Here I will be providing information and releases for the North American Industry Set, created by myself (NekoMaster) thanks to code and help from AndyTheNorth, creator of FIRS Industry Set.
This industry set was designed to better represent (within the limitations of OpenTTD) North American industry, including cargos and industries common in North America.
Gameplay shouldn't be too much different from FIRS 3, so players familier with FIRS industries should be able to jump right in.
Anyways enjoy playing your games with the North American Industry Set

Hopefully you can figure out what each industry is by its name. If not, check the Index HTML (included in North_American_Industry_Set_Index_HTML.zip)
Either search for "North American Industry Set" via the ingame Content Downloader/Online Content, or download the file from here, and place the "north_american_industry_set_v#.#.#.tar" in your newgrf folder. This is the folder where your save files and OpenTTD.cfg will be. BY default the game loads grfs from your documents folder. The tar file does not need to be extracted (OpenTTD for a long time has been able to load GRF's from .tar archive files)
Windows : Documents/OpenTTD/newgrf
MAC OS : home\documents\OpenTTD\newgrf
Linux : home\documents\OpenTTD\newgrf
(Unsure about the MAC OS and Linux locations, feel free to correct me on those)
~ MISC ~
The Index HTML file includes a bit of information and graphics for the Industries and Cargos included in this industry set, as well as some code referances for the industry ID's, cargo lables, etc.
Just load it up in a browser (hopefully your OS should know what program to use to load HTML files, as windows seems to be getting weird not knowing how to open HTML files at times)
This file is not needed for operation of the industry set, its merely just there for some information. I'd host the file if I could so people could view it online, but alas I dont have the money or knowledge to run a publicly accessible web server to host web pages from.