
Discuss the new AI features ("NoAI") introduced into OpenTTD 0.7, allowing you to implement custom AIs, and the new Game Scripts available in OpenTTD 1.2 and higher.

Moderator: OpenTTD Developers

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Post by xarick »

Just decided to upload it. ... S-1.tar.gz

I have no idea how to describe this thing, so here's a copy paste from the readme.


This library includes a Script Communication Protocol Client for AIs to be
able to play in a game running the Company Value GS game script with SCP

-- API docs --
See main.nut of the library which have commented public members for more

IsCompanyValueGSGame() - ret: bool
IsCompanyValueGSInGoalMode() - ret: bool
IsCompanyValueGSInRankingMode() - ret: bool
GetBestCompanyID() - ret: CompanyID
GetBestCompanyValue() - ret: integer (£)
GetCurrentTargetValue() - ret: integer (£)
RankingList() - ret: AIList (CompanyID, integer (£)) value sorted
GetCompanyIDRank(company_id) - par: CompanyID; ret: integer (#)
GetCompanyIDValue(company_id) - par: CompanyID; ret: integer (£)
GetCompanyIDDiffToTarget(company_id) - par: CompanyID; ret: integer (£)
GetCompanyIDDiffToBest(company_id) - par: CompanyID; ret: integer (£)
GetCompanyIDDiffToNext(company_id, next) - par: CompanyID, bool; ret: integer (£)

-- Library design idea --
The idea is that other GSes may provide SCPClient_<some other lib>, and
that AIs will want to include more than one of them. Therefore this
library does not initialize or include the SCP library. Instead you pass
an instance of it to the SCPClient constructor.
Formerly known as Samu
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