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Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 27 Oct 2014 18:58
by Zephyris

Air travel on Mars is surprisingly difficult. The air is extremely thin, which makes lifting any significant weight extremely difficult, wihle the tiny oxygen content of the air means aircraft have to carry the extra weight of an oxidiser in addition to fuel. This makes conventional aeroplanes extremely difficult to build, and instead balloons dominate. The most common aircraft on Mars are huge airships, which use a combination of balloon bouancy and an aerofoil body shape for lift. These ships need some forward motion so stay in the air, and the thin air allows them to go surprisingly fast, although nowhere near as fast as winged aircraft. They only need a short runway to get into the air.

Rocket powered planes are also common, and are extremely fast, but severely limited by cargo capacity and very high running costs due to the self-damaging nature of rocket engines. They also require long runways to get airborne. In later years, super lightweight materials make some solar powered (eliminating the need of carrying fuel and oxidiser) winged aircraft possible, and these provide a good balance between capacity and speed, although with neither the capacity of airships or the speed of rocket planes, and requiring a long runway to get into the air.

Vertical takeoff vehicles are also initially dominated by balloons, in this case controlling their vertical movement by large vertically mounted fans or turbines. The low air density means little drag, allowing much faster lateral movement than balloons on Earth. The balloon bouancy also provides a much better cargo capacity than their Earth counterpart, the helicopter, although not so good as the airships. In later years as lightweight materials improve these balloons transition towards quadcopters, as the balloon is gradually responsible for less and less of the lift relative to the fans/turbines. These quadcopters have little benefit for cargo capacity, but much improved speed.

Airports are much like on Earth, but with the added logistical difficulty of a lethal atmosphere! However unlike Earth, short runways are common as they are sufficient for high capacity airships. Long runways tend to be found on larger high flight capacity airports which offsets the low cargo capacity of high speed rocket planes and conventional aircraft, at the cost of requiring much more land.

I have drawn all the graphics for the aircraft and airports, but still don't have access to the repo! So, as before, here are some big zips of lots of graphics.

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 27 Oct 2014 19:14
by Supercheese
Awesome, I am a big fan of airships. This set looks great! :D

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 12:02
by Zephyris
... and the aircraft all coded up for testing! Have a play and let me know.

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 17:52
by kamnet
Airplanes make tree planting sound when taking off. Other sounds are appropriate for normal aircraft, assuming you're not working on sounds yet.

It also doesn't appear that aircraft are able to load passengers. I have two airports set up with thousands of passengers waiting to travel between, but aircraft show no passengers loaded, are all operating at a loss. When set to "Full load any cargo" they sit waiting to load at 0%.

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 18:18
by Zephyris
I haven't started any of the sound effects yet... I've also noticed all the vehicles have a lifetime of zero, so are immediately in need of replacing.

Re the passenger capacity, were you trying the aircraft with the Mars industries grf loaded too? I think there are some problems with the the cargo translation table in that grf. Not 100% sure though, I'll chase it up when my Internet (eventually) gets connected!

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 21:28
by kamnet
I was initially using with all the current released OpenGFX Mars files. Tested it using only the Mars airships w/ default temperate industries, same result.

These do look really nice. Would you consider adding an option to enable their dates to start past 2050 for futuristic play amongst regular sets?

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 03 Nov 2014 14:24
by Zephyris
kamnet wrote:These do look really nice. Would you consider adding an option to enable their dates to start past 2050 for futuristic play amongst regular sets?
A parameter (or alternative grf) for using these vehicles on Earth would be pretty cool... It is further down my priority list though. The sprites and code are GPL though, and it would be quite an easy switch to add...

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 13:00
by planetmaker
I would very much advise to keep aircraft and airports separate NewGRFs, though.

EDIT: I created a new project for the airports, too. Additionally I noticed that I seemingly added the aircraft repo locally to OpenGFX Mars project but failed to push the other day. Sorry for confusion which that might have caused. That is fixed now along with a few minor errors in landscape, rv and industries repos which cause a failure to compile in each. Aircraft and airports grfs are dummy ones so far only, though (just grf header and support structure around that so that they are built correctly). ... 74/console

EDIT2: I also wrote a brief wiki entry on how to use sub-repos: ... positories
It's usually not interesting, except maybe the 2nd paragraph on how to update the main repo with sub repos.

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 07:59
by Zephyris
Thanks for all the updates planetmaker! And sorry for introducing build-breaking errors :( I'm stuck working between a computer with Internet access, and a computer that can build the grfs. I don't always get a chance to check it builds before pushing... :s

On the plus side the coding has come along very nicely, and the current builds are a big step towards being playable! Pick up a copy here:

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 20:11
by Audiopulse
I got inspired after finding this topic and spent some time on a very simple Cargorover-model - the yellow Boxes are placeholders for Crates.
I dont know how this could be made into a working sprite - I just made this for fun.


Just now I noticed the last Post has been last year, though, is this project cancelled? Would be a shame, if so.

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 22:24
by CheesePlant
Your model lookslooks good, I hope someone picks this up again, I've always like mars.

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 31 Jul 2015 17:10
by Chrill
Wow, I must have missed this topic back in 2014. I would love a proper Mars set. Fantastic work.

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 03 Aug 2015 12:12
by Zephyris
This certainly isn't cancelled! I just haven't got any time to work on it at the moment. All-in-all it is surprisingly complete/usable at the moment. Most of the bad bugs are in the cargoes/industries, particularly payment rates, production rates and production boosts from fertiliser and machinery.

If you would like to help the most useful thing to do is testing & bug fixing; most of the concepts are in place and most of the graphics are complete.

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 03 Aug 2015 17:08
by CheesePlant
Im more than happy to test, is the download available?

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 03 Aug 2015 17:20
by Alberth

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 03 Aug 2015 19:27
by CheesePlant
Thanks Alberth, how do we install it?

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 03 Aug 2015 19:36
by Alberth
You need to download the .zip files, unzip them (the .tar inside is fine, no need to unpack that), and add them to a place where your OpenTTD looks for NewGRFs. If you use Linux, that's ~/.openttd/newgrf . If you use a different operating system, please consult the readme file that came with your OpenTTD program, which explains what directory to use (or create if it doesn't exist).

Copy the .tar files inside that directory, and start OpenTTD. You should be able to select the Mars NewGRFs as normal. Then start a new game, and start testing :)

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 04 Aug 2015 13:47
by Phreeze
windows -> my documents\openttd\newgrf or sth like that, can't remember by heart

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 04 Aug 2015 18:29
by CheesePlant
Sorted, it was very simple. I'll test and provide feedback, great work.

Re: OpenGFX Mars

Posted: 05 Aug 2015 16:55
by CheesePlant
I spent a few hours playing last night and yeah it's pretty complete. I need to spend more time to understand the industry chain but I'm really liking it.