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Transport Tycoon Deluxe Online (Suggestion)

Posted: 13 Sep 2002 00:47
by Vada
Well basically this is a suggestion. As the TTDLX is an old game and there arenĀ“t many news about it, I thought of making some kind of on-line server so as to play via web. I don't think this could be difficult to programme, and I guess that here there is a huge coders (I realy dunno what code he uses to create thoses patches and Alters for the TTDLX), and also modifiying the LAN settings of the TTDLX could be possible to create some kind of MSN Gaming Zone.

I do know little things about VB 6.0 but I can learn more if needed!

And the last important thing! We need a full dedicated server (24/7) with a high bandwith! :roll: ;)

Tell me what you think![/url][/b]

Posted: 13 Sep 2002 01:12
by spaceman-spiff
sorry mate, can't help here, don't play multi, don't know coding on pc's
so perhaps Owen can help you

Posted: 13 Sep 2002 14:19
by orudge
It would be quite hard to actually modify the game. However, what would be possible would be to create some sort of community gaming site so you can find a playing partner, and get their IP (or phone number, or whatever they decide to make available), so you could try to play over a VPN. But playing over the Internet is not very good anyway.