[JGRPP] The Netherlands (Scenario, various sizes & climates)

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[JGRPP] The Netherlands (Scenario, various sizes & climates)

Post by Quast65 »

My favourite scenario of The Netherlands was:

1. Too small to place all the pretty eyecandy that has been made in the recent past (and coming in the future).
2. Not available in Arctic climate (so no pretty snow versions of the above eyecandy)

So I decided to make a heightmap from that scenario and manually data-mined all the coördinates of the towns and signs (that took a very very very very long time 8o )

From this I could make new scenario's in various sizes and climates.
These I will put in the next few posts.

A preview:
The Netherlands Q65.png
The Netherlands Q65.png (99.84 KiB) Viewed 4350 times
So, its The Netherlands, completely surrounded by water.
I added a couple of islands, so that there are foreign destinations for airplanes to fly to (and also for international trains). Those have towns named after countries/regions.
I also added an island off the coast (inside the purple circle). That can be used to place an industry-chain to produce for example goods and/or food. To provide cargo for ships to Rotterdam Harbour.
If you dont like this stuff, just remove it in your scenario-editor

- Start year is 1839, the year the first train ran in The Netherlands.
- No GRFs (add that yourself)
- No Industry (add that yourself)
- All towns are roughly the same (small) size

So really for the eyecandy players :mrgreen:
A blank canvas that can be painted in how you like it, enjoy!

Here are the sources (no scenarios in this file) I used to make the scenarios (Heightmap & txt's with the coördinates of the towns and signs):
The Netherlands Scenario Q65 Sources.rar
(107.37 KiB) Downloaded 224 times
Last edited by Quast65 on 14 Oct 2020 21:30, edited 1 time in total.
Projects: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=57266
Screenshots: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=56959
Scenario of The Netherlands: viewtopic.php?f=60&t=87604

Winner of the following screenshot competitions:
sep 2012, jan 2013, apr 2013, aug 2013, mar 2014, mar 2016, oct 2020
All my work is released under GPL-license (either V2 or V3), if not clearly stated otherwise.
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Re: [OTTD] The Netherlands (Scenario, various sizes & climates)

Post by Quast65 »

The Netherlands 2048x2048

The Netherlands_2K_Arctic_v01.scn
(803.15 KiB) Downloaded 193 times
The Netherlands_2K_Temperate_v01.scn
(777.34 KiB) Downloaded 241 times

These scenario's will probably not run on "vanilla" OTTD!
To play these, you will probably need a patched version of the game, for example JGR-patchpack.
Last edited by Quast65 on 05 Oct 2020 12:15, edited 1 time in total.
Projects: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=57266
Screenshots: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=56959
Scenario of The Netherlands: viewtopic.php?f=60&t=87604

Winner of the following screenshot competitions:
sep 2012, jan 2013, apr 2013, aug 2013, mar 2014, mar 2016, oct 2020
All my work is released under GPL-license (either V2 or V3), if not clearly stated otherwise.
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Re: [OTTD] The Netherlands (Scenario, various sizes & climates)

Post by Quast65 »

The Netherlands 4096x4096

The Netherlands_4K_Arctic_v01.scn
(1.24 MiB) Downloaded 171 times
The Netherlands_4K_Temperate_v01.scn
(1.18 MiB) Downloaded 200 times

These scenario's will probably not run on "vanilla" OTTD!
To play these, you will probably need a patched version of the game, for example JGR-patchpack.
Last edited by Quast65 on 05 Oct 2020 12:15, edited 1 time in total.
Projects: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=57266
Screenshots: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=56959
Scenario of The Netherlands: viewtopic.php?f=60&t=87604

Winner of the following screenshot competitions:
sep 2012, jan 2013, apr 2013, aug 2013, mar 2014, mar 2016, oct 2020
All my work is released under GPL-license (either V2 or V3), if not clearly stated otherwise.
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Re: [OTTD] The Netherlands (Scenario, various sizes & climates)

Post by Quast65 »

The Netherlands 8192x8192

The Netherlands_8K_Arctic_v01.scn
(2.48 MiB) Downloaded 168 times
The Netherlands_8K_Temperate_v01.scn
(2.39 MiB) Downloaded 238 times

These scenario's will probably not run on "vanilla" OTTD!
To play these, you will probably need a patched version of the game, for example JGR-patchpack.
Projects: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=57266
Screenshots: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=56959
Scenario of The Netherlands: viewtopic.php?f=60&t=87604

Winner of the following screenshot competitions:
sep 2012, jan 2013, apr 2013, aug 2013, mar 2014, mar 2016, oct 2020
All my work is released under GPL-license (either V2 or V3), if not clearly stated otherwise.
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