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Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 02 Oct 2014 18:26
by Wahazar
I'm not using any AI, therefore I'm very grateful for performing such tests.
Of course I can fix it by adding pax acceptors at the end of road "dendrite",
but there is other issue related to simplified method of cargo flow from station to industry.
In ttd only nearest industry gain all cargo, and others none even if catchment area.
It is not a problem in case of basic simply cargo chains, because it is unlikely to have two acceptors near one station,
but become problem for more complex industry systems.
Because logging camp is a part of manpower industry, I would rather try to keep passenger acceptors in safe area,
to be sure that they will be used intentionally.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 07:13
by 3iff
I realise some strange things are happening, that's why I'm reporting them. I can live with how it works, it just seems a bit strange and I wanted to make sure someone knows about the behaviour.

If the trails weren't there, the logging camp would behave like any other industry (where only the cabins exist and stations are definitely in or out of range)...but the trails are probably desirable/necessary.

In any case, thanks for your work on this grf.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 05:52
by andythenorth
Just draw some vehicles at the end of the trails...?

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 05 Apr 2015 04:32
by kamnet
I don't know if you're still looking for improvements to these graphics, but perhaps you may be interested in borrowing from DanMacK?

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 04 May 2015 22:36
by Wahazar
Thanks to the Dan Mack courtesy, his real logging camp sprites were incorporated into this project. I changed it slightly to fit with my dirty track tiles and make version with horses instead of trucks. Now, depending on build year, horse carts (before 1950) or trucks are being displayed.
In future, I want to make similar behaviour to other machinery sprites (steam donkey instead of caterpillar, etc.)
New version is available on bananas and is now fully snow aware, including Dan Mack sprites:
loggingcamp1952.png (164.06 KiB) Viewed 1712 times
I would like also to thanks for all translations, which are included in new version.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 09 Dec 2015 17:16
by romazoon
apparently making a slope under a logging camp make fall some snow :P

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 13 Dec 2015 11:14
by Wahazar
Thanks for finding, I fixed it for version 9.
I also added location switch - logging camp appear only, if there are some trees yet.
It should prevent spawning camps in deserted areas, additionally there is chance to 'summon' camp by planting some trees.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 10 Jan 2016 22:53
by slaca
I always get the same error message when generate a map: "There were not suitable places for 'Forest logging camp' industries" I tried to change all the map generator parameters tried all terrain type,sea level, industries number, smoothness, everything, but always get the same error. What should I do? Though I can fund it during the game. :?

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 11 Jan 2016 01:53
by kamnet
slaca wrote:I always get the same error message when generate a map: "There were not suitable places for 'Forest logging camp' industries" I tried to change all the map generator parameters tried all terrain type,sea level, industries number, smoothness, everything, but always get the same error. What should I do? Though I can fund it during the game. :?
What size of map are you using?

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 11 Jan 2016 06:38
by slaca

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 11 Jan 2016 11:53
by Alberth
There are generally two possible causes for failure to place industries:

1. There is no flat land big enough to place the industry. Most industries assume the ground is flat If you have non-smooth flat-ish land, chances are such an area does not exist.

2. Placement conditions are not met. Besides the flat area above, industries may have other requirements, eg in arctic climate, default forests must be above snow level.

I don't know what the logging camp placement conditions are, but check the documentation to see if there are special requirements listed there, and make sure you have sufficient flat areas for placing an industry.

You might want to experiment after generation; cheat yourself a lot of money, and enable building industries in the settings. Then try to build a logging camp at various places under various conditions: High, low, near edge etc. You can also try to find pictures of the industry, and try to recreate the same environment in your map.

By experimenting, you may be able to work out what conditions are needed by the industry. You can then see how to tune the map generation parameters to optimize the chance for creating logging camps.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 11 Jan 2016 13:57
by slaca
Thanks Alberth, I will try it. Though I don't understand why it can't be placed if I can place it manually after the error message.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 11 Jan 2016 14:42
by wallyweb
slaca wrote:Thanks Alberth, I will try it. Though I don't understand why it can't be placed if I can place it manually after the error message.
Did you read the first post? There is some mention of settings and probabilities.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 11 Jan 2016 20:13
by slaca
Of course I did. I just don't get, if there is place to fund logging camp (it's sure because I did it manually), then why it can't be placed by mapgenerating. I have some time to test it now.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 12 Jan 2016 01:13
by wallyweb
slaca wrote:Of course I did. I just don't get, if there is place to fund logging camp (it's sure because I did it manually), then why it can't be placed by mapgenerating. I have some time to test it now.
Manual placement is 100%. MapGenerating placement is less. If you have satisfied McZapkie's suggestions, then I have no answers.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 12 Jan 2016 08:04
by slaca
Thank you, will place it manually.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 18 Jan 2016 14:33
by stb

I also encountered the logging camp placement error.
I play with Manpower GRF. That problem appeared since last update, ver 2.9.
Before this version I rarely seen this error, but now it occurs on every new map generation.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 27 Jan 2016 11:46
by Wahazar
Sorry for late reply, I was on vacations.
This particular error occurs, because now logging camps need some trees to be spawned (to avoid useless camps in deserted places).
In future release, I would try to make tree check only upon random spawn during game, not during map initialisation.

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 14:50
by stb
No problem!

I play with temperate climate map and there's a lot of trees. May be logging camp
building process checks only some random tile instead of examining whole map?

Re: Logging camp - forest replacement

Posted: 15 Apr 2016 12:44
by White Rabbit
Are the dirt roads compatible with the original TTD grass?