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Custom objectives for scenarios

Posted: 22 Dec 2004 18:26
by Purno
Well I think everybody knows what I mean*

Is it possible?

* For those who don't: Take LoMo and RCT as examples, each scenario has it's own goal

Posted: 22 Dec 2004 18:48
by Raichase
Interesting, idea actually. I doubt it is possible, just due to the nature of it (nothing similar to it in TT), but it would be really fun if it was possible :o

Posted: 22 Dec 2004 19:19
by Purno
Well, although I know nothing about patching, I think all you need is to set value x and end game if value x is reached*

* And make a GUI for it

Posted: 24 Dec 2004 02:00
by Raichase
Purno wrote:* And make a GUI for it
Any money that that part is the hard part :D.

Posted: 24 Dec 2004 20:17
by way_2_fun
Well, when you distribute it over the internet, could you not just make a list in Notepad or something? Much simpiler. Unless if you specify minimun cargo to be transported (to various places), then it could be too complicated for head calculating. In which case, this post is worthless.

Posted: 29 Jun 2007 16:39
by OTTD007
It would be as simple as if value x is reached then end scenario. That's how its done in Railroad Tycoon 3, all the Rollercoaster Tycoon games, even in Age of Empires.

The cargo thing I can kind of see, since it's always being transported and seems to have an unlimited supply. But there are other things you can work off of to have mission goals applied.

It could even be layed out in simple format, using conditions and effects. Just have a list of things you can do in the conditions list, and when that condition is reached, have a list of effects.

For instance, say in the first condition player 1 human has to reach $1,000,000, no set date, in order to win, so in the effects list you'd have End game, or you could even use 2 effects, display message then end game.

I myself would enjoy seeing a mission objectives added. I was hooked on OTTD for about a week, but then lost interest because the AI isn't even hard, and without mission goals, I feel like i'm playing a sandbox mode, on top of that, the AI doesn't do anything to try and take you over or whatever.

Posted: 30 Jun 2007 06:28
by Raichase
Good post OTTD007, thats along the lines of what I would think reasonable.

Good to see someone that finds an old idea and contributes to it also, rather than starting a million new threads.

Welcome :D

Posted: 30 Jun 2007 11:00
by m3henry
so you are excusing the 'Big Brutus'?