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Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 04 Apr 2008 20:23
by OzTrans
belugas wrote:... individual values ...
That would be another option and probably be the better one. I would have opted for summing up weighted individual values and then set the difficulty level according to 3 ranges of the result.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 05 Apr 2008 17:56
by krtaylor
What build version are you on? I seem to have been stuck on build version 1857 for a while now. Or has something else gone wrong so the number isn't incrementing somewhere?

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 07 Apr 2008 05:38
by DaleStan
Yes, something is going wrong. Both of the most prolific committers are suffering from particularly bad cases of Real Life. This tends to cause things not to change. Consider learning assembly and changing things yourself. Or looking at the formats for the various strings and making a translator website.

If all five revision numbers on the nightly download page are the same, then nothing technical is broken.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 30 Apr 2008 02:17
by krtaylor
r1879 crashes when you click on a tram depot. Instant crash, no crashlog generated. I have a savegame immediately prior using the entire Japanset including trams, and here's the sequence.

- As soon as I load the game, I'm offered the next tram for trials, which I accept.
- I go over to my trams and tell one to go into the depot.
- If I click on the depot before the tram gets there, sometimes it crashes instantly, other times it opens the depot window normally.
- When the tram appears in the window, I delete it normally. Sometimes the crash happens instantly at that point; other times, it deletes OK, but then after a few seconds (without my doing anything else) it crashes anyway.

I see r1882 listed but it won't download and install, I've had this happen before.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 30 Apr 2008 04:19
by DaleStan
It works for me. If it's not fixed tomorrow night, (*points at sig*) follow directions.

If a nightly doesn't build (not all of the five rXXXX numbers are the same), tell the devs immediately, on IRC. (Click "Chat" up at the top of the page.) Saying "The TTDPatch nightlies didn't build" should get our attention; it'll definitely get mine. It is not necessary to wait for a response.

If you're fast enough, we can hit the second build, an hour after the first. (80 and 20 minutes ago, as of this post)

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 30 Apr 2008 12:50
by krtaylor
Perhaps I should clarify concerning the building. I'm not equipped to attempt to actually "build" from source. After I made my post I looked a little more closely at the nightly page to try to figure out the problem, and that page only had a win32 ZIP file of 1879. 1882 was there, but only as a source file, which would need to be compiled by somebody I gather. So that's why 1879 is the most recent one I can get - it appears to be the most recent pre-compiled one. Those of you with compilers are able to us 1882, but I'll have to wait until a more recent version gets compiled and posted that way. When it is, I'll re-test my crash sequence and see what happens.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 30 Apr 2008 13:14
by eis_os
As mentioned in an other thread, If you can't find the recent version (only the source), you can see at
why something has failed. Mostly it's simple some typo/small mistake, so as DaleStan mentioned you can report it.
(if there are several commits by several authors, you can blame the right author too)

1883 should fix this, so you have to wait the next nightly cycle...

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 30 Apr 2008 17:22
by DaleStan
krtaylor wrote:After I made my post I looked a little more closely at the nightly page to try to figure out the problem, and that page only had a win32 ZIP file of 1879. 1882 was there, but only as a source file,
Exactly. This is when you come on IRC and make a fuss about the nightly not building. Because if you do it on IRC, we will have a decent chance of fixing it before the second build, and you'll only have to wait at most an hour. If you report it here, you'll be waiting up to 24 hours before the fix gets compiled.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 02 May 2008 00:30
by krtaylor
I got r1883 and the crash took place just as before. So, with great reluctance, I tried to use Olly Debug though I've never managed to get it to do much useful before. Sure enough, this time the whole computer hung up and I had to kill TTD with Task Manager before I could get back to OllyDebug. Here's the Olly screenshot for what it's worth.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 02 May 2008 02:59
by DaleStan
krtaylor wrote:I got r1883 and the crash took place just as before. So, with great reluctance, I tried to use Olly Debug though I've never managed to get it to do much useful before. Sure enough, this time the whole computer hung up and I had to kill TTD with Task Manager before I could get back to OllyDebug. Here's the Olly screenshot for what it's worth.
Ah. That isn't^Hwasn't mentioned. Don't start TTD in full-screen mode when debugging. It just doesn't work well that way. But some useful information is there. Enough for me to know it's crashing in code that has no business being executed when a tram depot window is opened. So, I'll need the savegame and configs. GRFs, too, if they're not readily accessible.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 02 May 2008 12:26
by krtaylor
Here are the files.

The only unusual ones are the Japanset, which is available in the thread. If you're missing a file, ask and ye shall receive.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 03 May 2008 02:17
by krtaylor
One of our Japanset GRFs got updated, and the crashing problem went away. So I'm guessing that there was something wrong in that GRF. It wasn't the tram GRF, so I really don't know what the interaction was, but using the new version seems to have solved the problem. :?

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 01 Aug 2008 18:20
by wallyweb
changes.log wrote:r1967, DaleStan: With newindustries on, allow up to 250 industries on the map.
Any chance of getting this parameterized to allow for selecting values less than 250? This would be helpfull for those of us who like to play with making scenarios in the sandbox. A line in the patch configuration file would do nicely.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 01 Aug 2008 18:35
by DaleStan
I can move it, but not any time soon; I'm AFK for two weeks starting in about an hour. If I haven't done it in about 3 weeks, poke me on IRC.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 01 Aug 2008 18:45
by wallyweb
DaleStan wrote:I can move it, but not any time soon; I'm AFK for two weeks starting in about an hour. If I haven't done it in about 3 weeks, poke me on IRC.
Thanks. Enjoy your respite from the forums. Unfortunately due to being currently internet challenged, the poke will have to be here instead of on IRC. 8)

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 19 Aug 2008 16:47
by wallyweb
Looks like a double post, but under the circumstances I thought it necessary. Have your lawyer call my lawyer and maybe we can settle out of court.
Minor issues with Vista wrote:by DaleStan on Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:41 pm
AHA! He's back.


Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 19 Aug 2008 19:17
by DaleStan
I'm working on it. Getting save/load to work properly is a quite pointed lesson in why-we-don't-implement-"impossible"-features.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 20 Aug 2008 17:12
by wallyweb
DaleStan wrote:why-we-don't-implement-"impossible"-features.
If nothing is impossible then one could also say why-we-don't-implement-"nothing"-features and with the resulting double negative, I'm sure a solution is in the cards. 8)

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 03 Sep 2008 15:50
by Rob
I didn't update the nightlies lately, but now I did and I get the following warning:

Code: Select all

Warning: Game uses some features of TTDPatch that are disabled or not present in this version. Data may be lost.
Retracing the nightlies, this "problem" was introduced after release 1993 or in other words release 1986 didn't give me this "problem".
Reading through the cahnge logs doesn't give me a clue as to what has been disabled since then.
Any pointers as to what goes on here would be appreciated.

ps my ttdpatch.cfg is attached.

Re: 2.6 nightly/alpha discussion

Posted: 03 Sep 2008 16:14
by eis_os
I am right that saving and loading it after a restart of the game works in r1986? It may be that the L8 array or the newbridges array won't be loaded correctly... (used/introduced since r1986)