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Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 08 Sep 2014 14:10
by Zakos
It's just a giant junction to celebrate the longetivity of the game...or whatever.

A fitting tribute!

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 09 Sep 2014 02:33
by Greyfox
No.... it's not a "fitting tribute". As you posted, it's just a giant junction, nothing else. It has no bearing on 10 years of Locomotion. I can't see the point.

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 10 Sep 2014 22:10
by Zakos
At least throw him a bone.

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 03:32
by Greyfox
@Zacos: I don't see the point of that remark either, best keep on topic. :lol:

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 14:12
by 304 001
Greyfox wrote:No.... it's not a "fitting tribute". As you posted, it's just a giant junction, nothing else. It has no bearing on 10 years of Locomotion. I can't see the point.
You really are an arrogant person sometimes. :|
If you don't like something, can't you just keep your mouth shut and move on?

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 16:37
by Greyfox
@304 001: Not if I feel that I have an opinion about something. We are all entitled to that. No malice was indicated in the post that you mentioned.

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 18:32
by Zakos
Then why do you always assume that my posts are spam or self-promotion and that I'm not just expressing my opinion?

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 23:23
by Badger
Zakos and Greyfox - Another topic derailed by your pettiness. Stop the nit-picking or go elsewhere. Simple.

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 12 Sep 2014 12:21
by TJ-99
I've been playing the Tehachapi landscape, slightly modified to represent Colorado mining.

This first photo is the smelter complex, located at the base of mountains where the railroad starts it climb.


Photo 2 is a small mining complex located on a ridge line above the mainline.


This last photo is a large mining complex in one of Colorado's "parks," or large valleys.


Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 14 Sep 2014 05:27
by glenjimen
Here's my attempt to celebrate Locomotion's 10 year anniversary, a little late I know, but it took me longer than I thought.
(621.63 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Over 244 vehicles in one picture, so yes it is Photo-shopped. As you can tell, I favor North American loco's.
Most of the loco's are from the Mega-pack and the Dekosoft packs. I've got to give a HUGE thank-you to the MODers who made this picture possible, and who kept Locomotion alive for 10 years and counting!

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 14 Sep 2014 06:32
by Greyfox
@glenjimen: A brilliant effort to recognise the 10th year of Locomotion. Well done!!

Cheers. :D

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 30 Sep 2014 17:55
by CS Master12
Emperor Darth Sidious wrote:@CS Master:

What do you mean by Oil wells by EDS, do you mean that you have used my city-version of the oilwells ?


Cool looking map Utrack, lookin forward for more screens ! Is there a possibility that you can share that map like with all of your other maps ? I have played a few of your older maps, but this one sure looks nice !

Congrats !


Yes,that is what i mean by Oil wells.They are a masterpiece!

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 30 Sep 2014 18:16
by CS Master12
Here are some screenies from The Lake District by Zimmlock.It is a piece of crystal!
(695.12 KiB) Not downloaded yet
(608 KiB) Not downloaded yet
(670.95 KiB) Not downloaded yet

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 30 Sep 2014 18:21
by CS Master12
Here's two more and a lol moment:
My hole network
(428.16 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Mascotte pass station with a LE incoming
(644.76 KiB) Not downloaded yet
The lol moment
(663.79 KiB) Not downloaded yet

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 02 Oct 2014 16:41
by Zakos
Aww, you took out the trees :( They make the map look better IMO.

Do you have the invisible version of the boundary marker?

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 10 Oct 2014 18:00
by CS Master12
Zakos wrote:Aww, you took out the trees :( They make the map look better IMO.

Do you have the invisible version of the boundary marker?
Yes on both. :mrgreen:

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 12:40
by addick
Thanks to Zimmlock for sharing the Lake District scenario - it's kept me busy for some time now and I finally completed the challenge this morning. I made several mistakes along the way, crashed a number of trains and will have another go at it soon improving the way I lay things out to try and get the trains running smother (I have a nasty habit of putting inclines in the most awkward spots)

A few screenshots from the final layout:

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 16:49
by Emperor Darth Sidious
CS Master12 wrote: Yes,that is what i mean by Oil wells.They are a masterpiece!
Thnxsss :oops: , but you should really thank Chris Sawyer for that, he made those oil-wells, I simply turned them into city-buildings, just like the windmill, coal and iron ore-mines...

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 28 Nov 2014 22:30
by uktrackbuilder_loco
Well the first version of the Faith and Hope Railroad didn't go according to plan, a bad dat caused a permenent crash around 1950, thus rendering the original game a waste of time
I reworked the dats and added in the U25B's from the Rock knowing that they would be an utter pain with low reliability factors reflecting their rl counterparts most of whom went for scrap as they were pretty much worn out by the time the Rock finally went under.
It's so far so good and I will add in some new screen shots to show the games progress to date

Re: Locomotion Screenshots and Videos (No off-topic posting)

Posted: 23 Dec 2014 14:19
by uktrackbuilder_loco
It's winter but still the trains keep running

Merry Christmas to all