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City builder

Posted: 09 Aug 2007 19:14
by Matt Samyel
Hey, let's make your own city, to play a TT!

Re: City builder

Posted: 09 Aug 2007 19:31
by m3henry
what are you trying to say?

Re: City builder

Posted: 09 Aug 2007 19:42
by Matt Samyel
Build a shoping centre there... Build a Statue there... Build a roads there...

Re: City builder

Posted: 09 Aug 2007 19:50
by Purno
It's not SimCity... :wink:

Re: City builder

Posted: 10 Aug 2007 08:21
by Rendall
That's allready possible. When builing a scenario I always do build roads and after that I create a town at the same place. So what's ment with your suggestion?

Re: City builder

Posted: 10 Aug 2007 12:00
by m3henry
I think he means use the Lomo system of building cities, select the exact building and place to put it

Re: City builder

Posted: 12 Aug 2007 04:04
by Railwaymodeler
Many years ago, before the patch, I tried to do an exact replica of downtown Chicago, IL, for myself, right down to correct street placement. Having the function where you can place the buildings ala locomotion would be great! Man would that have made my job easier.

If it is possible in LoMo, then isn't it at least in theory (Key word theory) not impossible for TTDP? Am I mistaken or is this already in OTTD?

Re: City builder

Posted: 12 Aug 2007 14:14
by Vloris
Railwaymodeler wrote:If it is possible in LoMo, then isn't it at least in theory (Key word theory) not impossible for TTDP? Am I mistaken or is this already in OTTD?
Maybe it would be possible, but it has no real use as (O)TTD(Patch) replace buildings over time: buildings get destroyed and replaced by new ones, so your carfully layed out plan of a city might not live very long.