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TTO savegames

Posted: 26 Feb 2006 10:01
This thread is for save games with more than the ttd limit and people who only have tto not the world editor. The idea is you post your save game so someone can remove unused industries so you can convert it to ttd.

Posted: 27 Feb 2006 06:24
by DaleStan
/me points to the plethora of download links floating about these forums and the big sign saying

Code: Select all

|    DO    |
|    IT    |

Posted: 27 Feb 2006 06:47
by Roman
Hmm, I might have to add some comment about this issue here.

There's a problem about removing cities and industries in order to make the savegame convertible. It has to be the right ones, meaning city number 71 to 80 and industry number 91 to 100 in the savegame. It won't work if one just removes some random cities/industries.

This is one thing I'm going to improve about SVXConverter. That if you remove any cities/industries of your choice, the savegames can be converted. It's pretty hard to do though, I'll have to go through the whole code, adjusting all kinds of reference indices to cities and indutries.

Posted: 27 Feb 2006 07:00
ok thanx for that lord.

Posted: 17 Mar 2006 18:24
by Roman
Hey robotboy! As you may know, I'm currently implementing a feature that allows you to remove any towns/industries you want in order to make the savegame convertible. I'll release the new SVXConverter version 1.01 it pretty soon. But until then, you can continue playing your saved game in TTD... I removed 10 unused industries and then converted it to TTD. Here you go:

Posted: 18 Mar 2006 06:41

Posted: 24 Mar 2006 12:18
also i go into the red almost instantly and i dont remember it happening when i used to be able to load it in tto.

Posted: 24 Mar 2006 15:19
by Roman
I just checked it again - you're right! But that doesn't even seem to be the only problem... there are train crashes and some of the trains even get ripped apart... how weird is that? :?

It's not a bug in SVXConverter apparently. 8) It happens right after you load the TTO savegame in the World Editor to remove the industries, BEFORE the conversion. So it looks like a bug in TTO... maybe Chris Sawyer didn't consider renaming a .sv1 savegame to .sv0 and edit it.

The loss of money seems to have two different reasons:

1: The TTDPatch autorenew switch. If activated, all vehicles are being renewed immediately, causing huge costs. (This won't be a problem in savegames with a higher account balance. Otherwise just deactivate the autorenew switch.)
2: Again the TTO World Editor. It looks like the WE totally messes up some of the stored cost values. As if the running costs stayed the same (high due to inflation) but the income factors were being reset to the way lower initial value.

Damn. Now that's really annoying. If this can't be fixed in any way, it will mean that a savegame like this can't be properly converted. Hmmm, what if we could remove the industries without using the World Editor? I guess that would do it... but how to do that? :|

However, the question remains whether this mess caused by the WE can happen with any savegame or just with a few special ones. I'll have to load a few more .sv1 savegames with the WE to check... :(

Posted: 24 Mar 2006 16:23
by Patchman
Lord wrote:1: The TTDPatch autorenew switch. If activated, all vehicles are being renewed immediately, causing huge costs. (This won't be a problem in savegames with a higher account balance. Otherwise just deactivate the autorenew switch.)
I don't think that's it. Vehicles don't autorenew if the player doesn't have enough money, so autorenew will never cause a player to go into debt.

Posted: 24 Mar 2006 16:33
by Roman
Patchman wrote:I don't think that's it. Vehicles don't autorenew if the player doesn't have enough money, so autorenew will never cause a player to go into debt.
That's right, but it doesn't anyway. At the beginning there's £ 75.000.000 to waste... enough to renew quite a few vehicles.

Posted: 25 Mar 2006 20:43
by Roman
I just tried some more savegames. It appears to be a general TTO WE problem; all savegames got messed up when I loaded them in the editor.

These are the problems I encountered in the TTO World Editor:

- Trains can't pass level crossings. They turn around, leaving the level crossing closed.

- Trains lose coaches. This is the weirdest thing ever. The part of the train that doesn't get lost can even crash into the abandoned coach(es) later on!

- Vehicles have no running costs and some cost values seem to be reset internally.

Posted: 27 Mar 2006 04:14
the crosing bug happened in mine. also some airplanes didnt get theyre corect gfx even though some of the same vehicle did.

Posted: 08 Oct 2006 06:44
by Stylesjl
I know this topic is several months old but that error is caused because towns take ownership of the level crossings.

In order to aleviate the problem you could probaly stop ALL trains out of any level crossings and then when converted to TTD then you could use the "Owncrossings" sign cheat in TTDPatch to get your ownership back.

Also those seperate carriages should be destroyed because if you click on them they will crash because there is no engine attached

Posted: 09 Oct 2006 16:53
by Roman
Thank you for your contribution! I'll see what I can fetch from that.

Re: TTO savegames

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 23:38
by Roman