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Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 04:53
by Last_Ninja_Monk
Theres a few grammar mistakes in there, mainly because i was in a rush haha.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 08:31
by Voyager One
Ark Royal wrote:@ Voyager - 100 people per week isnt that rediculous - about what the UK does IRL I think
What? :lol: What are you referring to? I really didn't get the point. Was it that comment "Like Croatia"?
Voyager One wrote:The Kiran Ambassador to the ICN has examined these allegations closely and he thinks there IS a case here, however, all documents have been sent to Madras for further examinations.
After accurate examinations, there is now certainty that Corsh has actually claimed mid-American lands during the Canad'Ohan conflict. As we stated for Canad'Oh, prior status must be reinstated and we will not settle for anything less unless there is a really good reason for doing otherwise. Lands cannot be taken by force, we're not in the middle ages any more.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 10:56
by Ark Royal
@ Voyager - What I meant was that if you were saying that a recrutement of 100 people per week was excessive, I was saying that it wasn't. Having re-read your post I have realised that you were just using random numbers to demonstrate what you meant. My mistake.

We would also like to add to the case against corsh (see evidence in main thread). What do I need to do/post?

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 12:55
by Voyager One
@Ark - Aha, got it now, I think you've confused me with LNM... :lol: He was the one to mention numbers on Corsh military. :wink:

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 13:46
by Last_Ninja_Monk
I used 100 as an example, stating that a lower recruitment could be anything from 99 below, which would still mean recruitment is increasing, thus making 20% increase still, but at a slower rate. Zero recruitment would mean a gradual decrease.

Also, a population of 100 million, with a decrease of 3% in army number compared to employment, would mean 3 million people. We fail to see where 3 million people have come out of thin air from. So, even in a large country such as Corsh, you are saying that in 3 years, you've had 3 million people come to employment age, none of which joined the armed forces?

This would suggest that in the nation of Corsh, that out of 100 million people (or however many civs they have) that 1 million are new born babys. Its been around 3-4 years since you stated the 21%, which means a decrease of 3% = 3 million, which suggests a aging of 1 million people per year becoming employable.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 16:51
by Jacko
i stated 20%, we have 75 (76 now) million people, not 100
and yes that seems a suitable period of time for that to happen. Deal with it ¬_¬

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 18:05
by Last_Ninja_Monk
Jacko wrote:i stated 20%, we have 75 (76 now) million people, not 100
and yes that seems a suitable period of time for that to happen. Deal with it ¬_¬

You seem to be unable to argue your case Corsh (This is all In character, mwuahaha).

20% of 75 million is 15 million soldiers, leaving 60 million to do other jobs, this number seem crazy! 60 million, minus children and old people, leaves around 40 million! are you honestly suggesting, that over 1/3 of your population is in the armed forces?

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 18:14
by Jacko
population is counted by the whole lot so no I'm not saying that.
we refuse to leave any territory no matter who says

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 19:16
by Voyager One
Last_Ninja_Monk wrote:20% of 75 million is 15 million soldiers
Just for a comparison, total army/naval/air force of Kira are about 2-3% of the population, 30-40 million in total.
(IIRC 1.4 billion population, 30 million active forces + 25 million reserves, OT speaking).

As we see these Corsh numbers, we have a growing suspicion that Corsh "armed forces" are nothing more than paramilitary groups. We have also a growing concern about these forces as they simply cannot be controled efficiently by the Corsh government.

Regarding this, we have only one thing to say to Corsh - we are watching you.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 19 Dec 2012 18:08
by Last_Ninja_Monk
Voyager One wrote:
Last_Ninja_Monk wrote:20% of 75 million is 15 million soldiers
Just for a comparison, total army/naval/air force of Kira are about 2-3% of the population, 30-40 million in total.
(IIRC 1.4 billion population, 30 million active forces + 25 million reserves, OT speaking).

As we see these Corsh numbers, we have a growing suspicion that Corsh "armed forces" are nothing more than paramilitary groups. We have also a growing concern about these forces as they simply cannot be controled efficiently by the Corsh government.

Regarding this, we have only one thing to say to Corsh - we are watching you.

We have taken this a step further. We beleive the following:

Corsh begins by bringing a small amount of soldiers that they originally had, into towns and villages. As these places had no form of government/money, they were mainly peaceful.

The men/Able bodys were forced into the Corsh army, serving as pure numbers, lead by the original team. They then snow ball'd their numbers by doing the same, each time gaining more and more men, aiding them tot ake more and more villages/towns. This explains Corsh massive expansion in a short time, as well as the massive army.

Our theory is that Corsh goes in, takes fighters from the villages and uses them to recruit more, once all the people with the ability to fight are away, Corsh forces bleed the towns/Villages dry of resources and funds, as they have no methods of protection. They then move onto the the next village/town, taking men for the army, and any thing they can for money. This is why nothing has been heard from the areas taken.

This would explain how a poor nation affords a massive army, and a large expansion. Simply, they don't pay for it, then take it by force.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 28 Dec 2012 08:16
by Voyager One
We are still waiting for Corsh to present viable evidences and arguments in this case except the "We didn't do it" argument.

In case of failing to do so, Kira will vote in favor of Aternia's claim.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 10:39
by Ark Royal
Wildebeestia also offers evidence that the Corsh empire have been recruiting by force. (I posted it somewhere or other, can't find it). We also requested that the Corsh Empire hold a plebicite in africa within 6 months, which they have not done. As such, we call on the nations of the ICN to request a plebicite in Corsh, as to whether they wish to be under Corsh rule, Wildebeestian rule or be self determinant. Our evidence indicateds that Wildebeestian rule is the most popular action, as they get the benifits of the food, electricity and internet policy, while Corsh rule is the least popular.

We would like to furthur demand that all Corsh soldiers are surveyed to find out whether they were conscripted or not. Our studies suggest that they were mostly pressganged into the army, and are not paid.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 21:06
by Last_Ninja_Monk
we beleive due to the long nature of this, that a vote should be called, deciding whether or not Corsh is:

A) Innocent
B) Guilty of illegal expansion and forced to withdraw
C) guilty of illegal expansion and illegal profiteering, calling for their leader to be brought before the ICC as well as been forced to withdraw.

Nations will then decide which areas if voting B or C they should be removed from via a separate vote.

We Vote C.

(This should end in like 3 days, its gone on long enough)

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 12:54
by Voyager One
Kira votes B.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 13:00
by Jacko
hey were a nation too (as much as you hippocrites hate it)
therefore we vote a
thats 1 for each so far

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 19:21
by Last_Ninja_Monk
As a nation that inst part of the ICN (I sure you stated you weren't) your vote is not counted.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 19:25
by Voyager One
Corsh is part of the ICN, the list is not updated correctly.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 20:15
by Last_Ninja_Monk
Jacko wrote:I refusse to join the ICN until this degenerate is removed or this whole case is proved ridiculous
We are caring people who feel a need to defend others should things get hairy with other nations, like yours.

We have already pointed out our army intake has dropped substantially, and our tank production has been cut furiously
We refuse to leave Mexico and Cuba now matter how much you fabricate about our growth

No they are not. Your thinking of Montanica.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 20:45
by Nawdic
We vote B.

Re: The Nations Game - International Council of Nations thre

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 01:27
by Zakos
We vote B.

And, at our mention, I would like to remind everyone that we withdrew from the disputed territory.