usefull option - you´ll find more on that in the documentations.

[It´s a cool option and if I were you I wouldn´t transport mail by air :) ]

hope it works


Posted: 07 May 2002 13:54
by Ildefonse
The fullloadany option works like this:

If the airplane can maximally carry say 90 passengers and 10 bags of mail, it will leave when any of these values is reached. Thus, the plane might take-off with 20 passengers and 10 bags of mail.

Hope this makes it clear.

The function is especially useful when you have one train which loads grain and livestock. Since the wagons have different capacities and the farms produce the same amounts of both grain and livestock, it´s usefull to leave when one of them is fully loaded. Otherwise one of the products would pile up on the station... :P


Thx guys...

Posted: 07 May 2002 15:13
Thanks a many, guys!! But I still can´t decide, whether it´s an usefull or an stupid option... It annoys me, that the AI is capable of full loading his planes... and various other transportations...

Uhmn... do U use the default with this "fulloadany"-option?

I just can´t decide what to do... ;]

Posted: 07 May 2002 16:51
by Omnislash
It sounds useful to me. I´d keep it on 8)

Posted: 07 May 2002 17:13
by Wezz6400
I have it turned on. I think it´s useful.

Posted: 08 May 2002 08:21
by Ildefonse
Hey guys, he needs argumentation ;)

The reason I do use it I already mentioned, it´s useful when you use livestock & grain on one train. But in the case of airplanes it might be problematic if you have a lot of mail at the airport and you´re not getting the full passenger load. So what I´d do is like make a mail truck who moves mail to the other side of the cit or something, so that the plane will leave on a full load with passengers.

Anyway, you can offcourse turn it off if you dont use combined trains or something. :P


I´ve finally decided ;]

Posted: 08 May 2002 12:51
Hi guys...

Well, I bet U´re all filled up with anticipatation, whether I´ve decided to dis- or enable the "fulloadany"-option ;]

Or, U just don´t give a *bip* :}

I diabled it - I think it´s more the original game, that I LOVE, when it´s disabled ;}

But thanks for Ur oppinions. I´ll definately post more subjects here, so it doesnøt say "TOTALLY n00b" under my name ;}

Peace out, guys...

Posted: 08 May 2002 14:30
by Ildefonse

I respect your choice. Peace. :D

Posted: 08 May 2002 23:39
by Omnislash

Glad we could help. (Well Ildefonse and Wezz6400 lol).

Hope you do post more. These forums are doing very well. ^^

Matt Gillard

Posted: 09 May 2002 14:01
by Wezz6400
Well, if you want to call my post with no argument (which was because I agree with Adam) help... :)

Posted: 09 May 2002 18:03
by Ildefonse
Hehe ROFL :D :D :D

Posted: 09 May 2002 21:21
by Omnislash

?( ;)

Posted: 09 May 2002 22:55
by Ildefonse
We´re starting to talk s***.

I hereby declare this thread for closed. :tongue:

Posted: 10 May 2002 18:39
by Wezz6400
Hmmmm, a mod wannabe. :)

Posted: 10 May 2002 21:56
by Omnislash

That must be earned!!!!

;) ;)

Posted: 11 May 2002 14:14
by Wezz6400
In that case he´ll never be a mod. :P :P :P :D

Uhmn guys ?

Posted: 11 May 2002 14:49

I really think you guys should discuss this, in my new thread ;} Cause nobody´s writtten any suggestions... kinda sad, ey ? ;] ... &styleid=2 <.-- that&acute;s the link :D