3D Transport Tycoon

A 3D Transport Tycoon-like game, an incomplete version of which was released as "Trains & Trucks Tycoon".
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Post by Jan »

Looks like Peter is working on new version. According to his site, he is talking to new publisher and the game may be out next year if everything goes well. The info is very sporadic and in German, but you can made your own conclusion here:
in the Forum section
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Post by spaceman-spiff »

Is that Peter's "official" site ?
Too bad it's in German
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It's (mostly) understandable translated by google.
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Post by Arathorn »

I think Peter's German is very easy to read. Even with my little bit of knowledge about German I can read it quite well.
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Translation help

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Post by antpocas »

I wonder what happend at the court case...
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Post by Bart »

probably suspended again...(that's how you call it, right?)
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Post by Arathorn »

Der oberste Richter war heute nicht da, den Vorsitz führte stattdessen der, der sonst immer links von ihm saß. Er war insgesamt sehr freundlich und meinte, er habe meine Webseite gelesen, und ich solle doch bitte nicht "ausrasten" (siehe Newsüberschrift vom 7.5.2003). Softwareprozesse dauerten nun mal lange, besonders, wenn es keine ausreichenden schriftlichen Unterlagen gibt.
Ich versuche mir immer, wenn ich merke, daß ich nervös werde, klarzumachen, daß das, was für die Beteiligten auf der Hand liegt und sonnenklar ist, weil sie es ja selbst erlebt haben, für jemand anders, z.B. einen Richter, überhaupt nicht offensichtlich ist. Deswegen muß ich meine Ungeduld zügeln und ausharren.
Ich bin insgesamt, was den Ausgang des Verfahrens angeht, deutlich optimistischer geworden. Was die Länge angeht, weiß ich zwar immer noch nicht, was auf mich zukommt, aber gehen wir der Reihe nach:
Also, die 4 Zeugen waren da gewesen: Christian Drenkard, Philipp Zabel, Leander Hanwald und Neil Pierantoni. Die Fragen des Richters waren die folgenden:

Sind Sie mit Herrn Dobrovka verwandt? (war keiner)
Haben Sie Herrn Dobrovka Ihre Rechte am Spiel 3DTT im vollen Umfang abgetreten und ihn legitimiert, an Ihrer Stelle hier aufzutreten? (haben alle bestätigt)
Was war Ihr Aufgabenbereich am Projekt?
Hatten Sie Reise-Unkosten?
Der Anwalt von Uebbing interessierte sich hauptsächlich dafür, ob die Zeugen meinen Anwalt kannten, und wann sie mich das letzte Mal gesprochen hatten. Bin mir nicht ganz sicher, worauf er hinauswollte. Vielleicht, daß mein Anwalt die Zeugen beeinflußt hat? Man schließt halt gern von sich auf andere.
Leander hat noch zu Protokoll gegeben, daß er den Betatest im Sommer 2001 geleitet hat, und dafür hatte Uebbings Anwalt ebenfalls großes Interesse.
Obgleich sowohl mein als auch Uebbings Anwalt die präsenten Zeugen noch gerne 1000 weitere Dinge gefragt hätten, wurden keine weiteren Fragen an die Zeugen zugelassen. Das hat mich definitiv in Panik versetzt, denn immerhin hätten sie zur Kernfrage: Ist SuS = 3DTT sehr viel zu sagen gehabt.
Zu meiner eigenen Beruhigung: Natürlich wird dieser Punkt im Laufe des Verfahrens ebenfalls geklärt werden. Es ist gar nicht anders möglich, daß er nicht geklärt werden würde. Nur eben nicht an jenem Tage. Der "Beweisbeschluß" des Gerichtes, aufgrund dessen die Zeugen geladen wurden, war nun einmal so eng gefaßt, daß nur diese Fragen zulässig waren.
Insgesamt muß letztlich alles geklärt werden, was Uebbing bestritten hat. Und er hat es ja bestritten, daß die anderen WAY-X-Mitglieder mir ihre Rechte abgetreten haben. Was diesen einen Punkt angeht, so ist der Prozeß absolut zu meiner Zufriedenheit abgelaufen, und der Punkt kann abgehakt werden. Ich bin auch sehr zuversichtlich, daß alle anderen Punkte zu meiner Zufriedenheit ablaufen werden. Auch der Umstand, daß zwei mögliche zukünftige Zeugen der Gegenseite (ich nenne jetzt keine konkreten Namen) auf jeden Fall lügen werden, um ihre Haut zu retten, wird daran nichts ändern.
Es bleibt natürlich etwas unbefriedigend, daß die Zeugen, die alle mehrere hundert Kilometer angereist waren, um auszusagen, zu den anderen Streitpunkten nicht befragt wurden. Ich male mir gerade aus, wie sie für den nächsten zu klärenden Streitpunkt wieder mehrere hundert Kilometer anreisen müssen. Allein das ist aus dem Gesichtspunkt der "Prozeßökonomie" (wieder ein neues Wort gelernt) irgendwie nicht elegant gelöst.
Was aber wirklich beunruhigend auf mich wirkt, ist daß der Prozeß sich seit anderthalb Jahren zieht und es in diesem Zeitraum gerade mal zwei Verhandlungstermine gegeben hat, in denen das Gericht sich redlich mühte, über so wenig wie möglich zu reden. Zumindest kommt es mir so vor, man verzeihe den blasphemischen Gedanken. Ich will ich keineswegs die Richter angreifen. Mir kam es in den Verhandlungen immer so vor, als läge Ihnen selbst auch viel an einer zügigen Abwicklung, aber sie sind offensichtlich an Regeln gebunden, die für einen Außenstehenden fremdartig wirken. Und ich bin so ein Außenstehender.
Auf jeden Fall ist die Zahl der Dinge, die Uebbing bestreitet, Legion. Er bestreitet ja sogar, daß ich überhaupt etwas mit Programmieren zu tun hätte, obwohl ich als Programmierer in seiner Firma angestellt war. Ich schätze die Zahl der Dinge, die er in seinen Schriftsätzen bestreitet, auf knapp unter hundert. Wenn jeder Punkt ein halbes Jahr zur Abklärung braucht, erlebe ich den Prozeßausgang voraussichtlich gar nicht mehr. Das klingt jetzt bösartiger, als es gemeint ist, denn mir ist klar, daß der Prozeß nicht 50 Jahre dauern kann. Kein Prozeß dauert so lange. Aber rein mathematisch komme ich erst mal zu so einem Ergebnis.
Ich erlaubte mir deswegen, den Richter zu fragen, wie das denn nun sei. Ob es möglich sei, zukünftig mehrere Fragen in eine Sitzung zusammenzufassen usw. Seine Antwort diesbezüglich fiel positiv aus, und auch er selbst sagte, daß das jetzt alles schneller gehen würde. Und wie als Beweis erfahre diesmal das Ergebnis der Verhandlung nicht erst in 4, sondern schon in 2 Wochen.
Wie gesagt: über den Ausgang des Verfahrens mache ich mir keine Sorgen mehr. Das Beweisangebot ist erdrückend. Ich habe dem Spektrum außerdem noch ein Privatgutachten hinzugefügt. Ich muß nur meinen Frieden damit machen, daß ich das Urteil noch nicht so bald in Händen halte. Uebbing wird wahrscheinlich ohnehin in Berufung gehen, da er weiß, was ihn erwartet, wenn er diesen Prozeß verliert: Diverse Straßprozesse wegen Betrug, Prozeßbetrug, Falschaussage an Eides Statt usw. Was Ubi Soft macht, weiß ich nicht. Deren Standpunkt scheint es zu sein, allein schon deshalb ein rechtskräftiges Urteil abzuwarten, damit die Verhältnisse juristisch einwandfrei geklärt sind. Ich hoffe nur, daß sie wissen, daß wenn sie weiterhin die Beweise ignorieren und sogar in Berufung gehen, ebenfalls in die strafrechtliche Zone rutschen.
Langer Rede kurzer Sinn: Am 29.10.2003 werde ich erfahren, wie es weitergeht.

Aus aktuellem Anlaß noch eine Bemerkung zu meinem Anwalt: Er hat mich bisher tadellos durch diesen Prozeß gelotst, und ich bin sehr mit ihm zufrieden; ich werde ihn auf jeden Fall "behalten", falls es zu einem Berufungsverfahren kommt. Ich muß daher alle Angebote von anderen Anwälten im Vorfeld ablehnen.

Such a huge amount of text is too much for my meager skills in German. :P
Can someone pick the most important pieces out?
I know he is more optimistic about the process and some witneses were heard.
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Post by Prof. Frink »

Not there the highest judge was today, the presidency led instead that, which sat otherwise always left from him. It was altogether very friendly and meant, it had read my web page, and I am "to release" nevertheless please not (see new heading of 7.5.2003). Software processes lasted now times for a long time, particularly, if there are no sufficient written documents. I try me always, if I notice that I become nervous, to make clear that what for the involved ones obvious is and sun clear is, because they experienced it for somebody else, e.g. a judge, is not at all obvious. Therefore must I mean impatience zuegeln and to endure. I became clearly more optimistic altogether, which concerns the exit of the procedure. Which concerns the length, white I yet, what comes to me, but do not go we in sequence: Thus, the 4 witnesses had been there: Christian Drenkard, Philipp Zabel, Leander Hanwald and Neil Pierantoni. The questions of the judge were the following: Are you related to Mr. Dobrovka? (was none) credit you Mr. Dobrovka your rights surrendered to the play 3DTT to the full extent and legitimizes it to arise in your place here? (all have confirmed) which was your field at the project? Did they have travel expenses? The lawyer von Uebbing was interested mainly in the fact whether the witnesses mean lawyer knew, and when them me had spoken the last mark. Are not completely safe me, on which it out-wanted. Perhaps that my lawyer affected the witnesses? One judges stop gladly from itself others. Leander still to minutes gave that he led the beta test in the summer 2001, and but had Uebbings lawyer likewise large interest. Although both would have asked mine and Uebbings lawyer the present witnesses still gladly 1000 further things, no further questions became certified to the witnesses. That shifted me definitely in panic, because nevertheless they would have to the central issue: SuS = 3DTT very much is had to say. To my own calming: Naturally this point in the course of the procedure will be clarified likewise. It is not differently possible at all that it would not be clarified. Only evenly not on that day. The "proof resolution" of the court, due to whose the witnesses were loaded, was now once so closely calm that only these questions were permissible. Altogether in the long run everything must be clarified, what denied Uebbing. And it denied it that the other WAY x members retired their rights to me. Which concerns these one point, then the process ran off absolutely to my satisfaction, and the point can be checked off. I am also very confident that all other points will run off to my satisfaction. Also the circumstance that two possible future witnesses of the opposite side (I call now no concrete names) will lie in any case, in order to save their skin, will change in it nothing. It remains naturally somewhat unsatisfactory that the witnesses, who had traveled all several hundred kilometers, in order to state, to who other points at issue were not asked. I paint myself straight, as they must for the next point at issue which can be clarified again several hundred kilometers of journeys. However that is somehow not elegantly solved from the criterion of the "process economics" (again a new word learned). Which affects however really disturbingly me, is the fact that the process for one and a half years pulls itself and it in this period straight times two dates of hearing gave to talk in which the court fairly strove itself, about as few as possible. At least it seems to me in such a way, one forgives the blasphemischen thoughts. I do not want to attack I by any means the judges. It seemed to me always in such a way in the negotiations, as if would be to you also much because of a brisk completion, but they are obviously bound at rules, which work for an outstanding one strangely. And I am such an outstanding one. In any case one is the number of the things, which Uebbing denies, Legion. It denies even that I would have to do at all something with programming, although I was employed as programmers in its company. I estimate the number of the things, which he denies in his writs, on scarce under one hundred. If each point needs a half year for clarification, I do not experience the process exit presumably any longer. That sounds now more malicious, than it is meant, because me it is clear that the process cannot take 50 years. No process lasts so for a long time. But purely mathematically I come only times to so a result. I took the liberty therefore to ask the judge how now was. Whether it is possible, in the future several questions into a meeting to summarize etc.. Its answer in this connection failed positively, and also it said that that could be done now all faster. And as as proof experience this time the result of the negotiation not only in 4, but already in 2 weeks. As said: over the exit of the procedure I make myself no more concerns. The proof offer is crushing. I added the spectrum in addition still another private appraisal. I must make only peace with the fact for mine that I yet so soon in hands do not hold the judgement. Uebbing probably anyway into appointment to go, since he knows, what it is expected, if he loses this process: Various Strassprozesse because of fraud, process fraud, wrong statement on oath place etc.. Which makes Ubi soft, I do not know. Their point of view seems to be it to already therefore be waiting however a valid judgement so that conditions are legally perfectly clarified. I hope only that they know that if they ignore further the proofs and even into appointment go, likewise into the criminal zone slip. Long speech short sense: To 29.10.2003 I am experienced, how it continues. From current cause still another remark for my lawyer: It guided me so far perfectly through this process, and I am very content with it; I "will keep" it in any case, if it comes to an appointment procedure. I must reject therefore all offers of other lawyers in the apron.
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Post by Arathorn »

I hate on-line translators.
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Post by Gil »

Here it is in English, for those of you who don't speak Google!
Seems Peter is in for a long haul, but the over all mood is optimistic.
The highest magistrate was not present today, so the chairman, who always sat to his right, was presiding. All in all he was very amicable, he told me that he had visited my web site and that I should try not to get so irate (see news article from 17/5/03). Cases involving software always drag on for a long time, especially when there is insufficient documentary evidence.
Whenever I start to feel nervous, I always try to remind myself that something that is very clear to those involved in the case because they have experienced it themselves, may not be so easy to understand for others, a judge for example. So I have to try and rein in my excitement and be patient.
Taking all this into account, I am now much more optimistic about the outcome of the case. I still have no idea how long it will go on, but I’m going to stick with it.
All 4 witnesses were present: Christian Drenkard, Phillip Zabel, Leander Hanwald and Neil Pierantoni. The magistrates questions were as follows:

Are any of you related to Herr Dobrovka? (none were)
Have you surrendered all your rights to the game 3DTT to Herr Dobrovka and authorised him to represent you? (everyone confirmed this)
What was your area of responsibility in the project?
Did you have travel expenses?
Uebbing’s lawyer was trying to establish whether the witnesses knew my lawyer, and when they last spoke to me. Maybe he was trying to imply that my lawyer had influenced them somehow? [Man schließt halt gern von sich auf andere.]
Leansder had already stated for the record that he lead the Beta test in the summer of 2001, and Uebbing’s lawyer was very interested in this.
Although both my lawyer and Uebbing’s lawyer wanted to ask 1000 more things, no further questions were put to the witnesses. This definitely made me panic, they would all have had a lot to say in response to the question: does 3DTT = SuS?
This point was clarified later in the proceedings, which calmed me down a bit. Of course it had to be brought up sometime, just not today. The court’s “evidence schedule”, which was why the witnesses had been called, was so tight that these were the only questions we had time for on the day.
Finally, everything that Uebbing had contested had to be clarified. And he stridently contested the fact that the other WAY-X members had given up their rights to me. As far as this one point goes, the case went completely in my favour and the matter was settled. I am confident that all other points will also go in my favour. The fact that two possible witnesses for the other side (I won’t name names here) will no doubt lie to save their skins has not changed.
The one thing that I was not too happy about was that the witnesses, who had travelled several hundred kilometres to testify, had not been questioned on the other issues. I can already see that they will have to travel hundreds of kilometres again to testify on the next point of contention. So as far as the prospect economical case was concerned, things didn’t work out too good. The thing that has really started to grate on my nerves is the fact that the case has already gone on for a year and a half, and in this time we have been given two hearings and on both occasions the court had really tried its best to talk about as little as possible.
I’m sure you’ll forgive me for having a few blasphemous thoughts, but I don’t want to criticise the magistrate in any way. One thing that has struck me about the proceedings is that everyone wants to see a quick resolution, but they are always bound by rules which seem strange to an outsider.
Anyway, the list of points which Uebbing has contested is ridiculous. He is even contesting the fact that I have anything at all to with programming, although I was employed as a programmer in his company. I estimate the number of things which he is contesting is just under one hundred. If it takes 6 months to settle every item, then I will not even live to see the resolution of the case. That sounds more iniquitous than it was intended to, it’s obvious to me that the case cannot possibly continue for 50 years, no case lasts that long. Pure mathematics brought me to that conclusion.
I plucked up the courage to ask the magistrate how things will progress from here, whether it will be possible to cover more than one point in a hearing etc. His answer seemed fairly positive, and he said himself that everything would move much faster from here on. And as if to prove this, we will have the result of the hearing in 2 weeks, not 4.
As I have said, there is no chance of me abandoning the case. We have a huge body of evidence in our favour. I have also added a private expert opinion. I just have to make peace with the fact that I will not get a result very soon. Uebbing will probably go to appeal, because he knows what will happen if he loses the case: a whole range of criminal cases for fraud, perjury, false testimony under oath etc. What Ubi Soft is doing I do not know. It seems that their position is that they will wait for the result of the legal proceedings so that their situation is completely above board. I only hope that they know that if they continue to ignore the evidence and even enter an appeal, they will still be criminally liable..
A long speech with a short meaning: I will find out how things are going to proceed on the 29/10/03.

I just wanted to add a short note about my lawyer: he has guided me faultlessly through the process and I am very pleased with his work. I will definitely retain him if the case goes to appeal. So I’d like to turn down any offers of help from any other lawyers in advance.
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Post by antpocas »

Gil wrote:Here it is in English, for those of you who don't speak Google!
Seems Peter is in for a long haul, but the over all mood is optimistic.
Ah. Thanks. I speak Google, but such language is only understandable when short phrases are used :P
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Post by Born Acorn »

qutie familiar with 3dtt but Hate Ubi Soft for pirating it

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Post by anaconda »

Next date is 29. in this month. I surely hope this will end well for Peter.
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Re: dtycoon

Post by Born Acorn »

raptortycoon wrote:I saw 3dttdx on the playstation, Isnt that good. Its kinda crappy
its not the deluxe version, its just


psx, its only called transport tycoon
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Post by John »

hi, im back after many months of not posting (but i ocasionaly read through off topic) and after rediscovering my password (didnt want to accept it). for those who are intrested im at boarding school in england.

I highly doubt the 29th will be the end, its just the results from the 15th. they are still asking him and the witnesses whether he had all the rights the game, they havent even started comparing 3dtt and ttt. For those who dont know, i offered to translate 3dtt into english for peter but i havent got round to it (i did the index in a day and never anything else)(sry peter). i have quite a few free lessons so im going to hopefully start translating soon, and if any one could help, i would appricaiate and im sure Peter would too.
and heres the news from the 29 (excuse bad english, but i have 30 min to translate and google never translates properly)
"I dont know the exact results. They arent able to tell me or my Lawer the result over the telehonf, as usual because the file (with results) is going around (crappy translation, sry but the file is being passed around so he cant find reslults). But the secateries, who had the file for a short time are talking (rumours) about appraisal (http://www.dictionary.com translation)
(from what i gather) there is supposed to start comparing the software (but he is thought that would happen, in a bad sense). this will cost, and will take several years.
the opponents are trying to scare me, because i made myself punishable (bad english i know) because I put ttt (ubisofts version of 3dtt) illegally on the internet. The ttt they are refering to is the betatests for 3dtt (omg). Oh my god, is all im saying. how stupid do they think i am? Or are they stupid themselfs? Na, who cares the result will be the same: they will lose"

very bad translation (but took me 25 min, the stuff in brackets is from me, i have 55 min sps now where ill translate the text from his website

Adzyboy how are u? hows ur website getting on?
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Post by anaconda »

This reminds me of the case going on with SCO vs Linux. They are comparing software there too...

But seriously, RRT3 is released now, and I'd say that the layout and graphics looks very familiar to 3dTT.
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Post by Mad Dog McKill »

anaconda wrote: But seriously, RRT3 is released now, and I'd say that the layout and graphics looks very familiar to 3dTT.
omg yeah.. the railroad tracks look exactly or very similar to those in 3dtt

Its like the landscape layout and camera position was copied from 3dtt...

Edit Just read somewhere that Peter worked on RRT 3... maybe he was the one who did it... hopefully :roll:
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Post by Arathorn »

New news since the last reply here:
16. Dezember 2003: Der Insolvenzverwalter ist gefragt!

Das Gericht hat nun den Insolvenzverwalter von VX aufgefordert, innerhalb von 3 Wochen den Sourcecode von Schiene und Strasse vorzulegen. Sehr schön, das wird der aber sehr wahrscheinlich nicht können, denn das Zeug befindet sich nicht in der Insolvenzmasse und der Server, auf dem er lagerte, dürfte verkauft worden sein.
Es besteht natürlich noch die Chance, daß irgendwo bei irgendwem ein Karton mit gebrannten CDs rumliegt.
Na ja, wie auch immer, es gibt jetzt nur noch 2 Möglichkeiten: Entweder der Sourcecode taucht auf und wird zur Begutachtung vorgelegt, oder er taucht nicht auf. In beiden Fällen ist das Ergebnis unausweichlich.

21. November 2003: Uebbing rückt Schiene und Strasse Sourcecode nicht raus!

Das habe ich mir schon gedacht, daß so was kommen würde, denn das anstehende gerichtliche Gutachten ist nicht nur der Nagel zum Sarg von Dr. Reinhold Uebbing, Ex-Geschäftsführer von VX, er würde auch ziemlich dumm dastehen, wenn jemand einen Blick auf den Pascal-Source werfen würde. Immerhin ließ er ja durch seinen Anwalt verlautbaren, daß 3DTT in der "veralteten Programmiersprache" Delphi geschrieben ist, während bei VX Spiele immer in C++ programmiert würden. Was ja letztlich irgendwo richtig ist, denn VX hat Schiene und Strasse nicht programmiert, hehe.
Interessant ist, WIE Uebbing sich versucht, aus dem Schlamassel zu winden: Da VX insolvent ist, will er angeblich keinen Zugriff mehr auf das Firmenmaterial haben, was den Sourcecode von S & S einschließt. Er muß die Richter entweder für dümmer halten als die Polizei erlaubt, oder es ist der letzte verzweifelte Versuch, aus seinem Lügengespinst heil rauszukommen.
Na ja, ich bin gespannt, wie die Richter auf diesen dummdreisten Versuch reagieren werden. Gibt ja theoretisch mehrere Möglichkeiten.

14. November 2003: Gutachten kommt!

Ich halte den Gerichtsbeschluß vom 29.10.2003 in Händen.
Also, das Gericht will einen Sourcecodevergleich machen lassen. Dazu hat es einen Diplom-Mathematiker als Gutachter vorgeschlagen.
Ich muß mal wieder blechen, diesmal aber "nur" 1300 Euro.
Wenn das Gutachten fertig ist, gibt es wohl voraussichtlich irgendwann in ferner Zukunft wieder einen Verhandlungstermin. Ich komme auf das Thema zurück, wenn es soweit ist.
Can someone translate this without online translators?
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Post by John »

hehehehehe, dont ask. i was supposed to do translate the website. did index quite quickly, then got busy and never got round to doing news... though i have done the first 2 pages (from 7, with odd holes in the middle where i missing words) but i could do with help (lots) and if someone does translate before me, and its gd can i use it for his website??

[edit] (from memory, and simlified) the court wants to compare the source code and asked VX to get it. VX said they couldnt because the had gone bankrupt and so the data wasnt accesible (not quite right, sry). and it will be intresting because 3dtt is in delta and vx writes its games in c++. comment from peter - yes true, because they didnt write 3dtt). court wants to compare source code and vx has 3 weeks to produce it and they probably dont have it any more [/edit - thats basically it, if someone could do a complete translation it would help, thx]
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