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Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 18:05
by colossal404
Later I saw these are articulated buses, but i'm now using 1.0.5, and I don't change the grfs, I don't even save that before... But when these buses go to the depot, they come out correctly.

The only unusual about these buses is they don't have got destinations, so they go randomly around the map (2 cities on a 64x64 map), but I don't think that could broke the code.

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 13:48
by Zephyris
It does sound like a bug in OpenTTD then... not sure how to chase it down though.

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 10 Apr 2011 09:05
by SketchyGalore
ostlandr wrote:Short answer, give a 2 horse team 20 horsepower (15 kw) of power and 400 lb-f (1.8 {round to 2?} kn) of TE. 4 horse team should be 40 hp (~30 kw) and 800 lb-f (~4 kn).
That sounds about right game-wise to me after looking over the .xls chart posted earlier. I kind of wish I checked here before trying to crack open a grf for the first time to try to change it myself... which caused very muchly brain hurtage... The only problem is that it takes some of the value out of those early steam cars, which are just a tiny bit less-whimpy. Would love to get it working, though. I like using realistic acceleration and I keep trying to get a good pre-1900 game going, but it's a little tricky when all my horses seem to be cross-breeds with turtles. :P

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 14 Apr 2011 16:37
by Roujin
bug report:

Using FIRS, Pitman's Articulated Flatbed Truck refitted to Scrap Metal shows sprite for Batteries(?) in top-left facing direction for the front part (articulated part shows correct sprite).

Using eGRVTS v1.0 on OpenTTD 1.1.0.

edit: sorry for the huge screenshot, cannot be bothered to crop it right now though..

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 14 Apr 2011 19:04
by Zephyris
It's the generic cargo appearing instead of metal... Unfortunately I don't have time to look at it now but it can go on my long todo list for this set...

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 14 Apr 2011 22:26
by NekoMaster
For now just think of the batteries as scrap metal, maybe barrels full of scrap steel, or old round transformers

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 25 May 2011 11:54
by Dr. B. Ching
Hello Zephyris,

your eGRVTS adds a lot of fun and flexibility to road vehicles, so thanks for your work! I thought I offer a few comments on the set:

1.) Horse-drawn vehicles currently do not work with 'realistic' acceleration (probably already on your list).

2.) No truck or cargo tram seems to be able to transport FIRS alcohol (do.).

3.) I fail to see the point of Carter's Steam Bus. There are niches were the other two road locomotives can be used profitable, however at least with the current stats, I never managed to make any money with it. British politicians won't like it, but it would perhaps make more sense if its top speed would be increased from 4 to 11 kph at the price of lower capacity resp. horse power (as it is now) and perhaps slightly higher running costs to distinguish it from the Altwin Steam Bus.

4.) I hope you don't mind even if this isn't entirely the correct thread. While the Generic Tram Set is an excellent addition to eGRVTS, there seems to be a problem with several introduction dates of the vehicles, i. e. older ones reach very low reliability ratings years before their successors become available and some even expire in the meantime! It's also a bit unfortunate that the three latest trams (pax, mail, goods) effectively face EoL before 2050, the year I usually stop playing a map. One more thing: why are some running costs significantly higher compared to eGRVTS? Not really an issue for me, I'm just curious.

Again, thanks for the work you put into these sets!

Kind Regards,
The Axe

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 28 May 2011 22:57
by Zephyris
Thanks for the feedback!
As you may or may not have guessed I have hardly any spare time at the moment to work on eGRVTS but thanks for the comments; I will (hopefully) be making a major upgrade to the set soon though and I will fix some of these problems then...

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 11 Jun 2011 20:01
by Railwaymodeler
Building on what B. Ching said, I noticed that any horse drawn vehicle has a horsepower of zero. They worked a while back, but I don't remember the RV acceleration mode I used then.

I will report back if I find out anything!

At least, if I remember to!


I just fired up OpenTTD, and I went to advanced options, set RV acceleration to original, and now the horse drawn vehicles work.

With realistic acceleration, there is additional info in the purchase window, of vehicle horsepower. All horse drwan vehicles being set to zero, they never get above one mile per hour speed.

Turning acceleration to original gives normal speed.

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 11 Jun 2011 20:39
by andythenorth
The horse horsepower issue is known :)

The eGRVTS license allows modification, so I suppose one of us should fix it as Zephyris is busy. I don't much fancy digging into raw nfo decompiled by grfcodec though :shock:

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 11 Jun 2011 22:11
by Zephyris
Yup, one of the many issues which need fixing but I don't have time to do it myself at the moment!
I don't much fancy digging into raw nfo decompiled by grfcodec though :shock:
I'm afraid that is all there is, I like coding in raw uncommeted hex, and that's what the original source is!

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 09 Jul 2011 13:22
by Wasila
Sorry about the bump, but I'm running eGRVTS 1.0 and cannot autoreplace my Floss '51' 2 car passenger trams with the double decker AH Resolute 2 car passenger tram. Is that a bug?

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 09 Jul 2011 21:38
by Zephyris
I don't think that will be a bug with this set... It sounds more likely to be an OpenTTD bug replacing articulated road vehicles, though I may be wrong.

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 10 Jul 2011 00:19
by Eddi
there are no known problems in OpenTTD about replacing articulated road vehicles.

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 10 Jul 2011 00:33
by colossal404
Maybe you set the AH Resolute to be replaced with something, then you can't replace anything to it.

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 10 Jul 2011 11:25
by Wasila
No, I have tried the replacement with other vehicle groups and also other vehicles - none want to be replaced. I am running a version of Chillcore's patchpack - could there be a bug in that?

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 10 Jul 2011 14:25
by colossal404
Maybe you haven't gone enough money to replace them? You can set it in the settings/vehicles somewhere...

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 10 Jul 2011 15:10
by FooBar
I managed to autoreplace a Floss '51 with the AH Resolute without problems. In clean trunk and no other grfs installed, so the problem is not with eGRVTS.

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 10 Jul 2011 15:25
by Terkhen
Regarding Chillcore's patchpack:
ChillCore wrote:The place to report bugs is here and nowhere else, I will then try to figure out what patch may be the cause and report where needed.

If bugreports concerning this patchpak do appear outside this thread, I may ask not to provide binaries anymore and to have the binaries that are already provided removed. I do not want that to happen and neither do you.
Thank you for understanding.

Re: [Univ] GRVTS (v1.4) and [OTTD] eGRVTS (v1.0)

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 21:13
by callmewoof
This is probably a horribly stupid question but I can't seem to get a game going with eGRVTS (1.0). I'm starting in the year 1800, and whenever I try to use horses for any kind of industry (say, wood to a lumber mill), I can't get a single route setup. I've tried using roads, tram-roads, tram-freight depots, road-freight-depots, etc. It always says that the vehicle can't go to that type of station. Is there some screwy setup with this grf that you can't use the available industry vehicles until a later year? Or do I just suck that badly at figuring out this game? I couldn't find this in a search, and this grf doesn't exactly come with any documentation...

Please help, I suck :bow: