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Transport Tycoon 2

Posted: 03 Jul 2002 22:23
by Gareth
:D Chris Sawyer has not neglected as he has mentioned in this interview about RCT2 - extract::

GameSpy: Will we ever see a sequel to Transport Tycoon?

Chris Sawyer: I´m sure we will see a sequel at some point in the future. I watch with interest when similar games are released, but so far none of them come close to what I see as the ´next´ version of Transport Tycoon, so I think there is a good chance I will eventually create a sequel myself.

To view the interview in full go here

Excellent Stuff!

Gareth -

Posted: 04 Jul 2002 05:50
by anaconda
I hope he will be the author of TT2. Look what happened to RRT2 from Poptop. This wasn´t nearly as good as RRT.

And I hope he will get the time and resources needed to make this game. So we get a great game, not another Trucks and Trains Tycoon.

Posted: 05 Jul 2002 13:40
by Omnislash
Yeah thats great news. Hopefully it won´t be too long!

Matt Gillard

Posted: 08 Jul 2002 06:41
by Wraith 8
well.. and i hope this time e makes it directly for windows XP ;)

Posted: 08 Jul 2002 12:21
by anaconda
I hope he uses so much time on it, so WinXP will be outdated :P

Posted: 08 Jul 2002 19:18
by Omnislash
I want it too be a good game but I don´t want it too take ages!

Matt Gillard

Posted: 10 Jul 2002 16:39
by GoneWacko
The game developement can take about 5 years... that should be enough to create a SUPER game... The budget should be 10 billion pounds (lol) and the game to take ages: I would love that! I hate it when the game ends...

I´ve never done this but I can imagine the following:

You´ve got this great mag-lev train network, you´ve reached the limit of trains, boats, planes, trucks and stations and then, when you finally are ready to watch your achivement, the game ends... AAAAAAAAARGH you scream...

Hope that one is taken care of in TT2... maybe to make the game durance longer: inter-planetary transport... like a warp speed plane to go to another planet where you see other tilesets (like transfering from temperate to snow) and a new clean map where you can develop trains and stuff... Darn I always get lots of ideas when a new game is planned (even though this one is not planned officially yet)... lemme post my better ideas tomorrow... hehehe

Posted: 10 Jul 2002 19:51
by Omnislash
Please don´t remind me of that. Arrrr. You need to be quick!

I´ll enjoy reading your better ideas.

Matt Gillard

The "old" days

Posted: 11 Jul 2002 05:57
by anaconda
... when I was playing TT/TTd for dos. And I had 8 megs of ram, I was allways finished (even with upgrading all my transport network) a long time before the game ended. All I did was to renew vehicles and making the line a bit more efficient. Aggh... was almost worse than playing SimCity 2000 on a 386sx20 with 4 megs of ram. It took ages to complete!!

Those where the days :)

With "auto renew vehicles" you can, if your network does not lock up, leave the game for the last few years.

Posted: 03 Sep 2002 18:36
by CGorman
The game developement can take about 5 years... that should be enough to create a SUPER game... The budget should be 10 billion pounds (lol) and the game to take ages: I would love that! I hate it when the game ends...

And 4 years 360 days of that should be for the stupid AI...

Posted: 03 Sep 2002 19:07
by KF Transport

I´d like to see new RC´s.....

What do you guys want to see?

Posted: 03 Sep 2002 21:54
by CombatGold1

Posted: 04 Sep 2002 06:02
by KF Transport
lol, I hope it is RCTII but TTII would be cool....

Posted: 04 Sep 2002 14:29
by CombatGold1
windows XP outdated? That´ll take some time, but I´ve heard Microsoft are working on Windows 2003. It would be called Windows 2004 if it comes out to late.

Posted: 04 Sep 2002 14:46
by spaceman-spiff
Originally posted by anaconda
I hope he uses so much time on it, so WinXP will be outdated :P
oh , you meant this post, why not use the quote button

Posted: 04 Sep 2002 14:52
by KF Transport
windows XP outdated? That´ll take some time, but I´ve heard Microsoft are working on Windows 2003. It would be called Windows 2004 if it comes out to late.

I think they will stay on XP for a while. then go to WIN04

Posted: 04 Sep 2002 15:05
by spaceman-spiff
Originally posted by CombatGold1

windows XP outdated? That´ll take some time, but I´ve heard Microsoft are working on Windows 2003. It would be called Windows 2004 if it comes out to late.
I think they will stay on XP for a while. then go to WIN04

should use the qoute button so we can see what part comes from you and what comes from the person you are ´quoting´

Edit by CombatGold1: I just put the quote in for you.

Edit by spaceman-spiff: put the quotes correct, i was quoting KF, not you

Posted: 05 Sep 2002 21:52
by CombatGold1
WINO4? Wassat? ?(

Posted: 27 Sep 2002 09:46
by Marco
Windows XP-ME-DF-JH-KE...I can´t think what is the new name of Windows. The numbers 1.0 - 2.0 - 3.0 are better to name a version of a program :rolleyes:

Posted: 28 Sep 2002 11:46
by Omnislash
The next version of windows is Windows 2003 .NET. Its a server OS so its not for home use. Blackcomb in 2004-2005 is the next workstation OS that people like use would use.
