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Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 17:36
by Purno
Castille, 1456

We succesfully annexed Navarra and Munster and more provinces of Morocco, and we started a war with Algiers (their ally Tripoli already quit the war; we accepted their white peace offer. Their ally The Ottoman Empire remains at war, but is not the main target of Castille.

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 07:09
by This is my name
SimCity 4 : The only trusted city-building game since 2003.

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 12:31
by Daan Timmer
What is that on the top right of the image?

Aso, wouldnd call it *trusted* seeing how often it crashes >_<

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 12:38
by Hyronymus
Daan Timmer wrote:What is that on the top right of the image?

Aso, wouldnd call it *trusted* seeing how often it crashes >_<
Depends how often you hover a NAM piece over other transporation piece :P. Might post a few screenshots from my recovered city.

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 12:43
by This is my name
Daan Timmer wrote:What is that on the top right of the image?
That farm beside those low-wealth apartments? That's the last farm in the whole city. I use SimPeg Agriculture Mod (SPAM) for my farms.
Daan Timmer wrote:Aso, wouldnd call it *trusted* seeing how often it crashes >_<
I said 'trusted' because the gameplay is satisfying whilst not taxing on my system resources. FYI, I never had a single CTD when I play this game (except when hovering NAM pieces over transit tiles)

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 14:13
by Daan Timmer
Mine randomly CTD's. NAM or no NAM >_<

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 15:37
by Pyoro
Last time I thought about playing SC4 it took me about 2 days to install all the mods I wanted and then I somehow lost interest after like 2-3 hours of playing.
Don't ever add that dependency stuff to newgrfs :|

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 02:06
by Chrill
Purno wrote:Castille, 1456

We succesfully annexed Navarra and Munster and more provinces of Morocco, and we started a war with Algiers (their ally Tripoli already quit the war; we accepted their white peace offer. Their ally The Ottoman Empire remains at war, but is not the main target of Castille.
Financially, expanding into Northern Africa is not beneficial really. Ally with the French, take Aragon :mrgreen:

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 07:09
by Bad Hair Day
As with Purno, I'm playing a Castille game. It's currently 1707 and Castille, having long ago adsorbed Aragon and Portugal, became Spain fairly recently. The Spanish Empire is the largest in the world due to the Spanish being the first to discover the Americas in the 1460s and get colonising. The Hansa came second, but lost all of their North American territory to Sweden.

The Spanish, once gaining full control of Iberia, left the rest of Europe much to its own devices. A few wars were fought against France, who lost horribly and were later jumped on by numerous smaller nations, but otherwise the Spanish kept themselves to themselves. Austria and Britain are currently the main powers in Europe, steadily conquering Central and Northern Europe respectively. Spain is currently allied with Austria.

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 14:09
by Chrill
Wow Lankku, that is highly successful. Are you using any game modifications or cheats? I've modified my game to make it easier to expand quickly (I've made Overextension a smaller penalty and also made my armies fight better during Overextension issues, for example).

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 18:20
by beeb375
I've never actually seen any Europa Universalis gameplay, mainly because all you lot ever do is post maps ?(

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 18:32
by Pyoro
Well, it's EU3. There isn't much "gameplay" that's worth showing, imo ;)

I can almost hear those backwater Incans crying to be put under your enlightened rule, and I'm sure they're willing to pay in gold ;)

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 19:46
by Chrill
That's the Divine Wind expansion, released December 2010. The less modern interface you've seen in Purno's previous screens date back to 2006-2007.

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 03:22
by Bad Hair Day
Chrill wrote:Wow Lankku, that is highly successful. Are you using any game modifications or cheats? I've modified my game to make it easier to expand quickly (I've made Overextension a smaller penalty and also made my armies fight better during Overextension issues, for example).
No mods, no cheats. Just raw Chronicles.
Pyoro wrote:I can almost hear those backwater Incans crying to be put under your enlightened rule, and I'm sure they're willing to pay in gold ;)
I've been itching to annex them for a while, but my infamy is a bit on the high side due to my other colonial exploits. I'll start repeatedly attacking them for tribute before I finally adsorb them into my empire.

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 07:00
by Purno
Chrill wrote:
Purno wrote:Castille, 1456

We succesfully annexed Navarra and Munster and more provinces of Morocco, and we started a war with Algiers (their ally Tripoli already quit the war; we accepted their white peace offer. Their ally The Ottoman Empire remains at war, but is not the main target of Castille.
Financially, expanding into Northern Africa is not beneficial really. Ally with the French, take Aragon :mrgreen:
Aye, I realize that, but I'm close to out of options. New enemies are either too powerful or not worth it. I'm allied with France, Portugal and Burgundy at the moment, and in good relations with Aragon. I can't seem to colonize south-America yet (my ships get below 0% when making the sail accross the waters, and my army refuses to enter Terra Incognita lands).

I feel I'm kinda stuck ATM. I've tried declaring some wars but all those enemies are too powerful and I get overrun.

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 10:46
by Bad Hair Day
Have you already discovered the sea routes to the Americas? Ships take damage from travelling accross open ocean, but they take more from sailing into undiscovered zones (I think.). Also, if someone has colonised the Azores, get military access from them so you can use their ports to repair your ships. If the Azores are not yet colonised, take them as soon as possible. They're a stepping stone to the Americas because when they become a core province, you get a nice westward boost to your colonial range.

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 11:13
by Purno
The problem is my ships take a lot of damage from sailing in discovered open ocean zones, after roughly 10 zones the ships are at 0% (and 10 zones is roughly the route from Castille to America and back).

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 11:25
by Pyoro
If you didn't already do so, you could hire explorers (or admirals) to reduce the damage your ships take and (?) increase their sailing speed. If you want to colonize as fast as possible, you don't really need them to make the route back, a one-way trip is good enough ;)
Alternatively, you could hire a conquistadors (necessary to move armies into TI - you'll need QftNW national idea, a colonist and some 50 ducats...) and colonize/conquer the eastern African coast, Songhai usually has tons of ducats (and a few gold provinces), and it'll sooner or later reduce your travel distance to South America. Also, it puts you into a better position once Asia becomes a feasible aim for colonization (I usually colonize something around the cape ^^)

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 11:39
by Chrill
Choose the National Idea "Quest for the New World", and only use the biggest of ships for the trip across. Do it with an Explorer (recruited like a General in the Nations screen but costs 1 colonist). Being Spain, I'd recommend you sail down the African coast and then, when it turns east, you sail southwest-west to reach northeastern Brazil. This is the shortest passage. Staying near land makes the journey less of a mess for the ships involved as they do not suffer attrition as much.

If we keep this up, we'll need a EU3-specific thread soon :mrgreen:


I said what this guy said, basically:
Pyoro wrote:If you didn't already do so, you could hire explorers (or admirals) to reduce the damage your ships take and (?) increase their sailing speed. If you want to colonize as fast as possible, you don't really need them to make the route back, a one-way trip is good enough ;)
Alternatively, you could hire a conquistadors (necessary to move armies into TI - you'll need QftNW national idea, a colonist and some 50 ducats...) and colonize/conquer the eastern African coast, Songhai usually has tons of ducats (and a few gold provinces), and it'll sooner or later reduce your travel distance to South America. Also, it puts you into a better position once Asia becomes a feasible aim for colonization (I usually colonize something around the cape ^^)

Re: The official-unofficial screenshot thread (non OT)

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 19:05
by Purno
Got bored with EU3, back to DA2 :mrgreen: