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Posted: 05 Feb 2004 13:13
by orudge
Ehm, CombatGold1, it's was some months ago that dominionspy made that post...

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 13:32
by DominionSpy
CombatGold1 wrote:
dominionspy wrote:ChrisCF (chirho) is probably going to ban me from #tycoon again for posting this, but who cares? ... etc save reading space look at his post above
well if your that bothered about it then make another channel! it isnt hard :P just keep at least 5 people in for 2 hours, u got yaself an L Bot.
1. He didn't ban me.
2. I did have a channel for a while.
3. I got L with only 3 people.
4. I don't visit #tycoon any more because I can't stand chirho.

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 02:10
by CombatGold1
dominionspy wrote:4. I don't visit #tycoon any more because I can't stand chirho.
LOL who can :D he bans people for the stupest reasons, you should have seen what he sent to me on PM, i bet he was up all night writing that reason out caus its the best i've heard yet
Chirho in IRC PM wrote:<chirho>because you're lame
haha, what a joker


i highly suggest that you, orudge, make a new channel for these forums, possibally #tt-forums or ? chriho's rules suck, as many people know and if you actually want people to use the chat and enjoy it, it needs better rules.

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 03:01
by Patchman
CombatGold1 wrote:haha, what a joker
Stop talking about yourself. You were a jerk, you got banned. You attacked people with exploits, you got banned for life. Get over it, that's not going to change. It's not about chirho, all the ops in #tycoon fully support that ban. You ain't getting back in the channel unless you prove you've grown up, stopped being an idiot and jerk, and contribute useful things instead. Your posts here just serve to prove the exact opposite, so don't hold your breath. (Actually, do.)

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 03:12
by spaceman-spiff
Combat, what a return :roll:

I vote for a ban here

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 11:50
well CG1 always was acting strange .... well ... what you can expect from a child :roll:

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 15:14
by CombatGold1
Patchman wrote:You attacked people with exploits

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 18:03
by orudge
Don't you remember the little "incident" with that mIRC DCC buffer overflow? You crashed a few people's clients, including mine.

Posted: 08 Feb 2004 17:50
by CombatGold1
AHEM thank you but I only did it to you ONCE. Stop accusing me of things you can't prove.

Posted: 08 Feb 2004 19:18
by broodje
it doesnt matter hw many times you did it. You tried to make mine crash aswell, and some other aswell. Just don't even try to do is.

Posted: 08 Feb 2004 22:25
CombatGold1 wrote:AHEM thank you but I only did it to you ONCE. Stop accusing me of things you can't prove.
in my opinion it is one time too many and it if Owen say you do I belive him

Posted: 08 Feb 2004 23:13
by Patchman
Combatgold, you attacked people (some successfully like Owen, others unsuccessfully) and then you did not even have the decency to apologize for it. Attacking people online (with whatever kind of exploit) is a serious offence, even doing it "only" once is one time too often. It's probably a criminal offence too, even if it may be unenforcable. So, like I said, get over it. You had your chances, you blew them all and then some...

It will take more than a little positive work on your side to convince people to end the ban. The ball is in your court, not in the #tycoon ops' court.

Posted: 09 Feb 2004 18:51
by CombatGold1
its not my fault mirc used to have holes in like that

Posted: 09 Feb 2004 19:07
by GoneWacko
dominionspy wrote:I don't visit #tycoon any more because I can't stand chirho.
I can honestly say my and chirho aren't the best of friends. I don't always agree with his decisions but I have started to just accept it. It's a shame you're not joining #tycoon anymore though... It was quite amusing :)

CombatGold1 will you just stop whining for once... It's not your fault mirc has holes, but it's definately your fault that you exploited them.
CombatGold1 wrote: well if your that bothered about it then make another channel!
We all know how popular your channel is... In fact for ONCE I wasn't surprised to find topcat in there...

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 00:29
by way_2_fun
CombatGold1 wrote:AHEM thank you but I only did it to you ONCE. Stop accusing me of things you can't prove.
Am I the only one who sees the irony of this? "I did it, but you can't prove it." :lol:

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 02:18
by Patchman
CombatGold1 wrote:its not my fault mirc used to have holes in like that
Keep digging your little hole, you'll soon end up on the other side of the world.

I'm not even going to try and point out that while it's not your fault that mirc has holes, it is your fault for exploiting them, because your brain is not grown enough to comprehend the difference. Being given the opportunity to commit a crime doesn't make it any less of a crime.

Grow a conscience. It's good for you. And you need it...

Then again, some people just are a waste of oxygen...

Posted: 07 Mar 2004 23:34
by jfs
Ok, from today of, Chirho is deopped in #tycoon. He will not get re-opped in any near future. Several of the regulars (including I and patchman) consented on this decision.

Posted: 18 Mar 2004 18:10
by DominionSpy
wow - I've never seen #tycoon so empty :lol:

Posted: 18 Mar 2004 19:11
by Prof. Frink
I have.
Just after a netsplit :wink:

Posted: 18 Mar 2004 19:13
by GoneWacko
Yeap a netsplit. I was part of it but I quickly reconnected to :)