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Posted: 28 Nov 2003 15:21
by DominionSpy
ChrisCF (chirho) is probably going to ban me from #tycoon again for posting this, but who cares?

I think enough is enough - if we are going to have an 'official' channel for the forums, we need sensible operators. I'm fed up of chirho banning people (including me) for minor things.

For example, earlier today a few of us were having a little fun communicating only via /me messages (it describes what someone is doing - eg *dominionspy goes and checks his diary). There were no other conversations going on at the time and nobody in the channel seemed to mind. Then chirho came along and started saying that we should all stop it. When we didn't he banned us all (not permanently).

Now chirho set up the channel, and that's great, but he shouldn't use that as an excuse to do whatever he wants. When asked what his good reason for banning us, he answered that it was annoying him and since he was the channel creator he could do whatever he wanted and make all the rules.

Is it just me or is that not a very good attitude for an operator?

Another instance fairly soon after, while we were 'discussing' his attitude we had this conversation:
<chirho> What I'm disputing was your having a laugh at my expense
<chirho> More accurately,
<chirho> being annoying and having a laugh at my expense.
<chirho> And then expecting to still be in this channel :P
<dominionspy> You had a laugh at my expense so why shouldn't I
<dominionspy> ?
<chirho> Because I have an @ by my name, whereas you're powerless to stop me ;)
<chirho> j/k
[Ed - you'd think he was actually j/k-ing, wouldn't you?]
<dominionspy> There was no real reason to ban me - you were just abusing your powers
<broodje> I can only agree with dominionspy, but what would chirho care?
<broodje> as long as he is hapy
<chirho> Rule #1. Do not argue wiht operators over the rules.
<chirho> Rule #2. What the operators say, goes.
<broodje> chirho bit easy to hide behind that isnt it?
<chirho> That pretty much sums up IRC
<dominionspy> not on a channel like this - you are answerable to the members
<chirho> Why am I answerable ot the members?
<dominionspy> because of the nature of the channel - it is the official tt-forums channel
<chirho> And?
<dominionspy> if you abuse the op powers, people can complain
<chirho> I founded this channel. I'm not answerable to anyone that doesn't have an @
<chirho> End of story.
[More exchanges over his 'policy']
<chirho> And enough arguing over my policy.
<dominionspy> chirho: any way - you are now not welcome in my channels
* chirho sets mode +b *!*
* You have been kicked by chirho ([12:03:24] <chirho> And enough arguing over my policy.)

I personally don't think I was still arguing over his policy, but any way.

If he takes this stance, then why not just create a new channel where we can all converse without being banned for stupid things like that?

Posted: 28 Nov 2003 18:27
by jfs
dominionspy, and for that matter anyone else who participated in the /me conversation, uh and anyone else who is reading this really, in my opinion it's common sense that: If ANYONE tells you to stop doing ANYTHING because he/she doesn't like you doing it, then STOP. It's better for everyone. You might be having fun doing that something, but if someone else thinks it's annoying then it IS annoying. Find some other way of having fun, or do it somewhere else.
And it DOES NOT matter who tells you to stop! Operator or brand new user, no difference, they're both humans.
That's the point of the #tycoon IRC channel. To make sure everyone has a good time. It's probably the same for the forums.

Posted: 28 Nov 2003 18:35
by Hyronymus
I don't see why we all take it easy. If you are fed up by ChrisCF's behaviour you should avoid interactions with him. And the other way round too, unless the operator feels the need to speak up. Remember that this is a channel about something fun: a computergame. Don't crush one anothers skull about such small things.

Posted: 28 Nov 2003 18:42
by ChrisCF
I'm not going to answer to dominionspy, simply because it's not the place of normal users to question the policy of a channel operator. Not only that, but this is not the place to comlpain about it. I must say that I agree wholeheartedly with what G4S says above. In any case, remember that when an operator tells you to shut up, as well as the matter of courtesy, bear in nind that they have the tools to make you shut up, and will probably have no problem in using them.

For once, I have to agree with Hyronymus' advice. If you don't like the way you are treated on the IRC channel, nobody forces you to join it.

dominionspy, that's now both of the people that founded this channel that have answered you (and you won't get anyone higher than that). I hope you are proud of yourself for the fuss you've caused. Have a nice day.

Posted: 28 Nov 2003 19:04
by mp3Pro
hmmm has elitisim reared its ugly head?? stay tuned......

Posted: 28 Nov 2003 19:20
by ChrisCF
It's IRC. Get over it :)

Posted: 28 Nov 2003 19:21
so I wish you all luck .... I decided not to visit channel again

Posted: 28 Nov 2003 21:19
by broodje
I must say that I feel tempted to not visit again, I dont mind the fact you dont want any discusion about the rules, but after you banned him and me you start bragging about it:

[19:16] <chirho> Hmm... someone is complaining about their treatment on IRC on the forums.
[19:16] <chirho> That's all very well, but when you do something wrong and are punished reasonably, you have no right to complain.
[19:17] <chirho> "I stop for 5 minutes and you gave me a parknig ticket?"
19:17] <chirho> I'm just fobbing it off with a "you don't really have a right to complain, and this forum certainly isn't the place to do it."

fobbing it off, gee are you realy that childich chris? I just have the impresion you cant handle any power at all.

I dont like the fact I got banned, but I can live with it. But the way you banned me made me realy mad. You acted like the litle boy bullying his little sister just becouse he can.

aarg while I'm writing this:
[22:13] <chirho> Tell me oyu don't have anything else to say on that.
[22:13] <chirho> It's bad enough that dominionspy made an idiot of himself in front of the forums earlier

why are you doing this? it doesnt get you anywhere? What is it that you want to show? You got an @ and I dont? wow what a cool guy are you, wish I could ban people....

Anyway I dont like my post, and I realy dont like complaing about people like this, but the is a line you crosed chirho, mod powers dont give you the right to do anything you want.

Posted: 28 Nov 2003 21:36
by orudge
IRC is a very different medium to the forums, and basically, what the IRC op says goes. It may seem unfair at times, but I'm afraid that's the way it is.

Posted: 28 Nov 2003 22:06
by broodje
As I said i understand that, but I just get the feeling chris cant handle that power. I'm not questioning the rules, neither the reason I was kicked and banned for some time. I'm questioning the absolute power chris has and the way he uses it. He uses it to be funny? or is he just childish I dont know. Anyway, I think he should remember he got that powers and shouldnt use them the way bush uses his army thats all.

Posted: 29 Nov 2003 04:34
by Lilman424
hey, don't go bringing us into this now.
Politics and IRC opping are very different.....-_-

Posted: 29 Nov 2003 05:47
by spaceman-spiff
This practically sums up why I never IRC :lol:

I once said, "what a moderator says goes", they all laughed and continued
You operators have much power :shock:

And btw. if I were to laugh with someone or have fun with him, then I wouldn't mind the reverse
If you can't take something then don't do it either

Posted: 20 Jan 2004 07:09
by Andrex
If someone has a remote idea on how to setup a fserve and create triggers, plz let me know using the medium you like most. or pm or whatever.

I managed to create them yars ago when I used mIRC, but I completely forgot.

Posted: 20 Jan 2004 16:52
by ChrisCF
No, because these are not allowed on the channel for any reason whatsoever.

Posted: 20 Jan 2004 17:04
by GoneWacko
hmm well I do have a working fserve on my WackoIRC script...

mostly you just do

on *:text:!serveme:?: {
fserve $nick <homedir> <welcome.txt>

and then people would be able to MSG you with the message !serveme and it would give them permission to browse your fserve :)

Posted: 03 Feb 2004 04:55
by alphanumeric
how many people are typically in the tycoon forum? is it pretty active?

also.. how do I get their..what server is it on?

Posted: 03 Feb 2004 04:57
by Rob

Posted: 03 Feb 2004 07:47
by RaptorTycoon
alphanumeric wrote:how many people are typically in the tycoon forum? is it pretty active?

also.. how do I get their..what server is it on?
Yup, many peeps on there..

Posted: 03 Feb 2004 14:21
by GoneWacko
Rob wrote:irc://
Even better would be

irc:// :)

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 00:12
by CombatGold1
dominionspy wrote:ChrisCF (chirho) is probably going to ban me from #tycoon again for posting this, but who cares? ... etc save reading space look at his post above
well if your that bothered about it then make another channel! it isnt hard :P just keep at least 5 people in for 2 hours, u got yaself an L Bot.