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Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 07:17
by 3iff
What is the owner rating you were talking about above the HQ 3iff?
That's the score achieved by the owner for that town. So a player has say 6 stations and gets a score of 235. Below the town name you report "Owner: 235 AI Transporters"

It should then help a human player know how close/far away he is from getting ownership for himself... A display of current rating for each city would be great but I suspect that's not possible within the script but maybe in the script debug page?

Bugville: -25 (showing that the player rating for Bugville is 25 below the current owner)
Ratville: Owned (showing an owned town - maybe not necessary to show this.)

I appreciate it will be a severe problem for large maps with dozens of towns so you may not want to do this even if you can...

That earlier problem? You may have already fixed it...I'll check the new version again, now I understand more about how it works. I do know about the 3 month delay.

Ok, I'll test the new script soon. Thanks.


Only had time to test a solo game but it appears to work fine. Got to 5k then 10k population and now have a 15k target.

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 11:13
by Zuu
3iff wrote:Bugville: -25 (showing that the player rating for Bugville is 25 below the current owner)
Ratville: Owned (showing an owned town - maybe not necessary to show this.)
And nothing in multiplayer?

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 11:25
by 3iff
Sorry...never ever play multiplayer and so didn't give it a thought...

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 09 Apr 2012 08:32
by CrazySquirrel
using version 9

every so often it just stops updating the population total and have to save & load to make it work again.

same for adding new towns, wont show the ownership until done save & load

also when AI companies go bust, the "population dominated" text stays on screen where the HQ used to be.


Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 13:45
by 3iff
Another slight problem...

I lowered the town down to level 1 (it was height level 3 or 4 I think), but it now means the "Owner" sign is too high and crosses the town name. It's mainly a display annoyance and it's likely to affect very few people (probably just me!).

Not sure if it's an easy fix. If not, don't worry about it.

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 15:57
by XfrankX

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 19:30
by Zuu
Hello. Note that CityDomination is not my work.

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 20:02
by XfrankX
oops, my apologies 11Runner... Great work ;-)

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 26 Apr 2012 08:22
by netwerkkabel
Morning all,

I am running CityDomination at the moment.
I'm only encountering one major problem.
When somebody is owner of a town, it cant be ghanged anymore?
If I removed all my busses and somebody else, or me with a new company comes and get ratings of 80%+ it wont change.
Somebody has a suggestion why it doesnt change owner?
Treid to set PendingTime at all different numbers, but no result.

Well thanks in advance,


Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 21:52
by fredbull
Hi all,
i got a stupid question,but i ve never touched the files in openttd,
so before doing something wrong,i d like to know where do i have to unzip the files?

In the zip is a directory named citydomination-9,do i have to unzip this too or just the files in this directory?
Thanks for the answers :bow:

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 22:05
by Zuu
You can find this script in the in-game online content section. Go there, mark it for download and click on the download button.

That is the easiest way to download it to a place where OpenTTD finds it.

If you download it manually, make sure to also get the dependencies that CityDomination needs. Assuming you run Windows Vista/7 put the CityDomination tar file here:

The dependencies (gs libraries) go here:

You do not need to unpack downloaded tar files. OpenTTD understands how to read tar files.

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 16:20
by fredbull
Yep,by looking for something else i falled on that in the online content :]

By looking in the zip file,i also saw that there is no french translation.
I can maybe take care of that one.

I am just embarassed by the translation of the word "owner",that in french does not exactly mean what it has to mean in this situation.

I thought about a word meaning something like leader or why not dominator.

Am i right?

If yes,i ll try to translate it this week end :wink:

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 03:34
by 11Runner
I appologise, I must have missed the email notifications of new posts or something... but about 2 months later I finally realize what I have been missing :)

As for all the comments I have missed or have been left unanswered,
I am just embarassed by the translation of the word "owner",that in french does not exactly mean what it has to mean in this situation.

I thought about a word meaning something like leader or why not dominator.
Yes, that would be fine. the dominator of the town would be best, but leader would be acceptable if that is the only way.
Morning all,

I am running CityDomination at the moment.
I'm only encountering one major problem.
When somebody is owner of a town, it cant be ghanged anymore?
If I removed all my busses and somebody else, or me with a new company comes and get ratings of 80%+ it wont change.
Somebody has a suggestion why it doesnt change owner?
Treid to set PendingTime at all different numbers, but no result.

Well thanks in advance,

Yes, they should be able to change. I will perform further investigation.

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 05:42
by 11Runner
CityDomination v10

A standard release. Here are the improvements

* Admin Socket communication (after working with the BTPro community)

* Fixed owners not changing in towns (thank you netwerkkabel)

* Moved the sign down from the city name so it is more readable (thank you 3iff)

* Code documentation inserted in code (only useful if you are a developer)

Admin Port Instructions

When recieving data from the admin port, it arrives as follows:

action = "population"

company = the companyID of the company we are sending population data for

population = the population dominated for the given company

Note: the data arrives at the beginning of a new year. It will send the population dominated for each company.

Again, I am sorry for the delay. As always, the GS is also available on bananas. I hope you enjoy this release. :D

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 10:17
by 3iff

Playing a small game with 5 towns. Dominated 4 but the 5th won't switch. Also, after setting the last goal, the program hasn't updated itself for more than a year...see picture. I am delivering passengers and just added a second route to the town..

I have the savegame if required. It's a fresh game.
Finport Transport, 8th Feb 1952.png
Finport Transport, 8th Feb 1952.png (72.01 KiB) Viewed 7783 times

Seems like the program crashed somehow (or entered an infinite loop?) I quit the game and reloaded it and the script is now recognising that I'm controlling all the towns. I'll keep watching things.

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 15:41
by 11Runner

Playing a small game with 5 towns. Dominated 4 but the 5th won't switch. Also, after setting the last goal, the program hasn't updated itself for more than a year...see picture. I am delivering passengers and just added a second route to the town..

I have the savegame if required. It's a fresh game.


Finport Transport, 8th Feb 1952.png [ 72.01 KiB | Viewed 20 times ]

Seems like the program crashed somehow (or entered an infinite loop?) I quit the game and reloaded it and the script is now recognising that I'm controlling all the towns. I'll keep watching things.
Are you sure you are transporting cargo to and from that 5th town (the GS requires cargo to actually be transported before the station is counted)? I dont see any cars in that picture.

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 09:47
by 3iff
I'm of the impression that the script was probably in a loop. It didn't appear to have crashed. When I reloaded the save file, it reported me as owner of the town...see screenshot. This is exactly the same date as the original report.

I had 4 buses running to two stations in the town from/to nearby towns. Even running a couple of years on from my original report, I still hadn't 'won' Penley...but a restart showed me as owner immediately on a reload. That strongly suggests a script loop somewhere.
Finport Transport, 8th Feb 1952#1.png
Finport Transport, 8th Feb 1952#1.png (71.58 KiB) Viewed 7735 times

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 15:30
by 11Runner
I'm of the impression that the script was probably in a loop. It didn't appear to have crashed. When I reloaded the save file, it reported me as owner of the town...see screenshot. This is exactly the same date as the original report.

I had 4 buses running to two stations in the town from/to nearby towns. Even running a couple of years on from my original report, I still hadn't 'won' Penley...but a restart showed me as owner immediately on a reload. That strongly suggests a script loop somewhere.


Finport Transport, 8th Feb 1952#1.png [ 71.58 KiB | Viewed 20 times ]
OK. I will see what I can do. Thanks for the report :)

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 18 Jul 2012 07:13
by 3iff
That's what I do...find bugs (unfortunately).

Note that in the first report, the script was finding a new goal on 6/7/50 and then didn't report anything after that...and it was 8/2/52 when I saved the it's hunting around trying to find a new goal and getting confused.

Reloading the game does clear the confusion though so it'll be trickier to trace...sorry.

Re: [NoGo] CityDomination

Posted: 18 Jul 2012 14:58
by 11Runner
That's what I do...find bugs (unfortunately).

Note that in the first report, the script was finding a new goal on 6/7/50 and then didn't report anything after that...and it was 8/2/52 when I saved the it's hunting around trying to find a new goal and getting confused.

Reloading the game does clear the confusion though so it'll be trickier to trace...sorry.
This information helps A LOT... because I finally looked at the picture of the bug and the log and noticed the date it started finding the new goal and the actual date.

So in short, you just pointed out what the problem was! And when you reloaded the game, that took it out of its loop, and it probobly reentered it after it acknowledged you own the 5th town (that or its making goals of owning towns you already own). So overall, the solution is to not create a new goal.