Woaw!! Hem, you really wrote me a book of question there, isnt it??
I had to copy and past your text to read it in a confortble way.... lol
I m gonna try to answer all your question, and i ll put the grf list i used (and tell you what they do ingame)
So here we go:
All the cities on my scenario Central Lake on Sea, have been manually builded. The small one i just took care that they are not too big, and that the street look neat. But on the Bigger cities(Wali,Zion, Riojano, Bordas, Baslard, Bluebay, Kingston, and one more i cant remember thename) i did builded a "squarish" structure to the cities : my method was to build some big square (i think here it s 8 tiles long square, but it works well also with 9/10 tiles long) next to each other... the streets from those "avenue" are the one i use to install my bus stop and complete a total coverage of the city. once square street are builded i m foundind a city in the middle and add some street in the middle of those big square (randomly) to give a feeling that their is also small streets between those straights avenues....
The advantages of this is if you want to erase a full square to install your station, you should be able to integrate it very well to the city, and if you want to put your station on the edges, it s still not dwarfing the city (and of course look very nice if you let the cîty grow around...)
I ve got an other example of a very nice city builded that way :
About the way my buildings looks (nice roofs, market places, etc), it s only due to Swedish House set grf (that was the 1.1 on screenies, now you can even get the 1.1.1 version)
And as Emperor Jake wrote, i did turned off city bulding roads themselfs, but i did not stop city growing, so the city was building everywhere it can (and that s only next to a road)
The station are coming from canadian station, newstation, and dutch station... sorry i m not showing you wich are wich, that would just take to much time...(i ll send you by pm the grf you miss, though)
About the highway, it is huge, your bus or truck might take for ever to cross the entire map (as jake said, it s 1024x1024), also there is no Huge interchange but many smaller ones, i tried to keep them small and with not too much penalties for the vehicules (so that they naturally choose an higway path from A to B or from A to F, instead of a small road when possible of course)
The nice looking roads are coming from "CS roads V2" grf, but are unfortunaly not compatible with totalbridgerenewal grf... wich explains why the road on my bridge look like the normal roads...
About the loop your talking about, i don t know where you really mean, sorry
About the trees, there is a small bug i introduced cause i changed the grf ingame. The result is that all trees planted before i changed the trees grf are not snow aware.... and the one i builded or that are growing on a empty tiles are snow aware... Anyway what interest you there is : OGFX+trees.grf
You ask about the trains: this is awesome and always in devellopment : 2cc train set (i mean it keep growing)
About Blue Bay, It s still swedish house set, but because the city was on vers low density when i connected it and i was allready in the 70's almost 80's, the city grew using modern building. Wali in comparison was my first city connectect and for this reason it s keeping a little longer an old style center. And like the Ikea building on the edge, i did nothing for that.... this is All THANKS to the Swedish House Set that handle all this without any modification from me.
Karik is cute thanks, the station is a mix of dutch station (the docks and station) with canadian station (the small warehouse)
About Bordas: Well the station here is Newstation.grf, The two extra lines, if you look at the network map (first post) you will realize it s indeed for future use.
The time board is a patch... but to be more precise and helpfull, i Use Chillpatch pack wich include many very good patch for Ottd (it include the link graph on the map, oh and btw it doesn t only do that it s also giving destination to reach the people and the mail without any transfert order or so, and that s what we usually call Cargodist.)
About the industrial images now: Yes i amazed myself actually with those ones... You will need the Indutrial Station Renewal (also called ISR set) and the DWE set ,
for the road tiles, it s a bit complicated, but you could simply use the North American Road set . Ii use a version wich is comptible with totalbridgerenewal on this screenies but it s to much for a newbie like you
And this Hotel is coming from ECS vectors. Wich replace the original industries with more complex ones (also introduce some new cargo
The trucks are LongVehicule grf, and they are indeed making graphics glitchs cause they are too big... but well can t be all perfect no?
The funny things on the coal mine screenshot... is actually the coal mine... but maybe i understood you wrong.
Vehicule factory : Same answer as Before, a mix between DWE station tiles, and ISR.
About the curvy hilly/Mountains roads, i m also quite happy with it... and i could not imagine making a straight road next to a railway that need to take care of the steepness. Note for everyone, that it s also allowing heavier vehicules to climb for the unique reason that the slopes are not all after each other (well with realistic acceleration on ,it gives times for vehicule to gain speed before next slope).
4.10.1969 : I agree i love those area too, one thing that i ve allready mentionned in another post, there is grey tiles under a bridge... those are coming from DWE objects (note that it s not DWE station) Edit : Sorry my mistake, they come from VAST object tiles grf....
Mmh the trees colors... is indeed very nice, but this appear naturally. Canno t expalin why thought, but probably a feature form OGFX trees. Grf
The green buildings in Kingston are coming from Dutch station set. The Park was not really intentional, but actually that s easy to make when you build city structure (like explained before) and then just not build street inside a square (city won t seed building too far away from a road)... and there it is a nice little park... The car park come from canadian station...
Seedan Bridge: The Map is a 100% Handmade, every tiles that appears have been putted by me (i remember now not even using an png map as a base, it s all made in scenario,, and so is the Island)
As said before this particular spot is inpired by real life, there is really an island in middel of the lake.... Look at Rapperswil, in Kanton Sankt Gallen... this is southern from Zurich, Switzerland.
Carpark and station (under it) is canadian station once again.
Loving the coastal and mountains scenery too...
And i can t stop laughing at your last very nice comment !!! Thanks for bringing my foot back on the ground...
Here is also my Grf List used ingame for Central Lake on Sea and the one for All Transport... ask me if you don t find some of them, i ll help you to get them (i m not sending you canadian station since jake gave you a link)
Voila, and i hope i answered all or most of your question....
Edit2 : As i m realizing you asked almost no question about the road stop... here is some explanation on how i use them.