Southern Pacific Set

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Southern Pacific Set

Post by Ruiluth »

Hi everyone! The time has come for me to release my first NewGRF. From my Reddit post on the subject:

"Background: I love NARS and the Add-On set, but I don't like their lack of focus. It feels weird to me to have PRR duplexes, CP Jubilees, and SP Cab Forwards all running on one railroad. Additionally, there are some serious gaps in their steam line up. My favorite era is right around 1920, and I usually keep my game within a few decades of that year for its entirety. (Either cheating the date or using a long day length.) This works fine as is, but the problem is that old engines don't get updated anymore. In NARS 2.03, steam engines would evolve over time, so a 2-8-0 built in 1914 has far stronger stats than the one built in 1868. In NARS 2.51, you have old time wood burners, then some updated coal burners, and then it goes straight into modern road engines like mikados and berkshires, etc.

"The problem with this is that when I'm starting my game in 1920, I have to choose to either way overpower my trains with giant (for the time) engines like 2-8-2s and 4-6-2s, or buy 1800s era engines that look out of place hauling current cars and have awful stats.

"My solution is to create a new pack that goes into much more detail, offering various flavors of different wheel arrangements from different eras. For example, the first 4-4-0s looked very different from the express engines of the late 1800s, which looked very different from the later superheated versions. This is true across almost all wheel arrangements.

"My method of execution would be to take my favorite railroad, the Southern Pacific, choose representative classes from each wheel arrangement and era, and then create models for each class. Many of them would look the same, many would have very similar stats, but you'd get a huge amount of variety while maintaining a very uniform family look. My sources would be for stats and for photos.

"I'd also like to make freight and passengers cars to fit the SP theme, including variations such as diners, sleepers, RPOs, etc. I have some ideas for this, which I'll go into if and when I make them.

"I'd also like to include their narrow gauge trains, and maybe some classic stations in SP colors as well."

Well, I've got too much time on my hands, so here's my first version! It's mostly a proof-of-concept and a proof-of-my-ability-to-actually-finish-and-release-things, so I only have one locomotive so far: the SP A-3 4-4-2. The A-3 is my favorite, and I also happen to be building an N scale model of it, so I have a lot of notes on its exact construction, as well as a model to reference for drawing sprites. I've implemented it in seven liveries, created a custom repaint cargo, and implemented dynamic running costs. So I'm pretty happy with this and ready to keep going! Next will come a caboose, then probably some passenger cars, then a light freight engine like a mogul, probably an M9.

The license right now is restrictive, since it's barely out the door, but eventually I plan to release it freely and I'm also open to collaboration. I have 68 standard gauge engines and a number of narrow gauge ones planned, so more hands would not be unwelcome.



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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Ruiluth »

Here's version 0.2. I've added a mogul, a caboose, and four flavors of passenger car. Next is probably another freight engine of some kind.

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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by kokutetsu »

Oh now this is cool. I spent a good part of my childhood on the SP's Ventura Sub (Carpinteria) so the Espee has a special place in my heart.
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by PikkaBird »

Very nice. :) The "repaint" cargo still feels like a bad idea, but it's probably less of an issue than it used to be now we have 64 cargos per game in recent nightlies.

If you're interested, the NARS1 and 2 sprites are available to download here. Feel free to use or modify them in any way you like.
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Ruiluth »

PikkaBird wrote:Very nice. :) The "repaint" cargo still feels like a bad idea, but it's probably less of an issue than it used to be now we have 64 cargos per game in recent nightlies.

If you're interested, the NARS1 and 2 sprites are available to download here. Feel free to use or modify them in any way you like.
Actually, this grf evolved from another one in which I pretty much just ripped NARS sprites out of the game using screenshots of the sprite aligner, haha. Although I also used other sprites by people who didn't want me using them so I decided to draw my own for a public release. Thanks for the offer though! Also in that grf, I actually gave each engine a passenger capacity of 1 for repaint purposes, but unfortunately it screwed up the cargo distribution network and I ultimately decided a special cargo was better. It should help to have 64 cargoes too, as you said.
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Emperor Jake »

Ruiluth wrote:Actually, this grf evolved from another one in which I pretty much just ripped NARS sprites out of the game using screenshots of the sprite aligner, haha. Although I also used other sprites by people who didn't want me using them so I decided to draw my own for a public release. Thanks for the offer though! Also in that grf, I actually gave each engine a passenger capacity of 1 for repaint purposes, but unfortunately it screwed up the cargo distribution network and I ultimately decided a special cargo was better. It should help to have 64 cargoes too, as you said.
There's a way to use passengers as the repaint cargo but at the same time have a capacity of 0 so that it won't affect cargo distribution. It's how the Dutch Trainset and others do it.

IIRC all you need to do is have

Code: Select all

		cargo_capacity: 1; 
		cargo_allow_refit: [PASS];
in the property block, and

Code: Select all

cargo_capacity: return 0;
in the graphics block. This means your vehicle shows as carrying passengers in the purchase and refit menu, but otherwise it acts normally. Hope this helps!
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Ruiluth »

Emperor Jake wrote: IIRC all you need to do is have

Code: Select all

		cargo_capacity: 1; 
		cargo_allow_refit: [PASS];
in the property block, and

Code: Select all

cargo_capacity: return 0;
in the graphics block. This means your vehicle shows as carrying passengers in the purchase and refit menu, but otherwise it acts normally. Hope this helps!
It did help! I just finished version 0.3, and I did exactly that. It's a much more elegant solution

Anyway, here it is! This is a big jump from the last version. I added 9 new engines, although 3 are rebuilds, and a boxcar. I also allowed the Harriman cars to be refit to 2CC. For the early 1900s, this set should be at least somewhat playable now!


BaNaNaS is updated to the latest version now too. I forgot to upload 0.2, but 0.3 is live.
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Ruiluth »

Version 0.4!


* NEW: 120-SC tender
* NEW: 120-SC-2 tender
* NEW: T-32 4-6-0 in black, CC, and four colors of Russia iron.
* NEW: Six classes of PFE reefer in seven paint schemes that update according to year
* NEW: 40ft Single seathed wooden boxcar
* CHANGE: More letterng on the 40' RPO
* CHANGE: Adjusted all engines' maximum speed to match that shown in the diagram book.
* CHANGE: Painted the roofwalk on the 36ft boxcar to match the roof color
* FIX: C3 and C9 cylinder cover color
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by NekoMaster »

Hey, I just noticed your thing on the content downloader and thought I'd check it out. Never thought someone would be such a fan of Southern Pacific to make a set dedicated to SP's steam engines :P

Anyways, I dont tend to FOCUS on stuff with my NARS Add-on Set so as to provide a large variety of stuff, though I'm more of a Diesel guy so most of my work has gone into the various Diesel's of NOrth america from the early days to modern day (which I realy ought to get around to adding the MPI MP54AC and EMD F125)

Two more reason I have as to why I dont have a lot of steam engines in my set : Lack of information/data and a lack of sprites. I have a few sprites for some steam engines that still need to be coded but I've just been busy with school and doing other things.

ANYWAYS, I wish you luck with your endevors, it'll be ncie to have a bit more variety especially since SP had some of its own interesting steamers (like the GS-4 Daylights and the Cab Forwards)
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Mamarussell »

Hey! I made an account on this site recently just to comment here. If I could recommended anything. . . Whenever you do create sprites for the MC, AC, MT, MK, P, GS classes you should do more than just one generic sprite for each of them. Instead you might want to consider creating sprites with/without streamlining, and types in general like how there's an MT1-5, GS1-8, and so on.

It would be super cool to see that kind of variation in aesthetic and power, speed, weight, price, introduction/lifespan, maintenance and such, as they all preform differently!

(Most of the info on locomotives like these should be on the internet and through websites/model railroading archives that might still be around)

I can't wait to see how far this set goes! :bow:
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by openttdfan2020 »

Ruiluth, Would u make a major railroads in united states and predecessors railroads from past with freight cars passenger cars diesel engines steam engines electric engines and push cars?

Newgrf Set Name: USA Railroad Set

if you do, i will be happy! :)
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Ruiluth »

NekoMaster wrote: 11 Apr 2019 09:24 Hey, I just noticed your thing on the content downloader and thought I'd check it out. Never thought someone would be such a fan of Southern Pacific to make a set dedicated to SP's steam engines :P

Anyways, I dont tend to FOCUS on stuff with my NARS Add-on Set so as to provide a large variety of stuff, though I'm more of a Diesel guy so most of my work has gone into the various Diesel's of NOrth america from the early days to modern day (which I realy ought to get around to adding the MPI MP54AC and EMD F125)

Two more reason I have as to why I dont have a lot of steam engines in my set : Lack of information/data and a lack of sprites. I have a few sprites for some steam engines that still need to be coded but I've just been busy with school and doing other things.

ANYWAYS, I wish you luck with your endevors, it'll be ncie to have a bit more variety especially since SP had some of its own interesting steamers (like the GS-4 Daylights and the Cab Forwards)
Well, I've certainly been busy with other things! Hard to believe it's been over a year. I do somewhat have plans to have a diesel set, with all the locos available in Black Widow/Bloody Nose/Kodachrome/etc, but we'll see if I ever finish this first! :lol:
Mamarussell wrote: 20 Apr 2019 01:23 Hey! I made an account on this site recently just to comment here. If I could recommended anything. . . Whenever you do create sprites for the MC, AC, MT, MK, P, GS classes you should do more than just one generic sprite for each of them. Instead you might want to consider creating sprites with/without streamlining, and types in general like how there's an MT1-5, GS1-8, and so on.

It would be super cool to see that kind of variation in aesthetic and power, speed, weight, price, introduction/lifespan, maintenance and such, as they all preform differently!

(Most of the info on locomotives like these should be on the internet and through websites/model railroading archives that might still be around)

I can't wait to see how far this set goes! :bow:
I'm honored, even if a little late! But yes, that is definitely in the works. I haven't gotten very far yet, but I do actually have plans to make unique sprites for each class of locomotives that was significantly physically different. For example, the Mt1, 3, 4, and 5 were all identical, built to the same plans, so my plan was to have the Mt1 represent them all, but also have an Mt4 available starting in the streamliner era with daylight colors. The Mt2 was actually inherited from a different railroad and s l i g h t l y different, so it will get its own sprite! I have plans for all 6 GS classses (GS7s and GS8s were Cotton Belt copies of the GS-1, rebuilt a little differently over the years), 7 classes of AC, two of Mk (most of these were identical too), 6 of P, and also 6 Ts and 7 TWs. I'm trying to get back on the horse, so hopefully that will come soon! I also have taken all the stats straight from company blueprints, so they are all exactly realistic. (The only exception is power, which is calculated using a formula as it is very hard to measure on paper.)
openttdfan2020 wrote: 02 Jun 2019 15:27 Ruiluth, Would u make a major railroads in united states and predecessors railroads from past with freight cars passenger cars diesel engines steam engines electric engines and push cars?

Newgrf Set Name: USA Railroad Set

if you do, i will be happy! :)
I have certainly considered it, but this is already a pretty massive undertaking. I have thought about making some more focused sets, like a Rio Grande narrow gauge set, Milwaukee Road Electrics set, Union Pacific Monsters set, Amtrak set, etc. But that probably won't be for a while, to be honest.
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Ruiluth »

Finishing up version 0.6 now. I've added lots of freight cars, including flat cars and tank cars, and three new engines: the Central Pacific's first locomotive, the tiny Governor Stanford, their famous Jupiter, and their less famous suburban prairie tank 2-6-2T. Waiting to get my BaNaNas account migrated, and then I'll get it up on the content manager!

A small commuter train picks up passengers while the Jupiter blasts through with an old-time freight train. (Stations from the US Station Set if you're curious.)

[+] Spoiler
* NEW: Governor Stanford 4-4-0
* NEW: Jupiter 4-4-0
* NEW: Suburban Prairie Tank 2-6-2T
* NEW: Early 25' Boxcar
* NEW: Early 34' Boxcar
* NEW: Early 34' Ventilated Boxcar
* NEW: Early Flat Car
* NEW: Early Gondola
* NEW: Early Tank Car
* NEW: B-50-18 Boxcar
* NEW: B-50-22 Boxcar
* NEW: B-50-24 Boxcar in Overnight, Dark Olive, and Two-Tone Grey (Lark) + CC variations
* NEW: F-40-1 Flat Car
* NEW: F-40-6 Flat Car
* NEW: F-50-1 Flat Car
* NEW: F-50-4 Flat Car
* NEW: F-50-5 Flat Car
* NEW: F-50-11 Flat Car
* NEW: F-50-14 Flat Car
* NEW: F-50-16 Flat Car
* NEW: F-70-2 Flat Car
* NEW: F-70-3 Flat Car
* NEW: O-50-1 Tank Car
* NEW: O-50-2 Tank Car
* NEW: O-50-3 Tank Car
* FIX: Capitalization
(old changelog for 0.5 that I forgot to post about here)
[+] Spoiler
* NEW: B-40-15 Express boxcar in dark olive and CC
* NEW: B-40-16 Express boxcar in Overnight and CC Overnight, both prewar and postwar variants of both.
* NEW: B-40-18 Boxcar
* NEW: G-50-3 Drop-bottom gondola. Load textures are planned for the future.
* NEW: S-40-2 Stock car
* NEW: S-40-12 Stock car
* NEW: C-40-1 steel cupola caboose. The texture for the C-30-1 has been updated to appear more wooden.
* NEW: CA wooden caboose. I couldn't find any pictures of this at all, so I used the same sprite as the C-30-1 following the tendency of post-harriman designs to follow Common Standard designs when possible. If you have any information on this, please contact me.
* NEW: A-6 in daylight and CC.
* NEW: GS-1 in black, CC, and passenger schemes.
* NEW: SP-1 in black, CC, and freight schemes.
* NEW: 235-R tender (not cuurently attached to any engine)
* NEW: The entire 1941 Coast Daylight consist, including the 79-CB-1 chair-baggage car, articulated chair car, three-unit diner, 79-C-2 chair car, 79-T-1 tavern car, 79-PR-1 parlor car, and 79-PRO-2 parlor-observation.
* NEW: Placeholders for 2 boxcars, 11 flat cars, 5 gondolas, 5 hoppers, and 3 tank cars. They are hidden by default, but can be enaled through a parameter if you want to use them in an untextured state. This will allow you to play the game from about 1910-1950.
* NEW: Placeholders for 39 locomotives that I plan to include eventually, mainly for my own organizational purposes. They don't do anything yet.
* NEW: Some flavor text for the more interesting locomotives.
* CHANGE: the 36ft double sheathed wooden boxcar is now the B-40-6 class
* CHANGE: the 40ft single sheathed wooden boxcar is now the B-50-11 class
* CHANGE: Any train headed by a locomotive from this set with at least one freight car attached must have a caboose or passenger car from this set on the end before it can leave the depot.
* CHANGE: All coaches will age cargo at the same rate. Sleepers take double the time for cargo to age in transit. These times can be doubled by adding a diner, observation, coffee shop, or tavern to the train.
* CHANGE: Reworked colored boilers to be more prototypical. Red and blue boilers are gone, and grey and green colors are referred to as "freight" and "passenger" styles, respectively, based on my observations of historical photos and the scant information I've been able to find online. Locomotives are now available with one or the other or both, depending on their typical roles. You can choose between black, cc, and color until 1934, but from 1935 on, you can only choose black or cc.
* CHANGE: changed the color scheme for company colors. The secondary color is now applied to the cab roof rather than the injectors and cylinder covers.
* FIX: Boxcars can carry goods.
* FIX: Added missing booster to Mt-1.
* FIX: Redid all the sprites using a modular image format. All misalignments should be fixed.
Last edited by Ruiluth on 08 Jun 2020 06:50, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Blaxlandridge3 »

Please post a screenie of the jupiter! :bow:
Mac OS sucks.

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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Ruiluth »

Blaxlandridge3 wrote: 07 Jun 2020 18:58 Please post a screenie of the jupiter! :bow:
As requested, here's all three available liveries, plus the Governor Stanford on the top. The Jupiter and Leviathan paint schemes are available until 1878, and in 1879 they will all change to black and grey.


Note that if there's two or more in a train, all the tenders will have the livery of the lead engine. This is a limitation with the base game and there's nothing I can do about it.
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Ruiluth »

Version 0.6 is now live on BaNaNas. I had to take out the F-1 due to some graphical weirdness, but I forgot to mention that I added the Governor Stanford, so still 3 new engines! I've updated my previous post to reflect this.
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Blaxlandridge3 »

Awesome! I don't play TTD, but I still love the jupe! 8)
Mac OS sucks.

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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by F/A18 »

Very nice set, although it has one tiny little flaw.
There is NO CABOOSE (or passenger carriage) until 1905 and (naturally) no other set can provide it's caboose to fix this problem, so that makes the set unplayable with a starting year before 1905. I know it is work in progress, but why there is a hard rule to have a caboose and at the same time no early caboose available? :shock:
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by Emperor Jake »

Ruiluth wrote: 08 Jun 2020 06:19
Note that if there's two or more in a train, all the tenders will have the livery of the lead engine. This is a limitation with the base game and there's nothing I can do about it.
The Dutch Trainset seems to get around this problem :wink:
brabanders.PNG (15.85 KiB) Viewed 14620 times
I haven't looked at the code yet, but I'm guessing you have to tell the tender to get its livery from its parent locomotive, not the first vehicle in the train. Coding your tender as a whole vehicle with its own ID and set to "NO_CLIMATE" makes this possible IIRC (but don't quote me on this, my coding is rusty)
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Re: Southern Pacific Steam Set

Post by andresmarver »

F/A18 wrote: 18 Jun 2020 21:14 Very nice set, although it has one tiny little flaw.
There is NO CABOOSE (or passenger carriage) until 1905 and (naturally) no other set can provide it's caboose to fix this problem, so that makes the set unplayable with a starting year before 1905. I know it is work in progress, but why there is a hard rule to have a caboose and at the same time no early caboose available? :shock:
As F/A18 has pointed out, the train set is very, very nice; however, the lack of a caboose before 1905 makes all trains before that date unusable due to the restrictions for them, unless I am missing something...

Currently playing a game starting at 1850, and have already tried to use the Governor Stanford with freight, passengers, both and neither, and all combinations of wagons, and cannot send my trains on their way because they are missing a caboose.

Hopefully we can get one for pre-1905? Really want to use these locomotives.
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